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shivered是什么意思 shivered的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-10-04 16:58:37
  • 321

shivered是什么意思 shivered的中文翻译、读音、例句



1. She shivered with cold as she walked home from the station. (她从车站走回家时,感到寒冷,不停地颤抖。)

2. The little boy was so scared that he shivered in terror. (小男孩非常害怕,害怕得很厉害,直哆嗦。)

3. As she heard the terrifying news, she shivered and sat down in shock. (她听到了可怕的消息,被吓到了,颤抖着坐下。)




例句:The other day I shivered in front of a mailman. (.ﻲﺿﺎﻤﻟﺍ ﺪﻳﺮﺒﻟﺍ ﻲﻋﺎﺳ ﺔﻳﺅﺮﻟ ﺖﻣﺪﺻ ﺪﻘﻟ)


例句:The transporter shivered in the sand and I held my breath. (运输机颤抖着扎进了沙子, 我不由得屏住呼吸 )


例句:The father shivered, quickened his step, and held his gasping son tightly to him. (爸爸颤抖,加快他的步伐. 紧紧的把他的孩子抱在怀里)


例句:He set down his bag, and shivered, and took off his sodden hat and gloves and then his dripping greatcoat, which at once began to steam. (翻译:放下包,打着冷颤,摘下湿透的帽子还有手套,跟着脱下滴滴答答的厚大衣,那衣服很快就开始冒蒸汽。)


1. The father shivered, quickened his step, and held his gasping son tightly to him. (翻译:爸爸颤抖,加快他的步伐. 紧紧的把他的孩子抱在怀里)

2. He set down his bag, and shivered, and took off his sodden hat and gloves and then his dripping greatcoat, which at once began to steam. (翻译:放下包,打着冷颤,摘下湿透的帽子还有手套,跟着脱下滴滴答答的厚大衣,那衣服很快就开始冒蒸汽。)

3. 30am, BO WU GUAN bus stop, an old beggar. shivered in bise his grizzled beard. (翻译:博物馆站。一个上了年纪的乞讨者。花白的胡须在冷风中颤抖。)

4. I worked on concepts like an electronic tattoo, which is augmented by touch, or dresses that blushed and shivered with light. (翻译:我也研究过只通过触摸就可以搞定的 电子纹身 还有可以用光装饰甚至打上碎花的裙子 )

5. Now and then a wintry wind shivered through the place and sent the snow eddying hither and thither. (翻译:寒风不时地吹过,把雪吹得四处飘。)

6. Now Tom shivered from head to heel, for he caught sight of the stern face of Redskin Joe. (翻译:当汤姆看到印第安人乔那张凶暴的脸时,不禁全身发颤。)

7. But the Wind could not take the cloak off the man. The man shivered and held tightly to his cloak. (翻译:尽管如此,大风却始终无法将斗篷吹下,想法,那个人颤抖着将斗篷抓得更紧了。)

8. I worked on concepts like an electronic tattoo, which is augmented by touch, or dresses that blushed and shivered with light. (翻译:我也研究过只通过触摸就可以搞定的 电子纹身 还有可以用光装饰甚至打上碎花的裙子)

9. For days, I struggled to keep alive and I shivered with loneliness in a back room on the fourth floor of nowhere. (翻译:许多天 我挣扎着活下来 我孤独的颤抖... 在无名之地的四楼黑暗房间里)

10. He shivered in the cold. (翻译:他在寒冷中发抖。)

11. She wrapped herself up in a withered leaf, but it did not warm her at all and she shivered with cold. (翻译:她只好把自己裹在一片干枯的叶子里,可是这并不温暖,她仍冷得直打哆嗦!)

12. He shivered, stamped his feet, and beat his arms as he had seen other motorman do in the past, but said nothing. (翻译:他冻得直抖,于是像他以前看到别的司机所做的那样,跺着双脚,拍着两臂,但是一声不吭。)

13. Framton shivered slightly and turned towards the niece with a look intended to convey sympathetic comprehension. (翻译:弗兰姆顿偷偷打了个寒战,望向侄女,想传达一种同情的理解。)

14. Framton shivered slightly and turned towards the niece with a look intended to convey pathetic comprehension. (翻译:弗莱姆顿微微打了个寒战,朝那侄女望了一眼,以表达自己的同情和理解。)

15. She shivered a little, quaked some more, she yawned a mighty, mighty roar. (翻译:它轻吼了吼 又震了震 它大吼一声 震彻四方)




1. 词性:动词


2. 同义词:trembled, shuddered


3. 反义词:calmed down


4. 运用场景:这个词通常被用来形容在寒冷气温下,或者受到惊吓时,人体的反应。


5. 派生词:shivering, shiveringly




1. The poor dog shivered with fear during the thunderstorm.


2. I shivered in the cold wind, wishing I had brought a jacket.


3. The image of the terrifying monster made me shiver.


4. The little girl shivered in excitement as she saw the amut park.


5. The entire cast shiveringly waited for their cue to begin the play.


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