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carpoly是什么意思 carpoly的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-13 10:16:57
  • 193

carpoly是什么意思 carpoly的中文翻译、读音、例句


读音:kǎ pō lì


1. Carpoly是一家专业的汽车配件生产厂家,提供优质的产品与服务。

Carploy is a professional car parts manufacturer that provides high-quality products and services.

2. 这款汽车的车身材料采用了Carpoly公司的专利技术,非常坚固耐用。

The car's body material uses Carpolly's patented technology, which is very strong and durable.



1. carpology(名词)- 植物果实学

2. carpool(名词/动词)- 拼车;共乘

3. carport(名词)- 车棚

4. car polisher(名词)- 汽车抛光机

5. car polisher pad(名词)- 汽车抛光机垫片

6. car polishing(名词)- 汽车打蜡

7. carbonpolymer(名词)- 碳基聚合物


1. Carpology is the branch of botany that studies the structure and function of fruits and seeds.(植物果实学是研究果实和的结构和功能的植物学分支。)

2. We decided to carpool to work to save money and reduce traffic congestion.(我们决定拼车上班,以节省资金并减少交通拥堵。)

3. We built a carport to protect our vehicles from the sun and rain.(我们建了一个车棚,以保护我们的汽车免受阳光和雨水的侵害。)

4. She used a car polisher to remove the scratches on her car's paint.(她用汽车抛光机去掉了她的汽车漆面上的划痕。)

5. Make sure you have the right car polisher pad to avoid damaging your car's paint.(确保你有正确的汽车抛光机垫片,以避免损坏汽车的漆面。)

6. He spent the weekend car polishing to make his car shine for the car show.(他花了整个周末的时间打蜡,让他的车在车展上熠熠生辉。)

7. Carbonpolymer is a type of polymer that contains carbon atoms in the polymer chain.(碳基聚合物是一种聚合物,其聚合物链中含有碳原子。)

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