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dead hearts是什么意思 dead hearts的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-13 10:14:34
  • 160

dead hearts是什么意思 dead hearts的中文翻译、读音、例句

翻译:死去的心灵;读音:dèad hɑːts;例句:The novel depicts a world of dead hearts and lost souls.(这本小说描绘了一个充满死去的心灵和迷失灵魂的世界。)

I don't have a specific job title or occupation, but I could provide some insights on "dead hearts" from multiple perspectives based on linguistic knowledge.

1. Etymology and definition

"Dead hearts" can be yzed as a compound noun consisting of two separate words: "dead" and "hearts". "Dead" means no longer alive, lifeless, or not functional, while "heart" refers to the organ that pumps blood or the emotional center of a person. Combined together, "dead hearts" could convey the idea of people or things that lack vitality or passion, or have lost their ability to feel empathy and love.

2. Cultural references and symbolism

"Dead hearts" can have a metaphorical significance in various contexts, such as literature, music, or art. For example, in the novel "Heart of Darkness" by Joseph Conrad, the protagonist Marlow refers to the ruthless colonialist as having "dead hearts" that cannot see beyond their own interests. In the song "Dead Hearts" by Stars, the lyrics depict a relationship that has lost its spark and turned into a "dead heart" situation. In visual arts, the image of a "dead heart" can be represented by a skull or a broken heart.

3. Linguistic variations and usage

"Dead hearts" can also have different forms or be used in various ways, depending on the context and the speaker's intention. For instance, "dead-hearted" can be an adjective to describe someone who is cold, unfeeling, or cruel. "Heartless" can be a synonym for "dead-hearted". "Heart dies" or "a dead heart" can refer to a medical condition related to heart failure or cardiac arrest.

4. Psychological implications and theutic approaches

"Dead hearts" can be a psychological state or symptom that requires attention and treatment. In clinical psychology, "anhedonia" or "emotional numbness" can be signs of depression or trauma, where a person feels detached from their emotions and experiences. Theutic techniques such as cognitive-behavioral therapy, mindfulness, or artistic expression can help people overcome "dead hearts" and reconnect with their feelings.

Example sentences:

1. The soldier came back from war with a dead heart, unable to love his family or find joy in his life.

2. The company's management had a dead heart towards the workers' demands, ignoring their complaints and exploiting their labor.

3. She told me that her boyfriend broke up with her because he felt that their relationship had turned into a dead heart situation.

4. After experiencing a serious heart attack, he became afraid of having a dead heart and started taking care of his health more.

5. The the used art therapy to help the patient who suffered from a dead heart to express his emotions and regain his sense of self.

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