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vo2max是什么意思 vo2max的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-09-04 04:12:52
  • 152

vo2max是什么意思 vo2max的中文翻译、读音、例句


读音:vəʊ tuː mæks

例句:Vo2max是评估人体有氧能力的重要指标。(Vo2max is an important indicator for evaluating aerobic capacity in the human body.)




例句:Max, could you please not be so dark? (Max 不要这么心理阴暗好吧 Max could you please not so dark)


例句:I got two years at Vo-Tech studying' um, landscape technology. (我有两年在Vo -Tech学习... 园林技术)


vo2max一般作为名词使用,如在VO2MAX([=maximal oxygen consumption]最大氧耗量)、vo2([=oxygen uptake]氧摄取率)、vo(abbr. 口头命令(Verbal Order))等常见短语中出现较多。

VO2MAX[=maximal oxygen consumption]最大氧耗量
vo2[=oxygen uptake]氧摄取率
voabbr. 口头命令(Verbal Order)
VO2/M2[=oxygen consumption per square meter of body suce area]每平方米体表面积氧耗量
the Max[网络] 麦克斯;牛魔王;电子产品配件
to max[网络] 致珉;献给马克斯
to the max最大程度地,完全
Kosterёvo[地名] 科斯捷廖沃 ( 俄 )
Moskal'vo[地名] 莫斯卡利沃 ( 俄 )


1. # They need for Max to come and fight (翻译:* They need for Max to come and fight)

2. [knock at door] Max, stop with the banging. (翻译:Max 别再敲了 Max, stop with the banging.)

3. Max, you are completely overreacting. - It's just a-- (翻译:Max 你完全反应过度了 Max, you are completely overreacting.)

4. The VO2 peak was slightly lower in people with Alzheimer 's compared to controls. (翻译:与控制组相比阿尔茨海默病患者的VO2峰值有轻度减少。)

5. The Mattress is all yours, Max. (翻译:床是你的了 Max The Mattress is all yours, Max.)

6. Same place Max printed out that fake, (翻译:和Max打印那份假的 Same place Max printed out that fake,)

7. In their laboratory research, scientists frequently measure this delivery and use of oxygen, calling it maximum oxygen uptake or VO2 max. (翻译:在实验室的研究中,科学家频繁的测量输送和利用的氧气,称之为最大携氧量,也就是VO2max。)

8. Max, you are not doing it. (翻译:Max 你不能做 Max, you are not doing it.)

9. I was sitting next to you, Max. (翻译:Max 坐你旁边的人是我 I was sitting next to you, Max.)

10. - 'Cause me and aunt cookie-- - thanks. All right. --We wanna say one thing to your fathers. (翻译:我和阿姨曲奇有一些 告诉我们的祖宗和VO。)

11. Generally, the higher the VO2 max during peak performance, the better the cardiac output - which means the heart is bigger. (翻译:一般来说,在最佳成绩时的最大耗氧量越高,其心输出量越大,也就是说,其心脏更大。)

12. No rush Max, you got plenty of time. (翻译:不急 Max 你有的是时间 No rush, Max, you got plenty of time.)

13. It is well regarded as an accurate way to measure your VO2 Max. (翻译:它被认为是测量最大摄氧量的一个准确途径。)

14. Most physiologists believe that only endurance-exercise training can raise someone's VO2max. (翻译:很多生理学家相信只靠耐力训练就可以增强一个人的VO2max。)

15. Look overthere, Max. Men and women in suits. (翻译:Max 快看那边 穿西装的男女 Look overthere, Max.)

1. 词汇含义:

VO2max 是一个缩写词,是指最大摄氧量(maximum oxygen uptake),是衡量人体最大氧耗能力的标准。它代表一个人在最大运动强度下能够摄取和利用的最大氧气量。

2. 词汇来源:

VO2max 最初是由瑞典的运动生理学家 Per-Olof Åstrand 和 Bengt Saltin 在 60 年发的,用于评估健康和运动能力。

3. 应用:

VO2max 是一个常见的体能测试项目。它可用于评估健康状况和运动能力,以及为体育教练和医生提供指导。

4. 影响因素:

VO2max 受到许多因素的影响,包括基因、年龄、性别、健康状况、训练水平和生活方式等。

5. 提高方法:

通过有氧运动、良好的饮食和健康的生活方式可以提高 VO2max。


1. VO2max is a widely used measure of aerobic fitness in humans.(VO2max 是人类有氧健身的广泛评估标准)

2. Knowing your VO2max can help you set fitness goals and track your progress.(了解你的 VO2max 可以帮助你设定健身目标和跟踪进展)

3. Age, gender, and genetics can all affect your VO2max.(年龄、性别和遗传因素都可以影响你的 VO2max)

4. High-intensity interval training is an effective way to improve VO2max.(高强度间歇训练是提高 VO2max 的有效方式)

5. A healthy diet and lifestyle can also help improve your VO2max.(健康的饮食和生活方式也可以帮助提高你的 VO2max)

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