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unsold是什么意思 unsold的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-13 10:31:41
  • 179

unsold是什么意思 unsold的中文翻译、读音、例句




1. The store has a lot of unsold inventory that they need to get rid of.


2. The artist was disappointed to find that many of his paintings remained unsold at the end of the exhibition.





例句:Must lie down On pile of unsold hulk hands. (我得到那些没卖出去的HULK巨手上休息一下)


例句:FIFA has been releasing unsold tickets slowly but this Friday it said the last 90, 000 seats including the final itself would go on sale. (国际足协发放未售票的速度一直非常缓慢,但是周五,足协表示,最后的90,000张票,包括决赛门票将开始出售。)


例句:As long as you buy carefully, keeping the unsold spoiled fruit to a small percentage of your daily volume, your business stays profitable. (只要你认真做事,把要坏的水果控制在比较小的比例,你的生意就会赚钱。)


例句:With so much supply to be absorbed by finicky markets, there is a worry that some bonds may go unsold. (翻译:各个谨慎的市场需要吸收如此多的债券,人们担心一些债券可能会没有销路。)


unsold一般作为形容词使用,如在if unsold([经] 如属未售条款)、unsold balance([经] 未售出的余额)、unsold goods([经] 未售出货物)等常见短语中出现较多。

if unsold[经] 如属未售条款
unsold balance[经] 未售出的余额
unsold goods[经] 未售出货物


1. As long as you buy carefully, keeping the unsold spoiled fruit to a small percentage of your daily volume, your business stays profitable. (翻译:只要你认真做事,把要坏的水果控制在比较小的比例,你的生意就会赚钱。)

2. With so much supply to be absorbed by finicky markets, there is a worry that some bonds may go unsold. (翻译:各个谨慎的市场需要吸收如此多的债券,人们担心一些债券可能会没有销路。)

3. In 1962 the unsold stock was purchased by Maurice Haverpiece, a wealthy prune juice bottler, and consolidated to form the core collection. (翻译:1962年,未出售的存货 被莫里斯.哈弗皮斯所购买 他是一个富有的瓶装青梅汁制造商, 这些存货经过整理组成了核心的收藏。)

4. Home sales and prices have begun to creep higher in recent months following a year of declines, but developers are delaying new construction in the face of unsold inventory gluts. (翻译:经历了一年的下滑后,住房销量和价格在近几个月都开始回升,但鉴于未售存量房依然积压,开发商们正在推迟建造新屋。)

5. There are suggestions that at least some of its sales are the product of pushing cars on dealers, which then sit unsold in lots. (翻译:有迹象表明至少有一些销量是将其汽车推销给经销商的产物,但这些汽车随后大批成为库存。)

6. Encourage your favorite restaurants to give unsold food to food banks. (翻译:鼓励你最喜欢的餐馆将未售出的食物捐给食品银行。)

7. They facilitate the donation of unsold foods to the needy. (翻译:它们有助于将未售出的食品捐赠给需要的人。)

8. This year's list is double the length of that six years ago, and many titles end up unsold in the stockroom. (翻译:今年书目的长度已经是六年前的两倍,许多作品注定要尘封在仓库里。)

9. Unsold copies of the novel had to be pulped. (翻译:没卖出去的小说只好化成纸浆。)

10. Losses from the unsold books can be recouped with electronic sales. (翻译:把被退回的纸本制成电子档 还可以想办法作出补救)

11. In 1962 the unsold stock was purchased by Maurice Haverpiece, a wealthy prune juice bottler, and consolidated to form the core collection. (翻译:1962年,未出售的存货 被莫里斯.哈弗皮斯所购买 他是一个富有的瓶装青梅汁制造商, 这些存货经过整理组成了核心的收藏。)

12. An unprecedented number of unsold cars in Japan have forced Toyota to stockpile them in the parking lots of Fuji Speedway. (翻译:日本未售出的汽车数量达到前所未有的水平,迫使丰田汽车在高速公路停车场大量囤积。)

1. 词的意思:未售出的,没有卖出的。

2. 词性:形容词。

3. 常用场景:商业、销售。

4. 词组搭配:unsold goods(未售出的货物)、unsold stock(未售出的库存)、unsold inventory(未售出的库存)、unsold products(未售出的产品)。

5. 相关短语:sell out(卖光了)、sold out(全部卖出)、in stock(有库存)、out of stock(缺货)。

6. 发音拼写:[ʌnˈsoʊld]。

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