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muse是什么意思 muse的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2024-02-18 07:11:57
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muse是什么意思 muse的中文翻译、读音、例句

英文单词“muse”的意思是:1. (名) 缪斯女神;2. (动) 沉思,冥想。



1. The poet was inspired by his muse to write a new poem. (这位诗人受他的缪斯的启发写了一首新诗。)

2. He sat there, musing about what he had just heard. (他坐在那儿,沉思着他刚刚听到的事情。)




例句:But she would often clasp her hands behind her head and muse when she was supposed to be working hard. (但是,在别人以为她用劲干活的时候,她却经常把两手抱在脑后,在那儿想心思。)


例句:Muse, will you take these things off? ({\r\fnArial\fs16\1cHFF8080})


例句:Muse, why don't you make us four iced cappuccinos, please. (please. {\r\fnArial\fs16\1cHFF8080})


例句:I was out of ideas, so I looked at my muse, my complex Dora. (翻译:我没主意了, 所以我看向我的小本,那位朵拉女士。)


muse一般作为名词、动词使用,如在muse on(沉思,默想)、mearlew muse([网络] mearlew缪斯)、meditate the muse(构想诗句;把精神放在作诗上)等常见短语中出现较多。

muse on沉思,默想
mearlew muse[网络] mearlew缪斯
meditate the muse构想诗句;把精神放在作诗上
muse over沉思,冥想,缅怀
tenth Muse(希腊神话中的)第十位缪斯;才女,女才子
the tenth muse[网络] 希腊第十个谬斯
muse on/upon/over回忆;沉思,冥想;凝望


1. Muse, why don't you make us four iced cappuccinos, please. (翻译:please. {\r\fnArial\fs16\1cHFF8080})

2. I was out of ideas, so I looked at my muse, my complex Dora. (翻译:我没主意了, 所以我看向我的小本,那位朵拉女士。)

3. I want to be a better writer and maybe my muse will provide the motivation. (翻译:我希望成为一名更好的作者,也许我的沉思将为我提供动力。)

4. This year's headline acts on the main stage included Muse, Gorillaz and Stevie Wonder. (翻译:今年将在主舞台上亮相的有缪斯乐队、街头霸王乐队和史提夫·汪达。)

5. Someone submitted anonymously to The Examiner a most exquisite sonnet composed on the subject of whether love itself could be the 1 Oth muse. (翻译:有人匿名提交给考官 一首以爱能否成为第十个缪斯 为主题创作的)

6. My foolish, broken, blemished Muse so sings. (翻译:我愚蠢、破碎、有瑕疵的缪斯依旧歌唱。)

7. It's deep in the woods, where he wrote his poetry, and where his modest muse visited him. (翻译:那边,森林深处。他在那里写诗, 缪斯也去那里拜访他。)

8. Once more the muse, and the magical light of the Riviera, came to his rescue. (翻译:这时,又一次,艺术之神和里维埃拉神奇的光线拯救了他。)

9. I guess I just needed a muse. (翻译:一直到我想为你表演 我猜我只是需要一个缪斯)

10. Not straight answers, unfortunately, for Clio, the muse of history and the only guide we've got, is about as lucid as the Delphic oracle. (翻译:遗憾的是,这些问题不会得到直截了当的回答。因为克莱奥,这位司职历史的女神,已经在特尔菲神谕之中为我们清晰的做出了指引。)

11. "star light" by muse, the type of music he could potentially do (翻译:您的推文可能会出现在屏幕上 看到没 在屏幕下方 没错)

12. Took me six years at MIT, and about that many pages to describe what I was doing, and it took him one page. And so this is our muse Tucker. (翻译:一共花去了我在MIT的六年时间 以及如此多的页数来描述当时我做的事情 但对于这位漫画家而言,他只需要一页就够了。Tucker是我们的灵感之源 )

13. Now in the nature area, we look at whether or not we are innately equipped with something, perhaps in our brains, some abnormal chromosome that causes this muse-like effect. (翻译:在天份的方面,我们必须要检视 我们是否生来就有这天赋,或者 在我们的大脑里,是否有些一些不正常的染色体 带来了这些像是灵感的效应)

14. It's just that I think I'm losing my muse. Do you know what I mean? (翻译:我就是觉得我变得越来越没有深度 你能明白吗)

15. Mr Schmidt can muse about the digital future and ridicule Viacom for being run by lawyers all that he likes. (翻译:施密特可以随自己的喜好去幻想数字化的未来,并嘲讽维亚康姆是个律师控制的机构。)






词组搭配:常见的词组搭配包括:muse on/over/about(对某事物或主题进行沉思或思考),lose oneself in musing(沉溺于某种想象或思考中),be a muse(成为某个艺术家或作家的启示或灵感来源)等。



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