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ferguson是什么意思 ferguson的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2024-03-09 18:31:46
  • 168

ferguson是什么意思 ferguson的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 翻译:弗格森(地名、姓氏)

2. 读音:fɝːɡəsən

3. 例句:

- The Ferguson family has lived in this town for generations.(弗格森家族已经在这个城镇生活了几代人。)

- The protests in Ferguson sparked a national conversation about racial justice.(弗格森的活动引发了一场全国性的有关种族正义的对话。)

- I need to order some Ferguson fittings for the plumbing job.(我需要订购一些用于管道工作的弗格森配件。)




例句:Certainly in this picture Sir Alex Ferguson and his players seem to be desperate to depart the scene of their disappointment. (在图中,弗格森爵爷和球员们似乎恨不得赶快离开这个伤心地。)


例句:And Ferguson was swift to say that Chelsea's luck is deserting them at just the wrong time. (弗格森匆匆的表示:切尔西的好运在不妙的时刻抛弃了他们。)


例句:Imagine something like Ferguson happening in Chicago... would you feel comfortable using police officers carrying automatic weapons, driving around in Humvees? (- 是的 想象下在芝加哥 发生Ferguson这样的事情 让警官拿着全自动武器 坐在运输车里)


例句:Bill Ferguson sells me two million dollars worth of dyes every year. (翻译:我每年要从比尔・弗格森那里买两百万美元的染料)


ferguson一般作为名词使用,如在ferguson index(Ferguson分度机构)、Massey Ferguson([网络] 弗格森;麦赛福格森;英国玛斯)、ferguson cam mechanism(弗格森凸轮机构)等常见短语中出现较多。

ferguson indexFerguson分度机构
Massey Ferguson[网络] 弗格森;麦赛福格森;英国玛斯
ferguson cam mechanism弗格森凸轮机构
Ferguson L.[地名] 弗格森湖 ( 加 )
ferguson's paradoxFerguson奇轮
McCarran Ferguson Act[网络] 弗格森法案;费古森法;倫法案
Plessy v Ferguson[网络] 普莱西诉弗格森案;弗格森案
Plessey v. Ferguson[网络] 弗格森案
Plessy v. Ferguson[网络] 普莱西诉弗格森案;弗格森案


1. Imagine something like Ferguson happening in Chicago... would you feel comfortable using police officers carrying automatic weapons, driving around in Humvees? (翻译:- 是的 想象下在芝加哥 发生Ferguson这样的事情 让警官拿着全自动武器 坐在运输车里)

2. Bill Ferguson sells me two million dollars worth of dyes every year. (翻译:我每年要从比尔・弗格森那里买两百万美元的染料)

://www.ted.com/talks/niall_ferguson_the_6_killer_apps_of_prosperity.html (翻译://www.ted.com/talks/lang/zh-cn/niall_ferguson_the_6_killer_apps_of_prosperity.html)

4. Of these intellectuals the least sociological was David Hume but his influence on Smith and Ferguson was crucial. (翻译:在这批学者中,同社会学关涉最少的是大卫·休谟,但他对斯密和弗格森的影响却极大。)

5. "Benzema was a possibility, but as far as we were concerned, it was beyond our value, " Ferguson said. (翻译:“本泽马是有可能的,们认为这个价钱超过了我们的底线,”弗格森说。)

6. Last season Benitez and Ferguson jousted verbally as the race for the league title reached a climax. (翻译:上赛季贝尼特斯和弗格森为英超夺冠竞争赛跑而进行彼此的反唇相讥。)

7. And so Jackie is helped to her cabin by Mademoiselle Rosalie and Monsieur Ferguson. (翻译:于是杰基就被罗萨利 和福克森先生送回了客舱)

8. In the earlier rounds, Ferguson and Dickinson were the standouts. (翻译:在最初的几轮中,弗格森和迪金森是表现突出者。)

://www.ted.com/talks/kirby_ferguson_embrace_the_remix.html (翻译://www.ted.com/talks/lang/zh-cn/kirby_ferguson_embrace_the_remix.html)

10. Kirby Ferguson and JT: The remix: It is new music created from old music. (翻译:克比.森 / 朱利安.崔吉: 混搭曲,这是用旧歌曲创造的新音乐 )

11. Ferguson may start with Dimitar Berbatov as a lone striker for a match United dare not lose. (翻译:弗格森可能要让贝巴出任单箭头,这场比赛曼联输不起。)

12. It was the tone of an afternoon in which Ferguson and Hughes could also be seen exchanging angry words on the touchline. (翻译:这些言论都出现在一个下午,当时人们也都看到弗格森和休斯在边线附近生气地说些什么。)

13. And I know when I say Ferguson, many of you will think of police violence. (翻译:我知道一提到弗格森, 很多人会想到暴力。)

14. I stuck my neck out floating' a land parcel for Mr. Ferguson for it. (翻译:我冒险给弗格森先生找了块地 让他帮我们搞定这里)

15. Allardyce and Moyes are close friends of Ferguson. (翻译:阿勒代斯和莫耶斯都是弗格森的亲密朋友。)



1. 词的意思:Ferguson是一个地名,指美国密苏里州的一个城市,也是苏格兰的一个姓氏。

2. 词性:Ferguson是一个名词,可做地名、姓氏使用。

3. 常用场景:Ferguson这个地名常用于提到密苏里州的历史、文化等相关话题,尤其是指涉及该州社会问题和社区关系的议题。此外,Ferguson也是一个常见的姓氏,许多人使用它作为自己的名字。

4. 词组搭配:Ferguson没有固定的词组搭配,通常作为地名或姓氏使用,可单独出现。

5. 相关短语:与Ferguson相关的短语包括Ferguson警局(Ferguson Police Department),Ferguson(Ferguson protests)等。

6. 发音拼写:Ferguson的发音为/fərˈɡusən/,读者可参考美国英语下的发音规则进行拼读。

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