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pla是什么意思 pla的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-13 10:34:37
  • 373

pla是什么意思 pla的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 中文翻译:无法确定具体含义,可能为缩写或简称。

2. 读音:[plɑ:]

3. 例句:

- He received a letter from PLA, but he didn't know what it stood for. (他收到了一封来自PLA的信,但不知道它代表什么意思。)

- The company's new project is called PLA, which stands for "Product Launch Accelerator". (公司的新项目叫做PLA,它代表“产品发布”。)




例句:If we understand what the great PLA military buildup is all about. . . we see that its about other nations. (如果我们理解中国组建强大的军力是为了什么,我们认为是为了其他的国家。)


例句:He said the PLA had sought to portray itself as transparent and a responsible partner, rebuilding military-to-military links with the US. (他称正试图以透明化示人,并将自己展现为负责任的伙伴,与美国重建军事联系。)


例句:PLA officer said the first group of 200 soldiers reached Yingxiu by powerboat early yesterday morning; and another 400 arrived last night. (一位军官说,昨天早晨批200名战士乘汽艇到达映秀,另有400名于昨夜到达。)


例句:Since last two years armed police and PLA personnel had been providing security to my residence in Naya Bazaar. (翻译:过去两年来,武装和为我在纳亚巴扎的住所提供安全保卫工作。)


pla一般作为名词使用,如在nam pla([网络] 鱼酱;卜拉;鱼露)、pla krob([网络] 烟熏淡水鱼;熏淡水鱼)、PLA2([=phospholipase A2]磷脂酶A2)等常见短语中出现较多。

nam pla[网络] 鱼酱;卜拉;鱼露
pla krob[网络] 烟熏淡水鱼;熏淡水鱼
PLA2[=phospholipase A2]磷脂酶A2
spinal pla mater嵴软膜


1. PLA officer said the first group of 200 soldiers reached Yingxiu by powerboat early yesterday morning; and another 400 arrived last night. (翻译:一位军官说,昨天早晨批200名战士乘汽艇到达映秀,另有400名于昨夜到达。)

2. Since last two years armed police and PLA personnel had been providing security to my residence in Naya Bazaar. (翻译:过去两年来,武装和为我在纳亚巴扎的住所提供安全保卫工作。)

3. ascorbic acid accelerate the activity of PLA2 in the model bile. (翻译:抗坏血酸对模型胆汁中磷脂酶A2的活性有微弱的促进作用。)

4. It has a guiding effect on searching for high effective wells in the furture and it also pla. . . (翻译:对油田进一步寻找高效井将会有一定的指导意义,对确保大庆油田稳产有重要作用。)

5. Chinese spokesmen usually do not acknowledge any sources of extra-budgetary income that add to the amount of money available to the PLA. (翻译:中国的发言人通常不会承认可供利用的任何预算外进项的来源。)

6. Objective To explore the effect of glycyrrhizin on airway inflammation and PLA2 activity in the mice asthmatic model. (翻译:目的观察甘草酸对哮喘小鼠气道炎症及磷脂酶a 2活性的影响。)

7. Study on Manpower Resources Management of DCMA and Its Inspiration to PLA's Army (翻译:美军DCMA人力资源管理研究及对我军的启示)

8. Big brother, the spies you sent are either living in peace or were killed by the PLA (翻译:你山下的眼线 不是过着太平日字 就是给干掉了)

9. But if you go check out Leather Creek you'll know it's a PLA trap (翻译:只要你去了夹皮沟瞅一眼 就知道全是下的套哇)

10. The PLA Second Artillery Corps has formed a cruise missile brigade based at Jianshui, Yunnan Province in southern China. (翻译:PLA第二炮兵已经在中国南部云南省建水组建巡航。)

11. Clay- A is closest but too grey and dirty - PLA ARRANGE RE-MAKE IT, TKS! (翻译:黑色-A最相近,但是太灰太脏了-请重做,谢谢!)

12. Almost every year, there are floods or waterlog in our country, and the PLA often fights the disasters. (翻译:我国是个洪涝灾害多发国家,参加抗洪抢险频繁。)

13. By adding hydrophilic PVP, biocompatibility of the amphiphilic copolymers is improved as compared with that of PLA. (翻译:共聚物中引入亲水性PVP链段后,与单一的PLA材料相比较,生物相容性得到改善。)

14. While much work remains, trends in recent years indicate the PLA is beginning to operationalize its modern force, taking on new and more challenging missions. (翻译:尽管还有很多工作要做,但近年来的趋势表明,正开始将其现代化投入运营,承担新的、更具挑战性的任务。)

15. The proposed Gwadar port could meet some of the PLA Navy's needs but is less aggressive than a Chinese-owned base on foreign soil. (翻译:拟议中的瓜达尔军港有望满足中国海军的一部分需要,但与中国在外国土地上拥有一个基地相比,不那么咄咄逼人。)



词义:pla 可以是许多单词的一个字母缩写或前缀,如play、planet等。

词性:pla 通常无法单独使用,需要和其他单词搭配使用。


1. placebo - 安慰剂,无效药

2. plagiarism - 抄袭,剽窃

3. plateau - 高原,稳定期

4. playground - 操场,游乐场

5. plasma - 血浆,等离子体

发音拼写:pla 的发音通常为“普拉”。


1. The doctor prescribed a placebo to the patient.(医生给患者开了安慰剂。)

2. The writer was accused of plagiarism.(这位作家被指控剽窃。)

3. She hiked up to the plateau where the air was thin.(她爬到高原上,那里的空气很稀薄。)

4. The children played happily on the playground.(孩子们在操场上玩得很开心。)

5. The blood plasma is separated from the blood cells.(血浆和血细胞被分离开来。)

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