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carla是什么意思 carla的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-08-03 12:01:20
  • 1620

carla是什么意思 carla的中文翻译、读音、例句


读音:kǎ lā

例句:Carla is a very talented musician. (卡拉是一位非常有才华的音乐家。)




例句:Lola and Carla, do you have to talk? (Lola和Carla, 你们必须交谈吗?)


例句:I can't imagine that Carla got beat out! (我简直不敢想像那个高傲的Carla被打败了)


例句:- No, there is not. Because Carla's father was never gonna be her father. (那儿没有是因为Carla的爸爸 永远不会成为她的爸爸)


例句:With Monica there's a feeling that with Carla... (翻译:我跟Monica一起有感觉 跟Carla...)





1. - No, there is not. Because Carla's father was never gonna be her father. (翻译:那儿没有是因为Carla的爸爸 永远不会成为她的爸爸)

2. With Monica there's a feeling that with Carla... (翻译:我跟Monica一起有感觉 跟Carla...)

3. How well do you know Carla? (翻译:你对卡拉有多了解? )

4. But, Carla, I can't expose Ari and Amanda's relationship. (翻译:但Carla 我不能揭露Ari和Amanda的关系)

5. Look, Carly. Thea Manning. That's his mother, Carly. (翻译:看, Carla, Thea Manning, 他的妈妈, Carla)

6. Carla, this is Amanda, a rising star in psy-ops. (翻译:Carla这是Amanda心理战学界的新星)

7. Carla's got all our watches locked into her GPS network. (翻译:Carla的得到了我们所有的手表 锁定在她的GPS网络。)

8. His wife, Carla childs, I'm representing her. She's divorcing him. (翻译:我在代表他老婆Carla Childs 她要跟他离婚)

9. Ephraim and Carla, my granddaughter. (翻译:参加Ephraim和我孙女Carla的婚礼)

10. Hey, Carla. Carla, Screen 6. Yeah. (翻译:Carla Carla 6号屏幕 对 那是谁)

11. Here it is. I met Carla at the tavern. Blind. (翻译:是这样的 我在小酒馆碰到了Carla 当时不认识 懂吗?)

12. What we have is so powerful, Carly. Can't you feel it? (翻译:我们之间的爱是很强烈的, Carla, 你感觉不到吗?)

13. - So do you, Carly, with your telescope. (翻译:- 你也一样, Carla, 用你的望远镜)

14. Uh, Santa Carla, in the Valley, but, uh, no. (翻译:她是本地人吗? 桑塔卡拉 在山谷里 但是)

15. And the neighbours can't recall any Carla Miller. (翻译:周围邻居根本就记不起有个叫卡拉.米勒的人)

1. 词义:Carla是一个女性姓名,源于拉丁语,意为“自由”或“强壮”。

2. 词性:Carla是一个名词,用来指代一个人的姓名。

3. 词组搭配:Carla常与“女士”或“”一起使用,例如“Carla女士”或“Carla”。

4. 短语:无

5. 发音拼写:['kɑrlə],其中“a”发[ɑ]音。

6. 例句:

- Carla非常喜欢旅行,她已经去过许多国家。

Carla loves to travel, she has been to many countries.

- Carla今天不在办公室,她出差了。

Carla is not in the office today, she is on a business trip.

- 我昨天晚上和Carla一起去吃饭了。

I went out to dinner with Carla last night.

- Carla在公司工作已经三年了,她表现非常出色。

Carla has been working at the company for three years and she has been doing an excellent job.

- 虽然我跟Carla不太熟,听说她是个非常友好和乐观的人。

Although I don't know Carla very well, I heard that she is a very friendly and optimistic person.

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