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renewal是什么意思 renewal的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-13 10:17:41
  • 191

renewal是什么意思 renewal的中文翻译、读音、例句





1. The renewal of the contract is still being negotiated.


2. The company decided to invest in the renewal of the old factory.


3. The spring air brought a sense of renewal and hope.





例句:His contract came up for renewal. (他的合同交上来要求延期。)


例句:Corneal limbus stem cells are the source of corneal epithelial renewal and they help maintain the integrity of cornea. (角膜缘干细胞是角膜上皮更新的源泉,维持角膜完整性。)


例句:The controversial 888 Urban Renewal Project will be reaching a final decision today. (众所瞩目的八八八土地疑云 将在今日做出最后决议)


例句:as the rate of knowledge renewal quickens , individuals must constantly keep up their knowledge and skill sets. (翻译:由于新知识不断迅速涌现,个人必须不断增进知识和技能。)


renewal一般作为名词使用,如在equipment renewal(设备更新)、educational renewal(教育更新)、franchise renewal(换照)等常见短语中出现较多。

equipment renewal设备更新
educational renewal教育更新
franchise renewal换照
leaf renewal发叶期
note renewal票据转期
organizational renewal组织更新
partial renewal局部更新
parts renewal零件修复
period of renewal[专利] 续展期间
postcard renewal简易换照手续


1. The controversial 888 Urban Renewal Project will be reaching a final decision today. (翻译:众所瞩目的八八八土地疑云 将在今日做出最后决议)

2. as the rate of knowledge renewal quickens , individuals must constantly keep up their knowledge and skill sets. (翻译:由于新知识不断迅速涌现,个人必须不断增进知识和技能。)

3. Outdoor advertising obsolescence, strain, wearout, feculent, will order date of expiration purgation, maintenance repairs or renewal; (翻译:户外广告陈旧、变形、破损、不洁的,将责令限期清洗、维修或更新;)

4. Renewal rates are not expected to markedly drop, and there is still a waiting list for courtside seats. (翻译:新的票价没有象期待那样明显下调,而实际上仍有相当多的人排队等着买场边的高价票。)

5. Her best and only means of survival depends on her destruction and renewal of memory (翻译:她最好的也是唯一的生存方式 就是靠她自己删除并更新记忆)

6. And then the movie about this person doing these things, then led to this greater renewal. (翻译:因为这部电影讲述的这个故事 促成了这些伟律的修正)

7. in order canes that have already paired off, dancing reinforces the union--it's a sort of annual renewal of "vows" . (翻译:对已有配偶的成年鹤来说,舞蹈会加强相互之间的结合--这成了每年都要举行的一种重温“山盟海誓”的仪式。)

8. Caspere was one of the architects of the community renewal initiative. (翻译:Caspere是社区改革 Caspere was one of the architects 项目的发动人之一 of the community renewal initiative.)

9. The celebration of this cycle of death and renewal was one of the major festivals of the metroac cult. (翻译:庆祝死亡与复活的循环是metroac仪式的其中一个主要节日。)

10. We remind all members of the organisation... that the deadline for the renewal of the hunting license is about to expire. (翻译:我们提醒组织所有成员 更新猎杀执照... 的最后期限就要到期)

11. Why you have supported the 888 Urban Renewal project? (翻译:请问一下为什么您会选择八八八这块土地 做为您的都更地点)

12. The New Year always brings with it a cultural tradition of new possibilities. We see it as a chance for renewal. (翻译:新年总是随之带来一种文化传统,即新的可能。我们把它看做是一次重新改变的机会。)

13. Outdoor advertising obsolescence, strain, wearout, feculent, will order date of expiration purgation, maintenance repairs or renewal. (翻译:户外广告陈旧、变形、破损、不洁的,将责令限期清洗、维修或更新。)

14. But it also fuelled resentment at the bank and in 1832 President Andrew Jackson vetoed the renewal of its charter. (翻译:但这愈发激起银行怨恨不满的情绪。1832年安德鲁.杰克逊总统否决了第二央行的特许执照。)

15. But opponents of this strategy call it a distraction that could hinder the renewal of the nuclear power industry. (翻译:但这种策略的反对者认为这是在开玩笑,认为这会妨碍核能工业的发展。)




1. 词性和定义


2. 用法和搭配

'renewal'经常和下列词语一起使用:contract (合同续订), subscription (订阅更新), lease (租约续签), energy (能源更新), membership (会员续费), passport (护照更新), visa (签证更新), license (执照更新), policy (政策更新)等。

3. 同义词和反义词


4. 发音和拼写


5. 例句


(1) We're hoping for a renewal of our lease next month. (我们希望下个月可以续签我们的租约。)

(2) The subscription renewal notice arrived in my mailbox today. (我今天收到了订阅续订通知。)

(3) The energy company is focusing on the renewal of renewable energy. (能源公司正在致力于可再生能源的更新。)

(4) Membership renewals are due at the end of this month. (会员续费在本月底到期。)

(5) His passport renewal was delayed due to administrative issues. (由于行政问题,他的护照更新被推迟了。)

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