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tea for two是什么意思 tea for two的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-08-09 13:17:52
  • 151

tea for two是什么意思 tea for two的中文翻译、读音、例句

Tea for two是一个短语,表示两人一起喝茶。这个短语也可以用来表示两个人一起做某件事情,或者表示一种浪漫的氛围。


读音:[tiː fɔː tuː]


1. Let's have tea for two in the garden.


2. They went to the café and had tea for two.


3. It's always nice to have tea for two with your close friend.


tea for two通常被翻译为"两个人一起喝茶、网络"的意思,还有鸳鸯茶的意思,发音音标为[teafortwo],tea for two在英语中经常以名词形式出现,在《郎文英汉双解大词典》中,共找到75个与tea for two相关的例句。

Tea for Two的释义


例句:How can you be so sure Tea Adacheris your daughter? (你怎么那么肯定 Tea Adacheris就是你的女儿?)


例句:Old woman, I not is invite you to drink tea (I not is invite you to drink tea)


例句:With fruit of grain, make tea have big jujube tea, fructus schisandrae tea, papaya tea, MeiShi tea, etc. (用水果·种粒做成的茶有大枣茶、五味子茶、木瓜茶、梅实茶等。)


例句:Just going to make a cup of tea. (翻译:我去泡杯茶 just going to make a cup of tea.)


tea for two一般作为名词使用,如在Tea for Two([网络] 鸳鸯茶;双人午茶;两个人一起喝茶)、two and two(= by two)、two by two(na. 两个两个\n[网络] 两个两个地;二乘二;两两成对)等常见短语中出现较多。

Tea for Two[网络] 鸳鸯茶;双人午茶;两个人一起喝茶
two and two= by two
two by twona. 两个两个\n[网络] 两个两个地;二乘二;两两成对
two for two[网络] 两个两美元
tea laser tea[网络] 激光器
for two[网络] 双人的;两名乘客设计;两个人相爱
in two分为两部分, 一分为二
or two[网络] 或两年;帮我出一两个点子吧;连兼差都没有


1. With fruit of grain, make tea have big jujube tea, fructus schisandrae tea, papaya tea, MeiShi tea, etc. (翻译:用水果·种粒做成的茶有大枣茶、五味子茶、木瓜茶、梅实茶等。)

2. Just going to make a cup of tea. (翻译:我去泡杯茶 just going to make a cup of tea.)

3. The way you wear your hat the way you sip your tea (翻译:The way you wear your hat the way you sip your tea)

4. Two mothers brought their daughters, Liv and Emma, here to the Palm Court for tea. (翻译:两位妈妈带着各自的女儿 丽芙和艾玛在喝下午茶)

5. One, two, one, two, one, two. (翻译:Run! One, two. One, two.)

6. the more tea graden area or the more tea incomes percent, the more wiliness for tea farmers to further invest in tea production. (翻译:家庭茶园面积越大或茶叶收入占家庭总收入比重越大,茶农及其家庭对进一步投资茶产业的意愿将越大。)

7. Maggie, thank you for the tea. (翻译:Maggie 感谢你请我喝茶 Maggie, thank you for the tea.)

8. ~ And why two plus two makes four ~ (翻译:# And why two plus two makes four #)

9. Qimen Black Tea, Huangshan Maofeng Tea, and Jasmine Tea are all very famous. (翻译:还有祁门红茶、黄山毛峰、茶等等,都是很有名的。)

10. Cubby Wubby Womb Room tea... (翻译:Cubby Wubby Womb Room tea...)

11. Destroyed two guys in two seconds. (翻译:Destroyed two guys in two seconds.)

12. What about... two cups of tea? (翻译:- 随便什么都可以,先拿两杯茶来喝 - 好的)

13. Is this the line for chai? (翻译:这是买茶饮的队伍么 Is this the line for tea?)

14. ♪ [ sighs ] Edwin suggested tea, (翻译:埃德温建议喝茶 Edwin suggested tea,)

15. ♪ One, two, One, two, three, yeah ♪ (翻译:[One, two, One, two, three, yeah])

词的意思:'tea for two' 是一个词组,意思是两个人享用的茶水。

词性:'tea for two' 是一个名词短语。

常用场景:'tea for two' 常用于描述两个人享用茶品的场景,例如在咖啡厅或家庭聚会中。

词组搭配:'tea for two' 可以与其他词组组合使用,例如 'a table for two' (两人用餐桌)。

相关短语:与 'tea for two' 相关的短语包括 'have tea for two' (两人共享茶水)和 'invite someone for tea' (邀请某人来喝茶)。

发音拼写:'tea for two' 的发音为 /tiː fɔː tuː/。

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