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quasi是什么意思 quasi的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-13 10:11:28
  • 176

quasi是什么意思 quasi的中文翻译、读音、例句



1. They have a quasi-parental relationship.


2. The company has a quasi-monopoly on the market.


3. The new product is a quasi-improvement over the old one.





例句:Long-range Excitons in a Quasi-one-dimensional PtCl Complex and Its Responses to Electrostatic Fields (准一维PtCl络合物的长程激子及其对静电场的响应)


例句:Parabolic equations with nonlocal boundary conditions arise from quasi-static elasticity, electrochemistry and etc. (在准静态弹性力学中常遇到求解带有非局部边界条件的抛物方程初边值问题。)


例句:In your latest books, the sense of menace has receded, and the prevailing atmosphere is one of quasi mathematical, geometric cheerfulness. (在你最近出版的书中,危机感有所减退,但是占主要地位的是一种类似数学的,几何学的快活。)


例句:In chapter two we first define left quasi-dual bimodules. (翻译:在第二章中我们首先定义了左拟对偶双边模。)


quasi一般作为副词、形容词、动词使用,如在quasi adjectives([网络] 准形容词)、quasi affinity([网络] 准姻亲)、quasi asymptote(拟渐近线)等常见短语中出现较多。

quasi adjectives[网络] 准形容词
quasi affinity[网络] 准姻亲
quasi asymptote拟渐近线
quasi bidirectional[网络] 准双向的;准双向口
quasi capital[网络] 准资本
quasi coherent相干光
quasi concentric[通信] 准同心
quasi conductor导体,半导体
quasi conjunctionn. 拟合取式


1. In your latest books, the sense of menace has receded, and the prevailing atmosphere is one of quasi mathematical, geometric cheerfulness. (翻译:在你最近出版的书中,危机感有所减退,但是占主要地位的是一种类似数学的,几何学的快活。)

2. In chapter two we first define left quasi-dual bimodules. (翻译:在第二章中我们首先定义了左拟对偶双边模。)

3. Also, there is a rack of enemy ships behind the main fleet 0.24 is the rapid-quasi-proximity of the speed of light (翻译:后放也确认到复数敌舰 以0.24准光速快速接近中)

4. Then we discuss eight properties of basis graph of quasi-fuzzy graph matroid. (翻译:并在此基础上论证了准模糊图拟阵基图的八条性质定理。)

5. Quasi-known long after, the birds and the animals see no town of the ground pipe, began to perpetrate them. (翻译:准知不久之后,地上的飞禽走兽见无人镇管,开始胡作非为起来。)

6. "What is described as a quasi-market clearly is not working," concludes Ms Vignoles. (翻译:“所描述的准市场很明显没有作用,”安娜威隆丽女士总结道。)

7. For severely anisotropic rocks, the quasi-shear waves exhibit complex directionality, with cusps . (翻译:在严重的各向异性岩石中,准剪切波有复杂的方向特性,并有歧点。)

8. Systema-tical discrepancy exists between the experimental result and the quasi-particle prediction. (翻译:三、四准粒子激发带的实验分析结果,与之有明显不符。)

9. The equations of motion governing the quasi_static and dynamical behavior of a viscoelastic Timoshenko beam are derived. (翻译:利用哈密尔顿原理在积分型本构模型描述基础上建立粘弹性移动梁的控制方程。)

10. The compact submanifolds in quasi constant curvature Riemannian manifolds with Parallel Mean Curature Vector were studied. (翻译:研究拟常曲率黎曼流形中具有平行平均曲率向量的紧致子流形。)

11. The quasi-static and quasi-dynamic tests of SFRHSC mentioned above are carried out with test equipment. (翻译:利用材料试验机对上述材料进行准静态和准动态试验。)

12. Cyclic shift permutation structure is an important part of partial parallel decoder for quasi-cyclic LDPC codes. (翻译:循环移位置换单元是准循环LDPC码的部分并行译码器的重要组成部分。)

13. For most matrix of A, the linear differentiable equations with quasi-periodic finitely differentiable coefficients are reducible. (翻译:证明了对大多数的矩阵A,一类系数为有限次可微的拟周期线性常微分方程组是可约的。)

14. Done, and we can stop staying "quas"" (翻译:没问题 要是咱们对经理任命意见一致 Done, and we can stop saying quasi)

15. Donnelly called for a "quasi-permanent American garrison in Iraq" to protect these interests. (翻译:他呼吁用类似永久性的驻军驻扎在,以保护美在伊的利益。)


1. 定义: "quasi"是一个拉丁语单词,意为“近似地”,“类似于”,“准”的意思。在英语中,它通常用作一个前缀,用于描述某种东西或过程的近似性质或状态。

2. 种类: "quasi"可以作为前缀加在形容词或名词之前,如 "quasi-intellectual"或"quasi-governmental"。

3. 意义: "quasi"指的是一种近似或相似状态。它常常用于描述一些复杂或不确定的事物,如机构、法律条款、学术领域等。

4. 用法: "quasi"通常用于修饰名词或形容词,以表达近似或相似的含义。它可以用来描述事物的某个方面或特征,也可以用来描述整个事物的性质或状态。

5. 示例:

- The company is a quasi-monopoly, controlling the majority of the market share. (这家公司是准垄断,控制了大部分市场份额。)

- The government has established a quasi-military force to combat terrorism. (已经成立了一个准军事力量来打击。)

- The university's student government is a quasi-democratic organization, with elected representatives and voting procedures. (大学的学生是一个准组织,有选举代表和投票程序。)

- The new legislation is a quasi-ban on smoking in public places, with certain exceptions for designated smoking areas. (新立法是对公共场所吸烟的准禁令,但对指定吸烟区有一定的例外。)

- The research findings suggest a quasi-connection between sleep deprivation and cognitive decline. (研究结果表明,睡眠不足和认知能力下降之间存在着一种近似的联系。)

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