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polygamy是什么意思 polygamy的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2024-03-06 05:55:55
  • 263

polygamy是什么意思 polygamy的中文翻译、读音、例句



1. Polygamy is illegal in many countries.


2. In some cultures, polygamy is a traditional practice.


3. He was accused of practicing polygamy.





例句:He said polygamy was God's will. (他说一夫多妻是上帝的意志。)


例句:Worse still, European-run Churches condemned African practices like polygamy. (更糟的是,欧洲人管理的教会谴责 非洲人的习俗,比如多妻制。)


例句:Instances of prominent social and political figures in polygamous relationships has led to the perception of polygamy as a symbol of wealth, status and power. (在社会和方面有突出地位的人物 都保持着一夫多妻的关系, 这使得一夫多妻被看做是 财富、 地位和权力的象征。)


例句:During Taylor's presidency, the U. S. government intensified its campaign against polygamy. (翻译:整个泰勒任期内,美国加强了对一夫多妻制的打击力度。)


polygamy一般作为名词使用,如在trioecious polygamy(单全异株式)等常见短语中出现较多。

trioecious polygamy单全异株式


1. Instances of prominent social and political figures in polygamous relationships has led to the perception of polygamy as a symbol of wealth, status and power. (翻译:在社会和方面有突出地位的人物 都保持着一夫多妻的关系, 这使得一夫多妻被看做是 财富、 地位和权力的象征。)

2. During Taylor's presidency, the U. S. government intensified its campaign against polygamy. (翻译:整个泰勒任期内,美国加强了对一夫多妻制的打击力度。)

3. And he maintains that arguments which lean on tradition alone are inadequate, for the same reason that tradition cannot, nowadays, justify polygamy or footbinding. (翻译:他断言,在当今社会,人们无法以传统作为实行一夫多妻制或是裹小脚的理由,同理,那些仅仅靠传统为论据是论证是站不住脚的。)

4. We don't condone scandals... scandals of fraud and polygamy. (翻译:我们不会宽恕这些丑行—— 这些欺诈和重婚的丑行。)

5. Polygamy, according to the Court, clearly was subversive of good order and Congress could thus make the practice a crime. (翻译:根据法院的意见,一夫多妻制明显了良好秩序,因此国会能够将这种行为定为犯罪。)

6. Utah was all Mormon, except for the Indians, and the U. S. wouldn't make it a state because of polygamy. (翻译:犹他州之前除了印地安人外,都是徒,而且美国以前因为一夫多妻制不准许犹他州设州。)

7. The exact number of the marriage partners was not always specified, as various forms of polygamy were permitted in some cultures. (翻译:当各种类型的多配偶婚姻在某些国家得到法律承认之时,婚姻伴侣的确切数目总未有规定。)

8. Romney's paternal grandfather Gaskell was monogamous and the Mormon Church outlawed polygamy in 1890. (翻译:罗姆尼的祖父加斯克尔是一夫一妻制,并在1890年的取缔一夫多妻制。)

9. Take the subject of polygamy. (翻译:举一个一夫多妻制的主题。)

10. He suggested family patterns, including polygamy and absent fathers, were a factor. (翻译:他认为包括一夫多妻或者无父亲的单亲家庭等家庭模式是原因之一。)





1. 定义:Polygamy(多配偶制)指的是一种社会制度,其中一个人与多个配偶进行法律或社会上的婚姻联合体。Polygamy可以分为两种类型:Polygyny指一名男性与两个或更多的女性结婚,Polyandry指一名女性与两个或更多的男性结婚。

2. 形式:Polygamy可以采取多种形式,例如一夫多妻制(Polygyny)、一妻多夫制(Polyandry)或多夫多妻制(Polygynandry)。

3. 文化背景:Polygamy主要与一些和文化背景有关,例如教和等。

4. 争议:Polygamy在一些国家和地区被禁止,因为它被认为有潜在的性别不平等和家庭破裂的风险。另一方面,支持Polygamy的人认为尊重个人选择和自由权。

5. 犯罪:一些国家和地区将Polygamy定为非法行为,因此涉及到Polygamy的人可能会面临法律诉讼和刑事指控。


1. Polygamy is a form of marriage that allows a person to have more than one spouse at the same time.(Polygamy是一种婚姻形式,允许一个人同时拥有多个配偶。)

2. Polygyny, a form of polygamy, is practiced by some cultures and religions around the world.(Polygyny是一种Polygamy的形式,被世界上一些文化和所实践。)

3. The legal status of polygamy varies from country to country, and it is prohibited in many places.(Polygamy的法律地位因国家而异,在许多地方被禁止。)

4. Some people argue that polygamy is a violation of women's rights and can lead to family breakdown.(一些人认为Polygamy是对女性权利的侵犯,并且可能导致家庭破裂。)

5. In some countries where polygamy is illegal, people are still practicing it in secret.(在一些Polygamy被定为非法的国家,人们仍然秘密地进行该行为。)

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