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wilbur是什么意思 wilbur的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-13 10:27:04
  • 200

wilbur是什么意思 wilbur的中文翻译、读音、例句





1. Wilbur was a distinguished author and Pulitzer Prize winner.


2. Wilbur and Orville Wright are credited with inventing and building the world's first successful airplane.





例句:Something that makes Wilbur so special that Zuckerman will never think about killing him again. (能够让韦伯与众不同 这样舒克曼就不会再想着宰他了)


例句:But, a ugliest information has broken the granary calmness: Wilbur's destiny go so far as to be to become bacon ham! (可是一个最丑恶的消息打破了谷仓的平静:威尔伯的命运竟是成为熏肉火腿!)


例句:The difference was, Orville and Wilbur were driven by a cause, by a purpose, by a belief. (不同的是, 奥维尔和维尔伯追求的是一个事业, 一个目标,一种信念。)


例句:He filled her in on Wilbur Kantor's visit. (翻译:他告诉了她威尔伯·坎特造访的详情。)


wilbur一般作为名词使用,如在wilbur cross([网络] 克洛斯;克罗斯)、Wilbur Wright([网络] 莱特;威尔伯·莱特;威伯莱特)、wilbur wrights([网络] 莱特;威尔伯·莱特;威伯莱特\n(wilbur wright 的复数))等常见短语中出现较多。

wilbur cross[网络] 克洛斯;克罗斯
Wilbur Wright[网络] 莱特;威尔伯·莱特;威伯莱特
wilbur wrights[网络] 莱特;威尔伯·莱特;威伯莱特\n(wilbur wright 的复数)


1. The difference was, Orville and Wilbur were driven by a cause, by a purpose, by a belief. (翻译:不同的是, 奥维尔和维尔伯追求的是一个事业, 一个目标,一种信念。)

2. He filled her in on Wilbur Kantor's visit. (翻译:他告诉了她威尔伯·坎特造访的详情。)

3. Wilbur Shaw's 1937 Gilmore Special was the first Indianapolis car to sport a fully streamlined body. (翻译:威尔伯·肖在1937年驾驶的GilmoreSpecial是印第安纳波利斯史上第一辆全流线型车身的跑车。)

4. Another Oregon good morning to you! (翻译:奥勒冈州对你说早安 我是KRAB的Wilbur Budd)

5. Orville and Wilbur Wright made an aeroplane. (翻译:奥维尔和威尔伯·赖特制造一架飞机。)

6. This was almost more than Wilbur could stand: on this dreary, rainy day to see his breakfast being eaten by somebody else. (翻译:在这样一个让人悲伤的下雨天,看着自己的早餐被别人吃掉,这幅景象几乎让威尔不能忍受了。)

7. Wilbur Charles's dad can't get work neither, but he says he'd rather do nothin' at all than something beneath his dignity. (翻译:威尔伯•查尔斯的爸爸也找不到工作 但他说宁可什么都不干 也不干低三下四的活)

8. You have had your fun raising a baby pig, but Wilbur is not a baby any longer and he has got to be sold. (翻译:你已经尝到养一头小猪的乐趣了。但威尔伯不再是一头小猪,所以必须卖掉它。)

9. Wilbur left me down there, and I wasn't supposed to leave, and these monsters... (翻译:威尔伯把我留在那里 我并不打算离开那 还有这些怪物...)

10. And then, just as Wilbur was settling down for his morning nap, he heard again the thin voice that had addressed him the night before. (翻译:又过了一会儿,就在威尔伯正准备坐下来小睡一会时,它又听到了前一天晚上跟它说话的那个微弱的声音。)

11. It was a quick kayo, and Wilbur was the new champ. (翻译:威尔伯猝不及防的一击,使他成为新拳击冠军。)

12. ABRACADABRA! Wilbur had a red head, a yellow body, a pink tail, blue whiskers, and four purple legs. (翻译:威波儿有了红色的头,的身子,粉色的尾巴,蓝色的胡须和四条紫色的腿。)

13. Wilbur trotted over to the darkest corner of his pen and threw himself down. He closed his eyes. In another minute he spoke. (翻译:威尔伯碎步跑到自己猪栏中最黑的一个角落,躺了下来,闭上眼睛。但没一分钟,它又开口说话了。)

14. He then worked part-time as a draughtsman for Wilbur T. Trueblood and Hugo Graf in St Louis. (翻译:然后,他非全时工作作为素描的威尔伯吨特鲁伯罗德和Hugo格拉夫在圣路易斯。)

15. One guard in particular, Orel Wilbur, has had more contact than anyone. (翻译:其中一名狱警 Orel Wilbur 与她有更多接触 他常常加班)

1. 词源:'Wilbur'这个单词可能源自英格兰的一个姓氏,也可能是一种动植物的名称。同时,'Wilbur'也是一个广受欢迎的美国男子名字。


- He introduced himself as Wilbur, which she thought was an unusual name.

- Wilbur the pig became a beloved character in the children's book "Charlotte's Web".

2. 缩写词:'Wilbur'也可以作为某些组织、机构或产品的缩写词。


- The World Institute of Leadership and Business Research (WILBUR) conducts research on leadership and business practices.

- The Wilbur Chocolate Company has been producing delicious chocolate treats since 1884.

3. 文学作品:'Wilbur'也出现在一些文学作品中,如诗歌、小说等。


- Poet Richard Wilbur is known for his use of intricate rhyme schemes and precise language.

- The protagonist in E.B. White's "Charlotte's Web" is a pig named Wilbur.

4. 地理位置:'Wilbur'也可能是某个地理位置的名称,如城市、河流等。


- Wilbur Springs is a small town located in the northern part of California.

- Wilbur Creek is a tributary of the Hudson River in New York.

5. 其它:'Wilbur'还可以是某些特定场景下的代称或称呼,如在计算机领域中,有一种叫做'Wilbur server'的产品名称。


- The Wilbur server has advanced security features that keep your data safe.

- He affectionately called his cat Wilbur, after his favorite fictional pig.

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