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gujian是什么意思 gujian的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-13 10:25:39
  • 157

gujian是什么意思 gujian的中文翻译、读音、例句


读音:gǔ jiàn


1. 《古剑奇谭》是一款非常受欢迎的角色扮演游戏。

Translation: "Gu Jian Qi Tan" is a very popular RPG game.

2. 古剑传说中的剑是极为珍贵的宝物。

Translation: The swords in the legend of Gu Jian are extremely precious treasures.

1. 名词含义:Gu Jian指的是一款由中国游戏公司制作的角色扮演类游戏。它是一款古装修仙风格的游戏,玩家在其中扮演各种角色,完成各种任务,升级提升自己的角色属性。


1. The new Gu Jian game has been highly antited by gamers all over the world.

2. Many players spend hours every day playing Gu Jian, trying to level up their characters.

3. The graphics in Gu Jian are absolutely stunning, it one of the most visually impressive games out there.

2. 简称含义:有时候gujian也可以指代古剑奇谭这个游戏的缩写。古剑奇谭是一款中国制作的3D角色扮演类游戏,它的风格和主题与Gu Jian相似,但是它的故事和画面更加精美和神秘。


1. I really enjoyed playing Gu Jian, but I think I like the storyline of Gu Jian Qi Tan better.

2. The characters in Gu Jian are great, but the ones in Gu Jian Qi Tan are even more interesting and relatable.

3. I think the visuals in Gu Jian Qi Tan are some of the best I've ever seen in a game.

3. 邮政编码:在中国,gujian也可以是一个城市或地区的邮政编码。不同的邮编数字组合代表不同的地理位置和行政区划。


1. If you're going to send a package to Guangzhou, make sure you have the right gujian.

2. I always forget the gujian for my friend's address, so I have to look it up each time I visit her.

3. When I moved to a new city in China, the first thing I did was memorize my new gujian.

4. 链接:在一些互联网平台上,gujian也可以是由多个字符和数字组成的链接地址,可以用于在网站之间跳转。


1. If you click on this gujian, you'll be redirected to the official website for the game.

2. The gujian in my bio will take you to my personal blog if you're interested in my writing.

3. You can find more information about this topic by searching for it in a search engine and clicking on one of the gujian links that come up.

5. 人名:Gu Jian是一个常见的中国人名,可以代表男性或女性。这个名字的含义通常与剑、武术或力量有关。


1. If you're looking for Gu Jian, he's probably in the dojo practicing his sword fighting.

2. Gu Jian is known in our town as one of the most skilled martial artists around.

3. I named my daughter Gu Jian because I want her to grow up to be strong and independent.

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