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esports是什么意思 esports的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-13 10:30:25
  • 288

esports是什么意思 esports的中文翻译、读音、例句


读音:[diàn zǐ jìng jì]


Translation: Esports is becoming more and more popular globally.




例句:Today is sad day for MYM and a sad day for eSports. (今天对MYM而言是悲伤的一天,也是电子经济悲伤的一天。)


例句:A big part of "eSports" is the concept of balanced play, level playing field. (电子竞技的一个重要内容是平衡及等级分野。)


例句:A big part of "eSports" is the concept of balanced play, level playing field. (电子竞技的一个重要内容是平衡及等级分野。)


例句:We have faith that they will be a great partner in helping to advance eSports not just in Korea, but around the world. (翻译:我们也相信他们在帮助推广电竞时将是个很好的伙伴,此种关系将不只是在韩国,而是在全世界。)


1. A big part of "eSports" is the concept of balanced play, level playing field. (翻译:电子竞技的一个重要内容是平衡及等级分野。)

2. We have faith that they will be a great partner in helping to advance eSports not just in Korea, but around the world. (翻译:我们也相信他们在帮助推广电竞时将是个很好的伙伴,此种关系将不只是在韩国,而是在全世界。)

3. For our company, eSports has been a key to the longevity of several of our titles. (翻译:对于我们公司来说,电子竞技已经成为了我们数个产品长寿的关键。)

1. 定义:Esports是电子竞技的缩写,指通过电子设备和网络平台进行的竞技活动,包括电子游戏比赛、直播、训练、赛事运营等。


- Esports is a rapidly growing industry, with millions of fans and players around the world.

- The popularity of esports has led to the creation of professional teams and leagues.

- Many universities now offer scholarships for esports athletes.

- The success of the esports industry has attracted investment from major corporations.

2. 历史:Esports可以追溯到20世纪90年代,当时游戏比赛主要是在个人电脑上进行。随着技术的发展,游戏主机和网络游戏的出现,电子竞技开始进入职业化和大众化发展阶段。


- The first organized esports tournament was held in 1972, featuring the game "Spacewar!".

- The rise of esports as a global phenomenon can be traced back to the 2000s.

- The success of the game "League of Legends" has played a major role in the growth of esports in recent years.

- Esports was recognized as a medal event at the 2019 Southeast Asian Games.

3. 影响:Esports在娱乐、文化、经济等方面产生了广泛影响。它不仅成为了一种全新的娱乐方式,还带动了游戏产业的发展,促进了文化交流和国际合作。


- The growth of esports has led to the development of new gaming technologies and platforms.

- Esports tournaments and events have become major cultural phenomena, attracting millions of fans and viewers.

- The success of esports has led to the creation of new jobs and career opportunities.

- Esports has the potential to bring people from different cultures and backgrounds together.

4. 未来:随着技术的发展和人们对游戏的兴趣不断增长,Esports将继续朝着更加专业化、多元化、全球化的方向发展。


- The global esports market is projected to surpass $1 billion in revenue in 2020.

- Esports is expected to become a medal event at the 2024 Olympic Games.

- The growth of esports is driving innovation in the fields of gaming, media, and technology.

- Esports may one day become as popular as traditional sports like football and basketball.

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