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heartfelt是什么意思 heartfelt的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-08-14 10:33:31
  • 234

heartfelt是什么意思 heartfelt的中文翻译、读音、例句





1. His heartfelt apology touched my heart.(他真诚的道歉感动了我。)

2. I sent my heartfelt condolences to the family of the deceased.(我向逝者的家人表示衷心的慰问。)

3. We could see the heartfelt emotion in her face when she talked about her family.(当她谈到家人时,我们可以看到她脸上真挚的情感。)




例句:We had breakfast and a heartfelt talk. (今天早上,埃迪来了我的别墅 我们一起吃了早餐)


例句:To Queen Noor, I extend the heartfelt condolences of the American people. (我谨向努尔王后表达美国衷心的哀悼之情。)


例句:I greet you all in a very heartfelt way from our underground domain of Telos, looking forward to meet you, dear hearts, in the near future! (我从地下领域的泰勒斯衷心地问候你们,期待着与你们见面,亲爱的,在不久的将来!)


例句:And then, finally, after what seemed almost a lifetime of wishing the young girl finally got her most heartfelt dream. (翻译:终于,在魂牵梦绕多年之后... ...小女孩终于梦想成真)


heartfelt一般作为形容词使用,如在heartfelt appreciation(由衷的感激,真挚的谢意,)、heartfelt emotion(衷情;衷曲)、heartfelt thanks([网络] 由衷的谢意;诚挚的谢意;衷心感谢)等常见短语中出现较多。

heartfelt appreciation由衷的感激,真挚的谢意,
heartfelt emotion衷情;衷曲
heartfelt thanks[网络] 由衷的谢意;诚挚的谢意;衷心感谢


1. I greet you all in a very heartfelt way from our underground domain of Telos, looking forward to meet you, dear hearts, in the near future! (翻译:我从地下领域的泰勒斯衷心地问候你们,期待着与你们见面,亲爱的,在不久的将来!)

2. And then, finally, after what seemed almost a lifetime of wishing the young girl finally got her most heartfelt dream. (翻译:终于,在魂牵梦绕多年之后... ...小女孩终于梦想成真)

3. Enterprises have a rich experience of professional and technical staff, we would like to letters, heartfelt Suozhi, epigraphy to open. (翻译:企业拥有一支经验丰富的专业技术人员队伍,我们想信,精诚所至,金石为开。)

4. Your letter, feelings, concerns, desires and warmth... literally jumped off the page at me... when reading your heartfelt message. (翻译:我读到你真挚的来信,感到关心和温暖 你好像听到我的心声)

5. Using three iPods like magical props, Marco Tempest spins a clever, surprisingly heartfelt meditation on truth and lies, art and emotion. (翻译:用三个iPod 做为魔术道具,马可.坦布斯特对真实和谎言,艺术和感情的关系做出了一段聪明的而又令人惊奇的发自内心的冥想)

6. Once I got to my room and shut the door, it felt like the bones in my body were tearing through my skin as I was overcome with an intense, heartfelt pain. (翻译:就算好不容易到了房间,禁闭大门 简直就像身体中的骨头刺穿皮肤那样 感到巨烈的疼痛)

7. But heartfelt, eloquent statements like this video seem to torment liberals. (翻译:像这个视频一样真诚而又雄辩的申明却折磨着自由主义者们。)

8. Let us kneel down and unite in a heartfelt prayer. (翻译:且让我们双膝下跪 在衷心的祈祷声中结为一体)

9. I could play it straight, uh, more heartfelt, earnest. (翻译:我可以直接播放, 呃,更发自内心的,认真的。)

10. So, let's take our leave for now from this introduction to conlangs in Elvish and the other three conlangs discussed with a heartfelt quad-conlangual valedictory: "A Na Marie!" (翻译:让我们现在就起程出发, 通过这篇人造语言的简介, 让我们用精灵语, 还有其他三种我们讨论过的人造语言, 来由衷地告别吧: ”A na marie!“ )

11. You can tell by the heartfelt apology on the back of a car wash coupon. (翻译:从优惠券背面的留言中 能感觉出他的歉意多么诚挚)

12. Beatrix also expressed heartfelt gratitude to Wen for taking a special trip to mourn for her father at noon on the previous day. (翻译:贝娅特丽克丝还对8日中午专程赴王宫吊唁她去世的父亲表示衷心感谢。)

13. His baby is so small, and I've never encountered such a just -- a disturbing image, but just -- just so heartfelt. (翻译:这个婴儿是多么小 我从来没有见过那么 那么 让人心碎的照片,是那么的真切)

14. I attempted to right the wrong, and when I failed to do so, I delivered a heartfelt apology. (翻译:我试图更正错误 但是失败了 所以我发自肺腑地致歉)

15. This is a real tear-jerker, and not a very cool film to like, but it's still very heartfelt. (翻译:这部影片毫无疑问是一枚,虽然不出众,但仍然可以说非常真诚。)



这个词在日常生活中经常用于表达真诚的情感,例如:heartfelt apology(真诚的道歉)、heartfelt gratitude(真挚的感谢)、heartfelt sympathy(深切的同情)等。此外,它还可以用于描述音乐、艺术、电影等领域中的情感表达。



- heartfelt congratulations (真挚的祝贺)

- heartfelt thanks (真诚的感谢)

- heartfelt sympathy (深切的同情)

- heartfelt emotions (真实的情感)

- heartfelt speech (感人的演讲)


- from the heart (出自内心)

- sincere feelings(真诚的感觉)

- genuine emotions(真实的情感)

- deeply felt(深深感受到的)


heartfelt的发音 /ˈhɑːrtfɛlt/,其中h和t均为清音,a的发音为开放的长音,r的发音为明显的滚音,f的发音为唇齿音,e的发音为短音,l的发音为轻微的喉音。

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