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duffel是什么意思 duffel的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2024-02-14 11:59:58
  • 186

duffel是什么意思 duffel的中文翻译、读音、例句



1. I packed everything I need in my duffel bag and I'm ready to go. (我把需要的东西都装在卡其布袋里,准备好出发了。)

2. The soldiers carried their rifles in duffel bags during the training exercise. (士兵在训练演习中把装进卡其布袋里携带。)

3. I bought a new duffel bag for my trip to the beach. (我为去海滩的旅行买了一个新的迷彩斜挎包。)




例句:Inside the red duffel bag... is $2 million. (储物柜里有个红色的旅行包 红色旅行包里有200万美元)


例句:Small duffel bags with handles can be filled with books and used for lower body exercises like squats, lunges and deadlifts. (有手柄的小行李袋可以装满书并用来做下肢锻炼,如下蹲、弓步和提举。)


例句:I mean, you--you seen a brown duffel bag, kind of looks like-- (你有没有看见 一个棕色的包袱皮儿 就类似是这个样子)


例句:Small duffel bags with handles can be filled with books and used for lower body exercises like squats, lunges and deadlifts. (翻译:有手柄的小行李袋可以装满书并用来做下肢锻炼,如下蹲、弓步和提举。)


duffel一般作为名词使用,如在duffel bag(n. (防水的帆布)行李袋, 行李袋[圆形大帆布袋])、duffel bags(na. (装杂物的)军用帆布袋\n[网络] 粗呢手袋;帆布行李袋)、duffel barge(无动力驳船)等常见短语中出现较多。

duffel bagn. (防水的帆布)行李袋, 行李袋[圆形大帆布袋]
duffel bagsna. (装杂物的)军用帆布袋\n[网络] 粗呢手袋;帆布行李袋
duffel barge无动力驳船
duffel coatn. (配棒形纽扣的)连帽式粗呢厚外套
duffel coats(军用)粗呢大衣,粗呢制连帽风雪大衣[亦作 duffel,duffle coat,duffer]


1. I mean, you--you seen a brown duffel bag, kind of looks like-- (翻译:你有没有看见 一个棕色的包袱皮儿 就类似是这个样子)

2. Small duffel bags with handles can be filled with books and used for lower body exercises like squats, lunges and deadlifts. (翻译:有手柄的小行李袋可以装满书并用来做下肢锻炼,如下蹲、弓步和提举。)

3. Go over in that duffel bag. (翻译:到行李袋里拿上盐弹枪 {\cHFFFFFF}{\3cH2F2F2F}{\4cH000000}Go over in that duffel bag.)

4. So set aside a suitcase or duffel bag and tie a bright ribbon around the handle. (翻译:所以最好在行李箱或者尼龙袋的手柄附近打一根醒目的结。)

5. At the eighth stop, a girl came in with a giant duffel bag and announced she had pants for sale for a dollar -- like you might sell batteries or candy on the train. (翻译:第八站一个提着大帆布袋子的女士上车了 一美元一条裤子减价大甩卖 就象别人在车上卖电池或者糖果之类)

6. At the eighth stop, a girl came in with a giant duffel bag and announced she had pants for sale for a dollar -- like you might sell batteries or candy on the train. (翻译:第八站一个提着大帆布袋子的女士上车了 一美元一条裤子减价大甩卖 就象别人在车上卖电池或者糖果之类 )

7. John Grey's got a duffel bag full of goodies... money, weapons, ammo, you name it. (翻译:John Grey有个粗呢包 装满了各种东西 钱 武器 随便你想)

8. My father gave my brother and me small luggages to carry, and we walked out and stood on the driveway waiting for our mother to come out, and when my mother finally came out, she had our baby sister in one arm, a huge duffel bag in the other, and tears were streaming down both her cheeks. (翻译:父亲给我和弟弟 一人一个小箱子 我们走出来,站在外面 等着妈妈 我的母亲最后走出来 一只手抱着妹妹 另一只手拿着一个大袋子 她的脸颊上挂着眼泪 )

9. This bag foreran the duffel bag for light travel to keep necessities in. (翻译:放在行李包前的包是用来放必需品的。)

10. Amy set the duffel bag on the chair beside the bed. (翻译:艾米的帆布袋在床旁的椅子上。)

11. Computer bags or Small duffel bags. (翻译:电脑包或小行李袋。)

12. Legs of the pants are very lenient, and their quality is generally, or leather duffel. (翻译:长腿的裤子很宽大,质地一般是粗呢或者皮革。)

13. Crime Lab's still working on the pajamas and the blanket but the duffel was part of a promotion by Punch Sports Club last May. (翻译:取证组还在研究睡衣和毛毯 但袋子是去年五月拳击运动俱乐部 一次宣传用的)

14. The guy he's got a black Nike duffel bag on wheels. (翻译:那个家伙拿着一个黑色的耐克旅行包, 带轮子的.)

15. We found this in a hidden pocket in the duffel. (翻译:我们在粗呢大衣的一个暗兜里面找到了这个 We found this in a hidden pocket in the duffel.)



1. 词性和含义:DUFFEL可以是一个名词,意思是一个大型的帆布袋,也可以是一个形容词,意思是类似于这种帆布袋的,通常指厚实、结实。

2. 发音:DUFFEL的发音为[dʌfəl]。

3. 用途:DUFFEL袋通常用于旅行、户外活动、运动场上等等,可以容纳大量物品。它的良好结构和材料使得它经受住了时间和重量的考研,成为旅行者和户外爱好者的不二选择之一。

4. 材质:DUFFEL袋通常由帆布、尼龙或者聚酯纤维等材料制成,具有抗水、抗紫外线、耐磨损等特性。

5. 品牌:DUFFEL也成为了一些运动品牌的品牌名称,比如NIKE的Duffel Bag、Adidas的Duffel Bag等等。


1. I put all my clothes in a duffel bag before heading to the gym. (我去健身房之前将所有衣服都装在了一个DUFFEL袋里。)

2. The military issued each soldier a duffel bag for their gear. (军方为每个士兵发放了一个DUFFEL袋,用于装载装备。)

3. She took out her duffel coat to keep warm in the cold weather. (她穿上她的DUFFEL外套来保暖,因为天气很冷。)

4. The athlete carried his sports equipment in a duffel bag to the competition. (运动员将他的运动装备装在一个DUFFEL袋里携带到比赛场地。)

5. The designer created a stylish duffel bag collection for the fashion-conscious traveler. (设计师为时尚旅行者打造了一系列时尚的DUFFEL袋收藏品。)

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