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nodame cantabile是什么意思 nodame cantabile的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-13 10:17:55
  • 143

nodame cantabile是什么意思 nodame cantabile的中文翻译、读音、例句

'nodame cantabile'的意思是《交响情人梦》。其中文翻译为“千之钢琴弹奏曲”,读音为nəʊdæm kæntəˈbiːleɪ。例句: I really enjoy watching 'nodame cantabile' because of the beautiful classical music featured in the show.(我非常喜欢看《交响情人梦》,因为该剧中的美妙古典音乐。)

nodame cantabile的意思是"交响情人梦古典曲精选合辑、交响情人梦主题曲",在日常中也代表"网络"的意思,发音音标为[nodamecantabile],nodame cantabile来源于英语,在《英国翻译词典》中,共找到36个与nodame cantabile相关的例句。

Nodame cantabile的词典翻译


例句:Then, stylist decided " pure beauty, cantabile andante " design a theme. (于是,设计师确定了“纯美,如歌的行板”的设计主题。)


例句:Cantabile life for a hard-working person, his life is all their own. (生命如歌,对于一个勤奋者,他的生命就是自己的一切。)


例句:Piano Sonata No. 8 in C minor , Op . 13 , Pathetique : Adagio cantabile . (小调第八“悲怆”钢琴奏鸣曲, 作品13—— 如歌的柔板乐章。)


例句:Cantabile youth, as well as and flow, sometimes low, sometimes sonorous. (翻译:青春如歌,亦如随波而流,时而低沉,时而高亢。)


nodame cantabile一般作为名词使用,如在cantabile(如歌的 )等常见短语中出现较多。



1. Piano Sonata No. 8 in C minor , Op . 13 , Pathetique : Adagio cantabile . (翻译:小调第八“悲怆”钢琴奏鸣曲, 作品13—— 如歌的柔板乐章。)

2. Cantabile youth, as well as and flow, sometimes low, sometimes sonorous. (翻译:青春如歌,亦如随波而流,时而低沉,时而高亢。)

3. This is the beautiful Cantabile Sketchpad, for your presence posture hyperchromic Tim! (翻译:这里是美丽如歌的画板,为您的风采添姿增色! )

4. Cantabile years of time walking and cadence. (翻译:如歌岁月因时间的行走而抑扬顿挫。)

5. Sway gently, slowly and the charming be ashamed that move, elegant match colors is like cantabile andante, romance is sweet. (翻译:轻柔的摇曳,渐渐而动的娇羞,优雅的配色似如歌的行板,浪漫温馨。)

6. Violin Sonata No. 26 in B flat major, K. 378: II. Andantino sostenuto e cantabile. (翻译:降B大调第26小提琴奏鸣曲,K.378:第二乐章,安静和如歌的小行板。)

7. LESTAT: Listen, Louis, there's life in these old hands still. Not quite furioso. Moderato cantabile, perhaps. (翻译:莱斯特:你听,路易,这双手仍然握着一条命。不活蹦乱跳,但精神仍在,四平八稳。)

8. "As time, life Cantabile. " In we also bid farewell to the tension of a semester, summer ushered in another. (翻译:“时光如水,生命如歌。”在白驹过隙间,我们又送走了紧张的一学期,迎来了又一个暑假。)

9. This would go down in history as the "Nodame curry incident". (翻译:nbsp; 这成了后来流传的故事 野田妹咖哩事件)

10. Its style is elegant, fresh and unique, full of poem cantabile , and with a rich Oriental charm. (翻译:它的画风富丽、典雅、清新别致、如诗如歌,具有浓郁的东方风韵。)

11. Cantabile 's dark form was riding before me in the front seat of the squad car. (翻译:在的前座上,坎特拜尔黑色的身影在我的面前不断晃动。)

12. It all, all poem, painting, Cantabile , Like a Dream, in my mind lingering affects you a long and far-thinking. (翻译:这一切的一切,无不如诗、如画、如歌、如梦,在我的心头萦绕,牵动你一片片悠悠的远思。)

1. 意义:'nodame cantabile'是一部日本漫画和动画片的名称,其中'nodame'是主角的名字,'cantabile'是一个意大利词语,意为“歌唱性的”,在音乐术语中指某些旋律或乐曲需要被演唱或歌唱出来。


- 'Nodame Cantabile' is a well-known anime and manga series in Japan.

('Nodame Cantabile' 是在日本非常知名的动画和漫画系列。)

- I enjoyed watching 'Nodame Cantabile' because it combined music and romance.

(我喜欢看'Nodame Cantabile',因为它把音乐和浪漫结合在了一起。)

2. 简写:'Nodame Cantabile'的缩写可以是'NC',这种缩写通常用于海报、广告和社交媒体等场合,以便节省空间和字数,并使其更便于在网上搜索和讨论。


- Have you seen NC yet? It's a great show!

(你看过 NC 吗?它太好看了!)

- Who is your favorite character in Nodame Cantabile? Mine is Chiaki.

(你最喜欢'Nodame Cantabile'中的哪个角色?我最喜欢千秋。)

3. 影响力:'Nodame Cantabile'经常被认为是非常成功和有影响力的漫画和动画系列之一,它在日本以及全世界范围内都有着广泛的粉丝群体,甚至还诞生了戏剧、电影和音乐会等衍生作品。


- The popularity of 'Nodame Cantabile' led to the creation of a live-action drama in 2006.

('Nodame Cantabile'的受欢迎程度促使在2006年推出了一部真人版电视剧。)

- I'm so excited to attend the 'Nodame Cantabile' concert next week!

(我非常兴奋下周要去参加'Nodame Cantabile'的音乐会!)

4. 教育价值:'Nodame Cantabile'可以用作教育资源,它可以帮助学生更好地了解日本文化和音乐艺术,同时也可以提高学习者的阅读、听力和口语能力。


- My English teacher often uses scenes from 'Nodame Cantabile' to teach us new vocabulary words.

(我的英语老师经常用'Nodame Cantabile'的片段来教我们新的词汇。)

- Learning Italian in 'Nodame Cantabile' has been a fun way to improve my language skills.

(通过'Nodame Cantabile'学习意大利语是提高语言能力的一种有趣方式。)

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