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shuffling是什么意思 shuffling的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-04-26 08:02:51
  • 231

shuffling是什么意思 shuffling的中文翻译、读音、例句




1. The old man was shuffling along the street, carrying a heavy bag.


2. After finishing the game, they started shuffling the cards for the next round.





例句:♪ oh, no, silver tongue, they be shuffling in in old clothes ♪ (哦,不,能说会道,他们是 在旧衣服在洗牌)


例句:♪ In the shuffling madness ♪ (♪ In the shuffling madness ♪)


例句:Rapid Improvement of Lipase Production in Penicillium expansum by Genome Shuffling (基因组改组技术快速提高扩展青霉碱性脂肪酶产量)


例句:They often employ two or three of the Big Four in various roles, so rotating auditors is like shuffling a tiny pack of cards. (翻译:它们经常在四大中聘用两三家来履行不同的职能,不时地轮换一下,就像在洗一副只有几张牌的。)


shuffling一般作为名词使用,如在exon shuffling(外显子混编)、fibre shuffling(纤维推移)、gene shuffling(基因混编)等常见短语中出现较多。

exon shuffling外显子混编
fibre shuffling纤维推移
gene shuffling基因混编
mana shuffling[网络] 法力值洗牌
shuffling device料倒换装置
shuffling gait[医]曳行步态
shuffling of fuel燃料的调换
shuffling position[燃料]料位置
shuffling procedure换[燃料]程序


1. Rapid Improvement of Lipase Production in Penicillium expansum by Genome Shuffling (翻译:基因组改组技术快速提高扩展青霉碱性脂肪酶产量)

2. They often employ two or three of the Big Four in various roles, so rotating auditors is like shuffling a tiny pack of cards. (翻译:它们经常在四大中聘用两三家来履行不同的职能,不时地轮换一下,就像在洗一副只有几张牌的。)

3. Smirgut's plan was dazzling in its simplicity. Perhaps too dazzling. (Shuffling) (翻译:Smirguts计划简单得让人眼花缭乱, 也许耀眼的...)

4. "Herons do a shuffling behavior to stir up the substrate" and find food, said Lockley. (翻译:劳克雷说,“鹭是通过慢慢移动来搅动底土层并找到食物的”。)

5. Nabokov routinely composed on such cards, shuffling and reshuffling the deck as he wrote. It was like constructing a puzzle. (翻译:纳博科夫时常在这样的卡片上创作,一边写一边打乱卡片的顺序,就像在构建一个谜。)

6. This functionality can be handy if you're shuffling an m3u file or something similar. (翻译:如果要打乱m3 u文件或类似内容,则使用此功能可能很便利。)

7. Assembled in a large circle, dancers did a basic shuffling step or other jitterbug step like the Lindy Hop. (翻译:舞蹈者围成大圈,跳基本的小曳步或其他吉特巴舞步,如林蒂跳步等。)

8. And I'm afraid the old relic shuffling about in this entirely useless fashion must almost certainly be me. (翻译:而且我想这个衣着过时,飘荡无依的老古董 应该指的就是我)

9. Sitting in your room and shuffling cards in front of a mirror? (翻译:不然的话你在干嘛 坐在屋子里 对着镜子洗牌吗)

10. SOUND of office busywork: shuffling, typing, arguing. (翻译:办公室中忙碌的声音:脚步声,打字声,争吵声。)

11. Harry stepped over a pack of Self-Shuffling playing cards on the floor and looked out of the tiny window. (翻译:哈利跨过地板上一副自动洗牌的纸牌,朝小窗外面望去。)

12. We're gonna be shuffling the offices around a bit, so if you could get your stuff together and be ready in the next few days, okay? (翻译:我们准备调换下办公室 你最好能在接下来的几天里 把你的东西收拾好做着准备)

13. - You and I could end up... shuffling along the sidewalk in our bathrobes. (翻译:-你和我可能总有一天 会穿着浴衣拖着脚走在人行道上)

14. The swiftness of Hosni Mubarak's downfall was stunning, but the sight of an aging autocrat shuffling into ignominy is by now a familiar one. (翻译:胡斯尼穆巴拉克的垮台迅捷是惊人的,但一进入老龄化者耻辱洗牌现在看到一个熟悉的之一。)

15. You know the people shuffling around like zombies with vacant eyes in the prison ward? (翻译:你知道那些走路晃晃悠悠的人 像在牢房里双目无珠的僵尸)



词义: shuffling是动词shuffle的现在分词形式,意为移动步伐或物体时发出杂乱无章的声音,或者迅速地洗牌。

词性: shuffling是一个形容词或名词。

词组搭配: shuffling of feet(踢踏声),shuffling of papers(纸张摆弄声),shuffling off this mortal coil(去世),shuffleboard(拖鞋滑槽游戏)

短语:rambling and shuffling(漫无目的地走),shuffle off(摆脱),shuffle along(慢慢地走),shuffle up(靠近)

发音拼写: /ˈʃʌflɪŋ/


1. He was shuffling his feet and looking down at the ground.(他踢踏着脚,低头看着地面。)

2. The deck of cards was shuffled before the game. (游戏之前会洗牌。)

3. The old man shuffled along the street with his cane.(老人拄着拐杖沿街走着。)

4. The audience was getting impatient with the shuffling of papers on stage.(观众对台上纸张摆弄声感到不耐烦。)

5. I need to shuffle off this mortal coil and join the choir invisible.(我需要离开这个世界,去成为不可见的合唱团成员。)

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