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croup是什么意思 croup的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-13 10:19:10
  • 216

croup是什么意思 croup的中文翻译、读音、例句

croup的中文翻译是“喉炎”(hóu yán)。



1. My child has a bad case of croup and needs medical attention.


2. Croup is most common in young children and can cause difficulty breathing.





例句:"Symptoms and treatment of croup" in the Google query box. (哮吼的症状和治疗 出现在谷歌的搜索框中 )


例句:In most cases, children with viral croup recover after several days and require no medical treatment. (在大多数情况下,小儿病毒性哮吼收回后数天,并要求没有任何医学治疗。)


例句:The backline slopes very slightly toward a gently rounded croup, and is free from sagging or rumpiness. (背线非常轻微地向圆圆的臀部倾斜,没有下陷或褶皱。)


例句:Even Doc Handy was known to prescribe toddies made with Andy's brew for the croup. (翻译:即使是Handy医生也因为把Andy酿造的棕榈酒作为喉炎的药方而知名。)


croup一般作为名词使用,如在diphtheritic croup([医] 白喉性哮吼, 喉白喉)、false croup([医] 假性格鲁布, 卡他性格鲁布, 痉挛性支气管炎)、inspiratory croup(吸气性吼声)等常见短语中出现较多。

diphtheritic croup[医] 白喉性哮吼, 喉白喉
false croup[医] 假性格鲁布, 卡他性格鲁布, 痉挛性支气管炎
inspiratory croup吸气性吼声
intestinal croup[医] 肠格鲁布, 粘液性结肠炎
manna croupna. 粗小麦粉\n[网络] 人为染源
membranous croup[医] 膜性喉炎, 假膜性格鲁布
spasmodic croup[医] 痉挛性格鲁布
true croup[医] 真性格鲁布


1. The backline slopes very slightly toward a gently rounded croup, and is free from sagging or rumpiness. (翻译:背线非常轻微地向圆圆的臀部倾斜,没有下陷或褶皱。)

2. Even Doc Handy was known to prescribe toddies made with Andy's brew for the croup. (翻译:即使是Handy医生也因为把Andy酿造的棕榈酒作为喉炎的药方而知名。)

3. If he's got the croup, that-- that could become meningitis, right? (翻译:如果他得的是喉炎 那 那是会变成脑膜炎的 是不是?)

4. In 1932, the department of mechanical engeering was established, comprising an aeronautical croup and an automobile teaching group. (翻译:机械工程是清华大学最早建立的学科之一, 1932年就成立了机械工程学系,其中包括航空与汽车组。)

5. Top of the head is the pole... and the crest behind that down to the withers is the croup. (翻译:头顶是极... 并且向下背后的波峰 到马肩隆的臀部。)

6. Topline--The back is firm and level, extending in a straight line from behind the withers to the croup. (翻译:背部坚实而水平,从马肩隆后方笔直延伸到臀部。)

7. Level from Withers to croup. (翻译:水平从枯萎到哮吼。)

8. Other distinctive features are a relatively long, level croup , or top of the hindquarters, and naturally high tail carriage. (翻译:其他鲜明的特点是一个比较长的,水平的臀部,或后躯之上,自然就高了尾巴运输。)

9. I'm not sure. She said she'd had the croup before. This could be pneumonia. (翻译:我也不确定,她说她小时候得过哮吼 也可能是)

10. Tail well set on, thick and muscular at the base, following the natural line of the croup. (翻译:尾根高,尾底部厚、肌肉发达,自然地延伸臀部线长。)

11. Melanie decided to get the croup, and of course, it happened at 3:00 a.m., so I don't think I've even gotten any sleep yet. (翻译:梅尔尼凌晨3点得上哮喘 而我整晚都没合眼)

12. problems of the roller hearth annealing furnace located at Seamless Steel Tube Plant, Anyang I &S Croup Corporation. (翻译:分析了安阳钢铁集团公司无缝钢管厂辊底式退火炉改造前存在的问题。)

13. in 1932 , the department of mechanical engeering was established , comprising an aeronautical croup and an automobile teaching group. (翻译:机械工程是清华大学最早建立的学科之一,1932年就成立了机械工程学系,其中包括航空与汽车组。)

14. Croup must be full, slightly sloping, and must continue imperceptibly to the tail root. (翻译:臀部略斜,丰满,必须延伸到非常轻微的尾根。)


1. Croup是一种儿童呼吸系统疾病,特征是喉咙和气管肿胀,导致嗓子沙哑嘶哑,咳嗽带有“犬吠”样的声音。


- My daughter woke up in the middle of the night with croup and I had to rush her to the hospital.

- Croup is most common in children between the ages of six months and three years.

- The pediatrician prescribed steroids to relieve my son's croup symptoms.

2. Croup还可以是一种机构或者团体的缩写词。


- The CROUP Foundation provides support and resources for families affected by croup.

- The Community Resource Organization for Urban People (CROUP) offers job training programs for underprivileged individuals.

- The CROUP Conference is an annual meeting for researchers and practitioners in organization psychology.

3. Croup是一种马术术语,指一种马在跑步时发出的呼吸声。


- The horse's gallop was accompanied by a distinct croup.

- A horse's croup can be an indication of its physical fitness and overall health.

- Horseback riding instructors often use the sound of a horse's croup to s its performance.

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