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wary是什么意思 wary的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-13 10:13:57
  • 188

wary是什么意思 wary的中文翻译、读音、例句



1. He was wary of strangers and always kept his guard up.(他对陌生人很谨慎,总是保持着警惕)

2. After being cheated once, she became more wary of people's intentions.(被骗过一次后,她更加小心谨慎地对待人们的意图)

3. The company was wary of investing in the new technology until they had more information about its potential.(公司在获得更多关于新技术潜力的信息之前对投资持谨慎态度)




例句:So common people are becoming more risk-conscious and are more wary of traps and deceits. (因此,老百姓变得越来越有危机意识而陷阱和也变得越来越谨慎。)


例句:And in fact the Popes after Gregory have been pretty wary about his statement. (事实上,格列高里后面的教宗 对他的声明相当小心谨慎。)


例句:Wary of being outflanked, George Bush may extend mortgage insurance for someday-strapped borrowers. (乔治·布什谨慎地饶开各种阻碍,可能会延长部分现金借款的按揭保险。)


例句:But it's as well to be wary of the way some of their claims are greenwash. (翻译:但还是得小心,谨防他们的部分主张不过是在粉饰自己环保。)


wary一般作为形容词使用,如在wary of(谨防,当心,注意,惟恐)等常见短语中出现较多。

wary of谨防,当心,注意,惟恐


1. Wary of being outflanked, George Bush may extend mortgage insurance for someday-strapped borrowers. (翻译:乔治·布什谨慎地饶开各种阻碍,可能会延长部分现金借款的按揭保险。)

2. But it's as well to be wary of the way some of their claims are greenwash. (翻译:但还是得小心,谨防他们的部分主张不过是在粉饰自己环保。)

3. Be wary of advice from old fogies like me. (翻译:关注像我这样老家伙的建议。)

4. At first, the children were wary of me, staring blankly from doorways, sometimes running away. (翻译:刚开始,村里的孩子们对我十分警惕。他们在门口目不转睛地盯着我,有时看到我就跑开。)

5. The Germans - wary, watchful, nervously smiling - see their Russian conquerors for the first time. (翻译:德国人... 小心翼翼,警惕,紧张地笑着... 第一次看到了他们的俄国征服者)

6. Wary of further bloodshed, the coup plotters gave up the next day. (翻译:由于担心发生更多流血事件,策划者第二天放弃了努力。)

7. Do we need to be so wary both to hitch and to give a lift? (翻译:对于搭便车和让别人搭车的情况,我们都需要如此小心吗? )

8. Bel Iblis was wary of Mon Mothma's power and influence. (翻译:贝尔·伊布利斯对蒙·莫思玛的权力和影响力很警觉。)

9. Now, we're generally wary of fitness fads. (翻译:总的来说现在我们对健身时尚很敏感。)

10. Be wary of enemy chaffs. (翻译:注意敌人的铂条干扰。)

11. Act smooth and they're wary. Act stupid and they switch off. (翻译:表现的太聪明了,他们会警觉, 表现的太差了他们就不会满意。)

12. Keith wanted to ask June for a date but was wary of the disapproving glare of big daddy. (翻译:基思想邀请琼约会,但唯恐遭受最重要人物不同意的目光。)

13. Even the cur is wary of the door it's kicked out of (翻译:即使贱狗在它曾被踢出去的门面前也会小心点.)

14. Toby taught me one trait to be wary of is an overeagerness to connect. (翻译:托比教过我提防 过度急切想要建立感情的人)

15. But be very wary, you could just lose yourselves along the way. (翻译:千万保持警觉你们可能会在路途中慢慢迷失自己 But be very wary, you could just lose yourselves along the way.)



1. 词性和意思:wary是一个形容词,意思是小心的、谨慎的,通常与某种危险或风险相关。

2. 同义词:cautious、careful、vigilant、alert、watchful

3. 反义词:careless、reckless、bold、brave、confident

4. 语法用法:wary常常与介词of连用,表示对某种事情持谨慎态度。

5. 生活实用:wary的使用场景很广泛,可以用于描述人的行为、态度,也可以用于描述食品、交易等事物。在商务和金融领域尤为常见。


1. I'm wary of giving my personal information to strangers on the internet.(我不太敢在网上把个人信息随便透露给陌生人。)

2. After the robbery, the residents of the neighborhood became very wary of strangers.(案发生后,这个社区的居民对陌生人更加小心谨慎了。)

3. The government is becoming increasingly wary of the potential for cyber attacks.(越来越担心网络攻击的可能性。)

4. The company is wary of investing too much money in a new product until market research has been completed.(在市场调研完成之前,公司对于过于投入大量资金到新产品上非常谨慎。)

5. The customer was wary of buying the product until she read some positive reviews online.(这位顾客在看到一些好评之前,都很不确定是否要购买这个产品。)

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