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free bird是什么意思 free bird的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-11-17 19:22:35
  • 270

free bird是什么意思 free bird的中文翻译、读音、例句


【读音】friː bərd


1. I love listening to "Free Bird" by Lynyrd Skynyrd when I'm feeling restless.(我喜欢在心烦意乱的时候听Lynyrd Skynyrd的《自由之鸟》。)

2. The eagle soaring through the sky represents the ultimate symbol of a free bird.(翱翔于天空的老鹰是自由之鸟的最终象征。)

1. 定义:'free bird'可以是指一个自由自在的人,也可以是指一种鲍带式翻盖手机的型号。缩写词如'FB'可能指脸书(Facebook)或者自由球员(free agent)等。


- She's a free bird who loves to travel and never stays in one place for too long.(她是个喜欢旅行、从不呆太久在一个地方的自由奔放的人。)

- The new 'free bird' phone has a sleek and modern design that is sure to impress customers.(这款新的‘自由鸟’手机有着时尚流畅的设计,一定会给客户留下深刻印象。)

- I spend way too much time on FB, scrolling through my newsfeed and liking everyone's posts.(我在脸书上花费了太多的时间,滚动着我的新闻动态并点赞每个人的帖子。)

- After his contract expired, the football player became a free agent and was able to sign with any team he wanted.(合同到期后,这个足球运动员成为了自由球员,可以自由选择加入任何一个球队。)

2. 喻义:'free bird'也可以被用来象征得到自由的感觉,解脱束缚的状态,或者是意味着不受约束的冲动。


- After quitting his job, he felt like a free bird and finally had the time and energy to pursue his passions.(辞职后,他感到自由自在,终于有时间和精力追求他的热爱。)

- The song 'Free Bird' by Lynyrd Skynyrd is a classic rock anthem about breaking free from chains and living without regrets.(Lynyrd Skynyrd的歌曲‘自由鸟’是一首经典的摇滚歌曲,说的是摆脱束缚和无悔生活的主题。)

- Sometimes I just want to be a free bird and do something crazy and spontaneous, without worrying about the consequences.(有时候我只想做一个自由自在的人,做些疯狂、冲动的事情,而不必担心后果。)

3. 文化:'free bird'也可能是某个文化或音乐群体的代表符号,例如摇滚音乐、南部文化等。


- Many fans of southern rock consider 'Free Bird' to be one of the greatest songs ever written, and it is often played at concerts and parties.(许多南方摇滚乐迷认为‘自由鸟’是有史以来最伟大的歌曲之一,经常在音乐会和派对上演奏。)

- The 'Free Bird' shirt he wore was a nod to his love of Lynyrd Skynyrd and southern culture.(他穿的‘自由鸟’T恤是为了向他对Lynyrd Skynyrd和南方文化的热爱致敬。)

4. 商业:'free bird'还可以是商业品牌的名称或标识,例如餐厅、咖啡厅、服装品牌等。


- I had the most delicious chicken sandwich at Free Bird's yesterday.(昨天我在自由鸟餐厅吃到了最美味的鸡肉三明治。)

- The coffee at Freebirds is always strong and flavorful, it's my go-to spot for a caffeine fix.(自由鸟咖啡的咖啡永远浓郁美味,是我解决需求的首选地。)

- The Free Bird clothing brand has a casual and comfortable vibe that fits my style perfectly.(自由鸟服装品牌有着随意舒适的感觉,非常符合我的风格。)

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