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oadc是什么意思 oadc的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-13 10:13:21
  • 221

oadc是什么意思 oadc的中文翻译、读音、例句


1. The acronym 'oadc' doesn't seem to stand for anything recognizable in our industry.


2. I struggled to ounce 'oadc' correctly during the presentation.





例句:They ain't got no other footage of me? (O·J·辛普森带上 O. J. Simpson in cuffs...)


例句:Or you might be able to perform your access logging on the ADC itself. (此外,还可以在 ADC 本身中执行访问日志记录。)


例句:Would Dr. Ralph O. Khan, please report to surgery. (请Ralph O. Khan医生到外科报到 Ralph O.)


例句:Um, at 10:40, I buzzed the gate, but he didn't answer, and I got scared, because I didn't want him to miss his flight, so I called my boss, um, my mom... (翻译:司机就是O·J·辛普森 The driver was o. J. Simpson.)


1. Would Dr. Ralph O. Khan, please report to surgery. (翻译:请Ralph O. Khan医生到外科报到 Ralph O.)

2. Um, at 10:40, I buzzed the gate, but he didn't answer, and I got scared, because I didn't want him to miss his flight, so I called my boss, um, my mom... (翻译:司机就是O·J·辛普森 The driver was o. J. Simpson.)

3. The Basic algorithm of our code was to check the ADC input at a rate of 4 KHz. (翻译:我们的代码的基本方法是检查在4千赫率ADC的输入。)

4. ♪With Josh-o-saurus Josh. ♪ (翻译:-o -saurus Josh # # With Josh -o)

5. Conclusion ADC and signal intensity in lentiform nucleus were not affected by diffusion gradient directions. (翻译:结论豆状核信号强度及其ADC值不受弥散梯度方向影响;)

6. It's in the fridge, daddy-o. (翻译:-o. Are you hep to the jive?)

7. The first ADC logo featured a graphic interpretation of Albrecht Durer's signature. (翻译:的第一次ADC标志特色的杜勒的签名图形解释。)

8. DWI and ADC map may be very important for the differentiation and therapy in early stage. (翻译:DWI和ADC图对于早期明确诊断和指导治疗具有非常重要的意义。)

9. Did she know that O.J. was out there? (翻译:那她知道O·J就在外面么 Did she know that O. J.)

10. Kit consists of: First &second check, Tailpiece O-ring, Adapter O-ring and Body O-ring. (翻译:组件包括:第一和第二止回阀,尾管O形环,适配器O形环和阀体O形环。)

11. One more look and I forget everything, o-o-o-oh (翻译:One more look and I forget everything, o -o -o)

12. ¶ shies from the so-o-o-rrow (翻译:# shies from the so -o -o)

13. and that cannot be done with all the complaints and interruptions... a o o o a o o vo o (翻译:有抱怨和打扰我还怎么做! 我警告你不要提高嗓门!)

14. Junko Yaguchi Music: Mickie Yoshino Hiroshi Kishimoto (翻译:O is for the only one I see)

15. Just... you-you don't want your kids to grow up with-with no parents. (翻译:过来 O·J 求求你 Come on, o. J. , please.)


1. 语法角度:从语法的角度考虑,'oadc'可能是某种特殊的语言结构或者语法规则。在这种情况下,我们可以探讨它的语言形态(morphology)和句法结构(syntax)等方面。例如:

- 'oadc'可能是一个复合词,由多个单词或者单词元素组成,如'ocean'和'acid'的组合。

- 'oadc'可能是一个缩写词,代表某种科学术语或行业术语,如'Optical Automated Defect Classification'。

- 'oadc'可能是一个词组的首字母缩写,如'Out-of-Area Delivery Charge'。

2. 词源角度:从词源的角度考虑,'oadc'可能是某个单词或者短语的变体或者变形。在这种情况下,我们可以探讨它的词源(etymology)和历史演变等方面。例如:

- 'oadc'可能是某个地名、人名或者品牌名的缩写,如'Oxfordshire Agricultural Development Corporation'。

- 'oadc'可能是某个流行文化中的虚构词语,如电影《星际迷航》中的'Organic Atmospheric Discombobulator Cannon'。

- 'oadc'可能是某个外语单词或者短语的音译或者词汇替换,如'On A Different Channel'。

3. 文化角度:从文化的角度考虑,'oadc'可能是某种社会群体、年龄段或者文化圈内的流行用语或者秘语。在这种情况下,我们可以探讨它的语用功能(pragmatics)和意义构建(semantics)等方面。例如:

- 'oadc'可能是某个网络迷因、流行语或者表情符号的简称,如'Oh A Ducking Computer'。

- 'oadc'可能是某个游戏、电视节目或者漫画中的关键词或者口号,如'Overlord and Death Cult'。

- 'oadc'可能是某个年轻人、学生或者艺术家团体内部的代号或者暗语,如'Only Artistic Dreams Come'。

4. 实用角度:从实用的角度考虑,'oadc'可能是某个具体的工具、设备或者程序中的缩写或者标识符。在这种情况下,我们可以探讨它的功能、特点和应用范围等方面。例如:

- 'oadc'可能是某个软件程序或者编程语言中的关键词,如'Online Audio Distribution Center'。

- 'oadc'可能是某个机器人、无人机或者工业自动化系统中的控制模块,如'Optical Area Detection Camera'。

- 'oadc'可能是某个电子产品、家电或者汽车的型号或者部件代码,如'Onboard Audio Digital Converter'。


1. The OADC project focuses on developing new anticancer drugs based on organic compounds.

2. The company's financial report shows a significant increase in the OADC sector in the past year.

3. The OADC algorithm can accurately identify and classify defects in optical components.

4. The new version of the software includes an OADC plug-in for better audio recording and editing.

5. The OADC unit in the drone ensures precise and stable imaging during aerial photography.

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