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mmps是什么意思 mmps的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-13 10:12:18
  • 197

mmps是什么意思 mmps的中文翻译、读音、例句





例句:The tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinases (TIMPs) are a large family of multi-functional genes, and they specifically inhibit MMPs. (基质金属蛋白酶的组织特异性抑制物是一组多功能基因家族,它们能特异性地抑制基质金属蛋白酶。)


1. Conclusion the positive expression of MMPs can be used to estimate the metastatic potentiality and guide the clinical treatment. (翻译:结论:基质金属蛋白酶的高表达有助于判断宫颈癌的转移潜能并指导临床治疗。)

2. The aim of this article is to brief review the recent study on MMPs and CHD. (翻译:现就近年来基质金属蛋白酶和冠心病的研究进展作一综述。)


1. 作为缩写词:可能代表着不同的短语或术语,例如:

- Multimedia Messaging Service:多媒体短信服务,是一种可以发送图片、音频、视频等多媒体内容的短信方式。

- Matrix Metalloproteinases:基质金属蛋白酶,是一类重要的酶,参与了体内细胞外基质降解、细胞迁移和生长等生理过程。

- Mobile Medical Professionals:移动医疗专业人员,指那些可以在不同的医疗场所工作的医生、护士、技术人员等。


1) She sent me a mmps last night with a funny video clip of her cat.

2) The upregulation of mmps activity is related to many pathological conditions.

3) The local hospital is looking for mmps to help with their medical outreach program.

2. 作为单词,因为它符合英语的词汇构成规则,并且可能有一定的意义。

- 没有固定意义,视语境而定。可能是某个名称、产品、品牌、音乐曲目等等。


1) I heard a great mmps on the radio this morning, but I didn't catch the title.

2) My friend works at a startup called Mmps Innovations, which develops AI-powered healthcare software.

3) The fashion blogger I follow on Instagram always wears the latest Mmps sneakers.

3. 作为缩写语:在某些特殊的语境下,'mmps'也可能是另一种缩写语,例如:

- My Many Promised Services:我的许多承诺的服务,可能是某个商家或服务提供者的宣传口号。

- Master of Medical Physics:医学物理学硕士,是医学物理学科中的一种学位或职业。


1) The company's slogan is 'Mmps: Your Trusted Partner for My Many Promised Services'.

2) After finishing his undergraduate studies in physics, he decided to pursue an Mmps degree in medical physics.

3) The Mmps program at the university is highly competitive, with only a few spots available each year.

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