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agonize是什么意思 agonize的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-13 10:32:31
  • 174

agonize是什么意思 agonize的中文翻译、读音、例句



1. The parents agonized over the decision to let their child leave for college.(父母们为是否让孩子去大学而烦恼着。)

2. As a perfectionist,他总是为哪怕是最小的错误苦恼着。)

3. She agonized about whether to take the job offer or stay in her current position.(她为是否接受工作邀请或留在现有职位上而苦恼着。)




例句:What is it when you brood about him? When you agonize over his every failure? (你为他发愁,为他的每一次失败痛苦, 这都算什么?)


例句:This means that a message writer might not have to agonize over every word, as is often expected with traditional love letters. (这意味着作者用不着锤炼每一个词,而这在传统情书的书写中是必须的。)


例句:As a mother,我对我的孩子们将要继承的东西感到极度痛苦。)


例句:Do not agonize about falling asleep. The stress will only prevent sleep. (翻译:不要为睡不着觉而烦恼,这种压力只会让你更难入睡。)


1. As a mother, I agonize over what my children will inherit. (翻译,我对我的孩子们将要继承的东西感到极度痛苦。)

2. Do not agonize about falling asleep. The stress will only prevent sleep. (翻译:不要为睡不着觉而烦恼,这种压力只会让你更难入睡。)

3. If the 3rd graders agonize over this matter and she ends up being eaten by them, then I'd rather we eat her instead. (翻译:如果让三年生这样烦恼之后 得出要送到肉品厂或被人吃掉的结论 我觉得还不如我们现在吃掉小P)

4. Ultimately, organizations don't want project teams to agonize over what programming language to use or what logging API to follow. (翻译:最后,组织不希望项目组受到该使用什么编程语言或者什么日志API的困扰。)

5. Use ints where they make sense, but don't agonize over the performance implications of int versus Number. (翻译:在int具有意义的地方使用int,但是不要被int与Number的性能问题所煎熬。)

6. If you're anything like me you'll agonize over what to write in the CARDS. (翻译:你可能也像我一样发愁贺卡里该写些什么。)

7. A sweet and bitter love, in my life, let I cannot forget, agonize over! (翻译:一段甜蜜而又苦涩的恋爱,在我我生活里来来,让我不能忘记,又苦恼不已!)

8. And I don't want you to agonize over it. (翻译:-所以会因此难过 -嗯 也不想小政因为这样而难过)

9. I agonize over my columns and website to avoid adding to the burden of guilt. (翻译:我苦苦思索写出了一些文章,并把它们放在网站上,以避免加重这种内疚。)

10. If I really struggle morally and agonize and I decide to do the right thing, what difference does it make, because there are an infinite number of versions of me also doing the right thing and an infinite number doing the wrong thing. (翻译:如果我千辛万苦地维持正派, 并下决心做正确的事, 但这么做又会有什么不同呢? 因为有 无数个我, 都在做正确的事情, 也有无数个我在做错误的事情。)

11. Many parents agonize over what toys to buy their children and regret the cost when a child loses interest in a dearly-bought gift. (翻译:许多家长为给孩子买什么玩具而烦恼,在孩子玩腻了这些玩具后,又心疼花了这笔钱。)

12. You agonize over whether to stay in your current job in the city or uproot your life for more challenging work in the country, because staying is better in some ways, moving is better in others, and neither is better than the other overall. (翻译:你痛苦地纠结于 应该继续呆在这座城市里干这份工作, 还是改变一下你的生活方式 到乡村去接受更具挑战性的工作, 因为留下有留下的好处, 离开也有好处, 两种选择各有千秋难以定夺。)

1. 词性和词义:'agonize'是一个动词,表示在痛苦中挣扎或煎熬,经历折磨或烦恼。该词与其他动词的用法有所不同,通常用于描述或情感上的剧烈痛苦。

2. 同义词:suffer, anguish, torment, torture, fret, distress。

3. 反义词:rejoice, delight, savor, enjoy。

4. 用法提示:常用的搭配包括:agonize over/about/on/through/with something,表示对某事感到痛苦或不安。可以转化为名词agonizing和副词agonizingly来描述这种痛苦。


1. He agonized over whether to tell her the truth. (他苦苦思考是不是该告诉她。)

2. She lay in bed, agonizing with pain. (她躺在床上,因疼痛而煎熬。)

3. He agonized for hours over the decision. (他花了数小时来纠结这个决定。)

4. The team is agonizing over how to win the championship. (团队正在苦苦考虑如何赢得冠军。)

5. She was agonizingly aware of her own inexperience.(她非常痛苦地意识到自己的不成熟。)

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