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flexbox是什么意思 flexbox的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-13 10:14:14
  • 147

flexbox是什么意思 flexbox的中文翻译、读音、例句





1. Flexbox是一种非常强大的CSS布局方式,可以用于构建响应式或灵活的布局。

Flexbox is a powerful CSS layout method that can be used to build responsive or flexible layouts.

2. 在Flexbox中,我们可以通过修改父元素的属性来影响子元素的排列方式和大小。

In Flexbox, we can affect the arrangement and size of child elements by modifying the properties of their parent element.




例句:Gary, please open the box. (Gary,请打开盒子。Gary, please open the box.)


例句:How Flex handles commit changes? (Flex如何处理提交更改? )


例句:See that box in back of the carriage? (See that box in back of the carriage? 看这支架后面的箱子?)


例句:Listen, we got a box ourselves. (翻译:Listen, we got a box ourselves.)


1. See that box in back of the carriage? (翻译:See that box in back of the carriage? 看这支架后面的箱子?)

2. Listen, we got a box ourselves. (翻译:Listen, we got a box ourselves.)

3. - What is this magic box in front of me? (翻译:- Okay. - What is this magic box in front of me?)

4. Flex is again positioning boxes in that tricky way (翻译:但是 对手已经放了2处台墩 比赛进入关键时刻)

5. Then she added, "way, way outside the box." (翻译:way outside the box.)

6. I flex my bicep, I take the bullet. (翻译:I take the bullet. 我大臂一挥,接下了那颗)

7. - Yeah, so now these guys have this muscle to flex. (翻译:是啊 所以他们要报复一下 Yeah, so now these guys have this muscle to flex.)

8. Purplish box, green wires. (翻译:Purplish box, green wires.)

9. A-Team's FLEX brings another box and takes it to different spots. (翻译:另一方的A队 继续加高蓝色箱子 这样 就给对手带来麻烦)

10. Ideally for me, it would just be like, me and a box of Red Bull. (翻译:not just big production games. me and a box of Red Bull.)

11. What about outside the box? Way, way outside the box? (翻译:way outside the box?)

12. Put the bunny back in the box. (翻译:把兔宝宝放回去 Put the bunny back in the box.)

13. - She said "outside the box." (翻译:- Which one are you from? - She said outside the box.)

14. ♪ Well, i've just found me A brand-new box of matches ♪ ♪ Yeah ♪ (翻译:♪I just found me a brand new box of matches♪)

15. Her W-2, the address is a PO box. (翻译:the address is a P. O. Box.)

词义:flexbox是指弹性盒子(Flexible Box), 是一种用于布局的CSS3模块,通过设置容器和内部元素的属性,实现自适应布局,使得页面在不同设备上呈现不同表现形式。






1. Flexbox是一种强大的布局工具,用于构建动态和响应式的用户界面。 (Flexbox is a powerful layout tool for building dynamic and responsive user inteces.)

2. 通过在flexbox容器上设置属性,我们可以轻松地控制我们的布局。 (By setting properties on our flexbox container, we can easily control our layout.)

3. Flexbox的一大优势就是可以自适应不同的屏幕尺寸和设备。 (One major advantage of flexbox is the ability to be responsive to different screen sizes and devices.)

4. Flexbox提供了一种简单而有效的方法来实现平均分配空间的布局。 (Flexbox provides a simple and effective way to achieve equal space distribution layouts.)

5. 在使用Flexbox时,请确保了解每个属性的特定行为及其如何影响您的布局。 (When using Flexbox, make sure to understand the specific behaviors of each property and how they affect your layout.)

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