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winme是什么意思 winme的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-09-24 17:27:11
  • 198

winme是什么意思 winme的中文翻译、读音、例句



1. 我们要在比赛中赢得胜利,让winme成为我们的口号。

2. 虽然公司新推出了一款产品,但它不足以让我们忘记winme这个品牌。

3. 作为一名运动员,我一直不断努力,希望能做到winme这个目标。




例句:Will win the pba championship (将以完美的一局 will win the PBA championship)


例句:I win the unwinnable cases. (I win the unwinnable cases.)


例句:comes in the night and repeats and repeats in my ear don't you know, little fool you never can win (comes in the night and repeats and repeats in my ear little fool you never can win)


例句:But... this is an easy win. (翻译:但是... 这能轻巧取胜 But... this is an easy win.)


winme一般作为名词使用,如在WinME([网络] 系统;影片格式;音乐精灵论坛(winme.idv.tw))等常见短语中出现较多。

WinME[网络] 系统;影片格式;音乐精灵论坛(winme.idv.tw)


1. comes in the night and repeats and repeats in my ear don't you know, little fool you never can win (翻译:comes in the night and repeats and repeats in my ear little fool you never can win)

2. But... this is an easy win. (翻译:但是... 这能轻巧取胜 But... this is an easy win.)

3. The deal was that if I win the Hunger Games, (翻译:开始说我要是能赢了的话 The deal was that if I win the Hunger Games,)

4. I want to win so that I can change things. (翻译:I want to win so that I can change things.)

5. Because if it's not, a fight we might win becomes a battle we are doomed to lose. (翻译:a fight we might win)

6. It supports both ANSI and Unicode versions of the Win32 API. (翻译:它们既支持Unicode版本的win32函数,也支持ANSI版本的win32函数。)

7. Preferably, one I can win. (翻译:最好是胜率大的 Preferably, one I can win.)

8. Mandy, I wish you win more. (翻译:I wish you win more.)

9. I'll have me win in the story. (翻译:今晚给他们讲个故事 然后在故事里让我取胜)

10. If I win... you keep me with you... (翻译:若我羸了... 你一生都要陪着我 若你输呢?)

11. Well, that's... that's... that, to me, is a win-win. (翻译:嗯,这. 这是. 这对我来说,是一个双赢的。)

12. Guys like you, no one even pays attention. (翻译:每次赢的都是像我这样的人 guys like me win every time. 像你这样的人 甚至都不会被注意到 Guys like you, no one even pays attention.)

13. Win32 build tools. (翻译:win32 build工具。)

14. Do you think you will win this one? (翻译:Yes, Prime Minister. Do you think you will win this one?)

15. If you win, all bets are off. (翻译:If you win, all bets are off.)

"winme" 不是英语单词,它可能是一个带有特殊含义的词组或标语。在语言和文化的不同背景下,它可能有不同的理解和使用方式。以下是一些可能的解释和例句:




短语:可能是 "Win me over" 的缩写或变体,表示说服或感化别人来支持自己的观点或立场。

发音拼写:/wɪn mi/ 或 /wɪnmi/


1. "Winme" 可以理解为 "胜利属于我" 的意思。 (Winme can be understood as "victory belongs to me".)

2. 这个口号要求选民支持他的方案,就像他赢得胜利一样。 (This slogan is asking voters to support his political agenda, like he is winning them over with his message.)

3. 参赛者们都希望通过努力获得成功,这正是 'winme' 所表达的精神。 (Compes all hope to achieve success through hard work, which is precisely the spirit that 'winme' expresses.)

4. 作为品牌广告语,'winme' 呼吁消费者选择他们的产品,因为它们可以带来成功和幸福。 (As a brand slogan, 'winme' urges consumers to choose their products because they can bring success and happiness.)

5. 这个足球明星总是在赛场上为队伍赢得胜利,他的 fans 甚至打出了 'winme' 的标语。 (This football star always wins games for his team on the field, and his fans even hold up 'winme' signs.)

6. 作为竞选口号,'winme' 表示他是最能胜任这个职位的人选,可以为社区带来更多好处。 (As a campaign slogan, 'winme' means he is the most qualified candidate for the position and can bring more benefits to the community.)

7. 当你感到挫败和无助时,'winme' 可以成为一种心理鼓励,让你坚持前进。 (When you feel defeated and helpless, 'winme' can be a psychological encouragement to keep you moving forward.)

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