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trades是什么意思 trades的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-13 10:16:27
  • 249

trades是什么意思 trades的中文翻译、读音、例句



1. He works in the building trades, specializing in electrical work. (他从事建筑行业,专攻电气工作。)

2. I made some profitable trades on the stock market last month. (上个月我在股市上做了一些有利可图的交易。)

3. My grandfather was a skilled tradesman and could do everything from plumbing to carpentry. (我的祖父是一位熟练的手艺人,可以做从水管到木工的所有工作。)




例句:The company is not an investment advisor and does not seek to provide investment advice or to solicit trades. (该公司不是投资顾问公司,不提供投资建议而不收投资买卖的单子。)


例句:...no trades, Oh, I have to go. (...交易崩了 哦 我要挂了 是的 好的 再见)


例句:Yet, Gartman admits to being wrong with two-thirds of his trades. (但加特曼也承认,他的投资交易有三分之二都出现了决策失误。)


例句:I was in court when you prosecuted the Trades Union Embezzlement case. (翻译:你控告连恩罗杰斯挪用 的时候,我在法庭里)


trades一般作为名词、动词使用,如在trades in(na. 用交换方式购入)、trades on(na. 利用(某人的)名声)、engineering trades(un. 工程工业)等常见短语中出现较多。

trades inna. 用交换方式购入
trades onna. 利用(某人的)名声
engineering tradesun. 工程工业
fair trades公平贸易;互惠贸易
flat trades平价交易
free trades自由贸易
horse trades马匹买卖\n精明地讨价还价\n讨价后互相让步的交易
motor trades[网络] 汽车行业
needle trades[复数]成衣业[亦作 needle trade]


1. Yet, Gartman admits to being wrong with two-thirds of his trades. (翻译:但加特曼也承认,他的投资交易有三分之二都出现了决策失误。)

2. I was in court when you prosecuted the Trades Union Embezzlement case. (翻译:你控告连恩罗杰斯挪用 的时候,我在法庭里)

3. Like a jack of all trades. (翻译:Kinda like a jack of all trades.)

4. Is gradually pushing the independent trades out of existence. (翻译:正在逐渐淘汰个体经营 is gradually pushing the independent trades out of existence.)

5. Think of the difference as a jack-of-all-trades versus an individual-event specialist. (翻译:两者的差别在一是使尽各式花招加总 另一个则是在专业项目使出浑身解数)

6. You lose good men to trades and unruly fans. (翻译:好多好手被纽约买走了, 他们的球迷还起哄...)

7. I can see that Rondoron has completed 553 trades with a 100 percent success rate. (翻译:我能看到润德龙 已经交易了553次 以百分之百的成功率。)

8. You know, I'm just kind of a Jack-of-all-trades. (翻译:你知道,我是那种只有杰克 - 的所有行业。)

9. Using our trade blotter, the head of trading reviews allocated trades daily. (翻译:利用我们的交易记事本,交易主管每日会对已分配的交易进行审核。)

10. Even today, the FTSE trades at the same level as in 1998. (翻译:即使今天,富时指数也仅仅是1998年时期的水平。)

11. This allowed the development of other specialized trades, and, by extension, cities. (翻译:有人就开始 开发别的行业了, 进而产生出,城市。)

12. Because back then, we were building a trades program. (翻译:因为在当时,我们只是要做工匠培训方面的。)

13. it is not an unwinding of carry trades but simply a case of dollar damage , " he said" . (翻译:他表示,这不是套息交易的平仓,仅仅是美元受打压的表现。)

14. How you trade in the future is often affected by the outcomes of your previous trades. (翻译:你过去交易的结果往往会影响你未来的交易。)

15. Trades Union Congress: f. 1868; Chair. - Margaret Prosser . (翻译:职工大会:1868年成立;-马尔加雷特·帕罗塞。)





词组搭配:trade-in(置换);trade-off(折衷);trade union(工会)。

短语:trade agreement(贸易协定);trade barriers(贸易壁垒);trade deficit(贸易逆差)。



1. He made a good living from the building trade.(他从建筑行业中赚了不错的钱。)

2. The company trades in electronic goods.(这家公司交易电子产品。)

3. We need to negotiate a new trade agreement with the EU.(我们需要与欧盟谈判一份新的贸易协定。)

4. The trade barriers between the two countries have been reduced.(这两个国家之间的贸易壁垒已经降低。)

5. The trade deficit is a major concern for the government.(贸易逆差是的主要关注点。)

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