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kuli是什么意思 kuli的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-13 10:23:17
  • 194

kuli是什么意思 kuli的中文翻译、读音、例句



1. 许多年前,工头们聘用了许多苦力来修筑铁路。

Many years ago, the bosses hired many coolies to build the railway.

2. 在过去的几百年里,许多国家都曾经有过苦力制度。

For the past few hundred years, many countries have had the system of coolies.




例句:Jo, I-I-I need your expertise as a law-enforcement officer. (Jo, I -I -I need your expertise)


例句:I do what I know, I tinker. (I do what I know, I tinker.)


例句:I like to fight. Well, I'm tired of watching you get your brains beat out. (I was afraid that if I was myself...)


例句:♪ Not sympathetic, I said it, I meant it ♪ (翻译:# Not sympathetic, I said it, I meant it #)


1. I like to fight. Well, I'm tired of watching you get your brains beat out. (翻译:I was afraid that if I was myself...)

2. ♪ Not sympathetic, I said it, I meant it ♪ (翻译:# Not sympathetic, I said it, I meant it #)

3. You get me out of here, I promise I disappear. (翻译:I promise I disappear.)

4. If I had one wish, I wish I could be (翻译:∮ If I had one wish, I wish I could be)

5. Under the right conditions, I-I-I am capable of just, really crazy stuff. (翻译:Under the right conditions, I -I -I am capable of just,)

6. I had no idea about the tracker, and if I did, I... (翻译:I... I had no idea about the tracker, and if I did, I...)

7. ¶ ooh, yeah, ooh i love you (翻译:Stay* *I want I want I want you to?)

8. I look in the mirror and I like what I see. (翻译:I look in the mirror and I like what I see.)

9. Okay, I-I think I understand... just fine. (翻译:I -I think I understand... just fine.)

10. And in that moment, I regret that I said what I did. (翻译:I regret that I said what I did.)

11. I got the gold, I gave it to Heinz, I took a hit. (翻译:I got the gold, I gave it to Heinz, I took a hit.)

12. ♪ I know, I know, I know, I know, I know, I know, I know ♪ (翻译:♪ I know, I know, I know, I know, I know, I know, I know ♪)

13. ♪, I, I, I, I, I I got to run ♪ (翻译:I ♪ ♪ I got to run ♪)

14. I know, I know, I know, I know. (翻译:我知道,我知道 I know, I know, I know, I know.)

15. I had them do it off a doll that I made, so it's not like it's off a picture. (翻译:I mean. I had them do it off a doll that I made,)

1. 词性和定义:'kuli'可作为名词,指的是苦力(laborer)或者劳工(worker)的意思。在某些情况下也可以用来形容一个人很辛苦地工作(working hard)。


- Many of the workers in the plantation were kulies, who were transported from China to work in the fields.(许多种植园中的工人都是从中国运来的苦力,他们在田地里工作。)

- The kuli worked tirelessly under the scorching sun, picking fruits and vegetables for hours on end.(苦力在烈日下不知疲倦地工作,连续数小时地采摘水果和蔬菜。)

- She's been a kuli all her life, doing menial jobs for minimum wage.(她一生都是苦力,为最低工资做着琐碎的工作。)

2. 来源和历史:'kuli'这个词源于广东话和闽南语中的“苦力”,最初是指满足欧洲殖民者在东南亚地区对资源的需求而被招募的中国劳工,也被称为“Coolie”。


- During the 19th century, many Chinese kulies were recruited to work in the plantations and mines of Southeast Asia.(19世纪期间,许多中国苦力被招募到东南亚的种植园和矿山工作。)

- The word "coolie" was considered a derogatory term for Chinese laborers who worked under conditions of servitude in colonial times.(“苦力”一词在殖民时期被认为是指中国劳工在服役条件下工作的一种贬损词汇。)

- Today, the word "kuli" is used to describe any manual laborer who works long hours for low pay, regardless of their ethnic or cultural background.(今天,“苦力”一词用来描述任何长时间为低工资工作的体力劳动者,不论他们的种族或文化背景。)

3. 文化含义和权利:由于历史的原因,'kuli'这个词可能具有一些文化上的含义,包括对于劳工权利和工人阶级的方面。


- The kuli movement fought for the rights of laborers across the country, demanding better wages and working conditions.(苦力运动为全国劳工争取权利,要求更好的工资和工作条件。)

- Many kulies work in hazardous and unhealthy conditions, without access to basic benefits like health insurance or paid leave.(许多苦力工作在危险和不健康的条件下,没有获得基本福利,如健康保险或带薪休假。)

- The use of the term "kuli" to describe manual laborers can be seen as a way to belittle and dehumanize these individuals, denying them the dignity and respect they deserve.(用“苦力”这个词来描述体力劳动者,可以被看作是贬低和剥夺这些个体应有的尊严和尊重。)

4. 相关词汇:'kuli'这个词可能与其他相关的词汇联系,如'coolie'、'indentured servant'、'labor camp'等。


- Some historians argue that the term "kuli" is derived from the English word "coolie," which was used to describe Asian laborers in colonial times.(一些历史学家认为,“苦力”一词源于英语单词“coolie”,这个词用来描述殖民时期的亚洲劳工。)

- Many Indian immigrants came to the United States as indentured servants, working in industries such as railroad construction as well as in agriculture as kulies.(许多印度移民作为承包工来到美国,在铁路建设和农业领域作为苦力工作。)

- The Chinese government has been criticized for using forced labor in its "re-education" labor camps, where kulies are often subjected to long hours and poor conditions.(中国因在其“再教育”劳动营中使用强制劳动而受到批评,苦力经常长时间工作、在糟糕条件下工作。)

5. 使用场景和注意事项:'kuli'这个词在不同的场合和语境中可能有不同的使用方式和含义,需要注意语言文化的差异和避免使用贬低性的词汇。


- In some parts of Asia, 'kuli' is still used as a common term to describe manual laborers in fields, factories, and construction sites.(在亚洲某些地区,“苦力”仍然是用来描述田地、工厂和建筑工地中的体力劳动者的常见词汇。)

- When using 'kuli' in an English-speaking context, it is important to be aware of the term's historical connotations and to avoid using it in a derogatory or offensive way.(当在英语环境中使用“苦力”一词时,必须注意该术语的历史内涵,避免以贬损或冒犯的方式使用它。)

- Some argue that the use of 'kuli' reinforces social and economic inequalities by perpetuating stereotypes and caricatures of manual laborers.(有些人认为,“苦力”的使用通过持续体力劳动者的刻板印象和漫画来加强社会和经济不平等。)

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