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devot是什么意思 devot的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-13 10:12:37
  • 313

devot是什么意思 devot的中文翻译、读音、例句



1. She was a devoted wife, always taking care of her husband and children.(她是一位热心的妻子,总是照顾丈夫和孩子。)

2. He is a devoted fan of the football club, and never misses a match.(他是一个足球俱乐部的忠实粉丝,从不错过任何一场比赛。)

3. The staff at the animal shelter are all devoted to caring for the animals.(动物收容所的工作人员都非常热心地照顾动物。)

1. 词性与词义:debot是一个形容词,通常用于描述人的特性或行为,意思是忠实的、热心的、虔诚的。

例句:She is a devout Christian and attends church every Sunday.(她是一个虔诚的徒,每个星期天都去教堂。)

2. 转化为名词:devotion是debot的名词形式,意为忠诚、热心。

例句:His love and devotion to his family are evident in everything he does.(他对家人的爱和热心在他所做的一切中都表现出来。)

3. 同义词:debot的一些同义词包括:faithful、loyal、dedicated和committed。

例句:As a devoted fan of the team, he never missed a game.(作为这个队的忠实粉丝,他从不错过一场比赛。)

4. 反义词:debot的反义词是unfaithful或disloyal,意为不忠实或不忠诚。

例句:I can't believe she cheated on her husband. He was always so devoted to her.(我不敢相信她会对她的丈夫不忠。他一直那么忠于她。)

5. 衍生词:devotionally是devot的副词形式,意为忠诚地、虔诚地。

例句:She prayed devotionally every morning before starting her day.(她在开始一天之前每天早上都虔诚地祈祷。)

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