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influenza是什么意思 influenza的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-13 10:20:13
  • 174

influenza是什么意思 influenza的中文翻译、读音、例句



读音:英 [ˌɪn.fluˈen.zə],美 [ˌɪn.fluˈɛn.zə]


1. Many people get vaccinated against influenza every year to prevent getting sick.


2. Influenza is caused by a virus that infects the respiratory tract.


3. The symptoms of influenza include fever, cough, sore throat, body aches and fatigue.





例句:Objective to observe and compare the difference of apoptosis in tumer cells induced by different influenza viruses. (目的观察并比较不同流感病毒诱导肿瘤细胞凋亡能力的差异。)


例句:influenza is characterized by fever , myalgia , headache , pharyngitis , cough and prostration (流感主要症状为发热、肌痛、头痛、咽炎、咳嗽及疲劳等。)


例句:Historical records of previous influenza pandemics, as well as experience with SARS, have validated this point. (以往流感大流行的历史以及严重急性呼吸道综合征的经验证实了这一点。)


例句:Split reagent content was one of the main standards used for controlling influenza vaccine quality. (翻译:裂解剂的残余含量是流感病毒裂解疫苗的主要质控指标之一。)


influenza一般作为名词使用,如在epidemic influenza([医] 流行性流感)、equine influenza([医] 马流感)、endemic influenza([医] 地方性流感, 类流感)等常见短语中出现较多。

epidemic influenza[医] 流行性流感
equine influenza[医] 马流感
endemic influenza[医] 地方性流感, 类流感
gastrointestinal influenza[医] 胃畅炎型流感
horse influenza[医] 马流感
infantile influenza小儿时行感冒
influenza A virus[医] 甲型流感病毒
influenza bacillus[医] 流感[嗜血]杆菌
influenza meningitis【病理学】流感性脑膜炎
influenza pandemic[网络] 流感流行;流感大流行;流感大流行警告


1. Historical records of previous influenza pandemics, as well as experience with SARS, have validated this point. (翻译:以往流感大流行的历史以及严重急性呼吸道综合征的经验证实了这一点。)

2. Split reagent content was one of the main standards used for controlling influenza vaccine quality. (翻译:裂解剂的残余含量是流感病毒裂解疫苗的主要质控指标之一。)

3. It is common knowledge that the influenza infection can have cardiac complications, such as myocarditis. (翻译:众所周知,流感会导致诸如心肌炎的心脏并发症。)

4. A new influenza vaccine, administered painlessly in a nasal spray, is effective for children. (翻译:一种新的流感疫苗以无痛的鼻接种,对儿童有效。)

5. Tests were performed in two laboratories in Kyiv, including the National Influenza Centre. (翻译:这些检测由基辅的两个实验室进行,其中之一是国家流感中心。)

6. These include pinworms, influenza, the common cold, hepatitis a and infectious diarrhea. (翻译:这些疾病包括蛲虫、感,普通感冒、型肝炎和传染性痢疾。)

7. Cordova insisted the rest of the community had suffered from a common influenza. (翻译:科尔多瓦坚称,该社区的其余患者染上的是普通流感。)

8. I was injected into this body to rat on influenza only. (翻译:我在这里的目的,只是提醒你们有没有流行性感冒)

9. Conclusions Polymyxin was effective in the management of MDRP pulmonary infections in patient with avian influenza. (翻译:结论多黏菌素能有效治疗禽流感患者继发mdrp的感染。)

10. The diagnosis was based on clinical features, neuroimaging findings and isolation of influenza A virus from nasopharyngeal aspirate. (翻译:临床表现、神经影像表现和鼻咽分泌物中分离出甲型流感病毒。)

11. That's when Carlisle found me dying of Spanish influenza. (翻译:那年西班牙爆发流行感冒 Carllsle发现我快死了)

12. ..now that the deadly strain of the influenza virus has jumped from animals to humans. (翻译:...现在这种致命的流感病毒 已经由动物传播到了人身上)

13. Objective: To explore the regularity and new trends of influenza so as to direct the early warning and forcasting of the pandemic influenza. (翻译:目的:通过流感监测,探索我市流感流行规律,流感流行新动向,指导流感的大流行的预警工作。)

14. Like influenza, jumping back and forth between animal and human populations. (翻译:就好像流行性感冒病毒 会在动物和人类身上来去自如 我要怎么隔离呢?)

15. The swine flu virus is a biological organism, a unique remix of genes from older influenza viruses. (翻译:而猪流感病毒则是生物机体,它是一种由古老的流感病毒混合而成的特别的新病毒。)





1. 定义: influenza指的是一种病毒性呼吸道感染疾病,由流感病毒引起。该疾病主要传播通过空气中的飞沫或直接接触感染者的口鼻分泌物。

2. 症状: 流感的症状包括喉咙痛,咳嗽,头痛,发烧和全身不适。严重的情况下,流感可能导致和死亡。

3. 预防: 接种流感疫苗是预防流感的最有效方法。此外,经常洗手,避免与感染者密切接触以及避免触摸口鼻和眼睛都有助于减少感染的风险。

4. 治疗: 对于轻度流感,患者通常需要休息和饮水,以便身体充分恢复。如果症状严重,医生可能会建议服用处方药物来减轻症状。

5. 流行病学: 流感是一种全球性的疾病,每年都会影响数百万人。流感病毒不断变异,这使得每年的流感疫苗都需要更新以适应变化的病毒株。


1. Influenza is a highly contagious respiratory illness caused by the influenza virus. (流感是由流感病毒引起的一种高度传染的呼吸道疾病。)

2. Symptoms of influenza include fever, cough, sore throat, runny or stuffy nose, body aches, headache, chills and fatigue. (流感的症状包括发烧、咳嗽、喉咙痛、鼻塞、身体疼痛、头痛、打冷颤和疲劳感。)

3. Getting vaccinated every year is the best way to prevent influenza. (每年接种疫苗是预防流感的最佳方式。)

4. Bed rest, drinking plenty of fluids, and taking over-the-counter medications are recommended for treating mild cases of influenza. (对于轻度流感,建议休息,在饮水方面要充足,并服用非处方药物来治疗。)

5. The influenza virus can spread rapidly and impact large populations, it a major public health concern worldwide. (流感病毒可以迅速传播并影响大量人口,成为全球重要的公共卫生问题。)

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