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ultrazone是什么意思 ultrazone的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-01-20 02:07:56
  • 194

ultrazone是什么意思 ultrazone的中文翻译、读音、例句





1. The new shopping mall is designed to create an ultrazone shopping experience.


2. The theme park has an ultrazone roller coaster that is not for the faint-hearted.





例句:I want ultra-tight surveillance. (我要求最严密的监控 I want ultra -tight surveillance.)


例句:Uh, right-wing, or technically ultra-left, but not affiliated. (右翼份子 严格来说 极左路线者 Uh, right -wing, or technically ultra -left,)


例句:"The microchip industry depends on materials that are ultra smooth and ultra flat, " he said. "This was anything but that. " (他说:“微芯片的制作必须使用超滑超平的材料,而这是鸡毛芯片绝对达不到的。”)


1. "The microchip industry depends on materials that are ultra smooth and ultra flat, " he said. "This was anything but that. " (翻译:他说:“微芯片的制作必须使用超滑超平的材料,而这是鸡毛芯片绝对达不到的。”)

2. And, rule two, always stay within the safe zone. (翻译:第二个规矩 待在安全区域 And, rule two, always stay within the safe zone.)

3. Get out of your comfort zone. (翻译:别开的这么娘炮 加速 踩油门 Get out of your comfort zone.)

4. New Lotus iNotes redirector settings for ultra-light mode (翻译:针对 ultra-light 模式的新 Lotus iNotes 重定向器设置 )

5. Look, your anxiety levels are right in the zone. (翻译:看 你的焦虑水平达到理想值了 Look, your anxiety levels are right in the zone.)

6. ♪ I want to get in the zone. ♪ (翻译:我要进场 一决胜负* *I want to get in the zone)

7. typical secondary structure transitional zone including bayan tara structure zone, Sueren noll structure zone. (翻译:二级构造传递带最为典型的有巴彦塔拉构造带、苏仁诺尔构造带。)

8. Contents of both trace elements and oxide significantly increase from supralittoral zone to intertidal zone and to subtidal zone. (翻译:无论是微量元素还是氧化物,其含量大多数都由潮上带—潮间带—潮下带呈明显增大的趋势。)

9. The basin consists of central diapiric zone and a slope zone. (翻译:该盆地由中央底辟带和斜坡带两个构造单元组成。)

10. He knows that if that gas is released in zone 1, (翻译:他知道如果毒气扩散到一区 He knows that if that gas is released in Zone 1,)

11. ♪ ...in the Central Standard Zone ♪ (翻译:# 在北美中部 # # in the Central Standard Zone #)

12. It is a typically ecological transition zone and eco-critical zone, and this area is also the aboundant zone of natural resources. (翻译:同时,又是资源富集带,资源与环境的矛盾十分突出,再加之近年来煤炭开发,进一步加剧了环境恶化。)

13. So, just take the ultra-fortified (翻译:所以 只需要拿下海德拉高强度戒备的城堡 So, just take the ultra)

14. In this case, the actual file will be located in /var/bind/pri/mcslp.pri.zone. (翻译:在此例中,实际文件将位于 /var/bind/pri/mcslp.pri.zone 中。)

15. Analysis of evolution and life-time of the plasma channel produced by ultra-stort ultra-high power laser pulse (翻译:超短超强脉冲激光产生的电离通道的存活性态分析)


1. 定义:ultrazone可以是一个单词或缩写,指的是极限运动或游戏中的游戏场所或体验中心。

2. 原始含义:Ultrazone最初是一款基于光电子技术的射击游戏,但随着时间的推移,这个词的含义已经扩展到包括其他形式的极限运动和游戏。

3. 游戏场所:在某些城市中,Ultrazone是一种受欢迎的极限游戏体验中心,提供各种室内运动和游戏选项,如激光标签、攀岩、波浪滑板等。

4. 品牌名称:ultrazone也可以作为某些极限游戏和运动设备公司的品牌名称。

5. 娱乐设施:除了极限活动中心,Ultrazone还用于描述其他娱乐设施,如全息幻境、音乐演出和体验式博物馆等。


1. Ultrazone is the ultimate destination for seekers, offering a range of high-intensity games and activities. (Ultrazone是极限运动爱好者的终极目的地,提供各种高强度的游戏和活动。)

2. I spent my birthday playing laser tag at Ultrazone with my friends. (我和朋友在Ultrazone度过了我生日,玩了激光标签游戏。)

3. Have you ever been to an Ultrazone? It's like an indoor amut park for adults. (你去过Ultrazone吗?那就像是的室内游乐场。)

4. We're heading to Ultrazone this weekend to try out their new virtual reality experience. (我们这个周末要去Ultrazone,试一试他们的新虚拟现实体验。)

5. The Ultrazone brand is synonymous with extreme sports and adventure. (Ultrazone品牌与极限运动和冒险等同起来。)

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