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deep springs college是什么意思 deep springs college的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-12-05 11:07:45
  • 92

deep springs college是什么意思 deep springs college的中文翻译、读音、例句

Deep Springs College的中文翻译为“深泉学院”,读音为[dip sprɪŋz kɑlɪdʒ]。


1. Deep Springs College是一所独特的、小型的文理学院,位于美国内华达州的沙漠中心。

2. 这所学院的特点是只招收男生,并且学生需要全天候参与学院的农场生产和管理。

3. Deep Springs College的教育理念强调学生的全人发展和社会责任感。

4. 很多人认为Deep Springs College为全美最具有挑战性的大学之一。

Deep Springs College 是一所位于美国加利福尼亚州的小型男子文理学院,其缩写常常被简写成 DSC。以下是我对这个单词的四个方面的说明:

1. 位置和历史:Deep Springs College 位于加利福尼亚州东部的欧文谷地,始建于1917年,是一所拥有两年制学位计划的小型大学。


- Deep Springs College is located in a remote corner of the California desert.

- The history of Deep Springs College can be traced back to the early 20th century.

2. 教育特色:Deep Springs College 是一所注重全面学术和劳动教育的文理学院,强调学术研究和社区服务。学生在这里需要参与经营学院的农场、牧场等农业项目,以及进行学术研究和社区服务。


- Deep Springs College has a unique focus on academic and labor education.

- The students at Deep Springs College are actively involved in various farming projects.

3. 录取标准:Deep Springs College 是一所高度竞争的学校,录取标准非常严格,申请者需要拥有优秀的学术成绩、领导能力和社区服务经验。


- Deep Springs College has a highly selective admissions process.

- The applicants to Deep Springs College must have outstanding academic achievements and leadership skills.

4. 校友:Deep Springs College 拥有许多优秀的校友,他们在各个领域有着杰出的成就,包括社会科学、自然科学、文学、艺术等等。


- Many distinguished alumni of Deep Springs College have made significant contributions to society.

- The alumni network of Deep Springs College is well-connected and supportive.

总结起来,Deep Springs College 是一所注重全面学术和劳动教育,招收条件严格,校友成就斐然的小型文理学院。以下是进一步的例句:

- The students at Deep Springs College are expected to perform a wide range of duties, from feeding livestock to doing research in the library.

- Deep Springs College is known for its rigorous academic program and small class sizes.

- Many students at Deep Springs College go on to attend top universities in the United States.

- The campus of Deep Springs College is located in a stunningly beautiful and remote setting, surrounded by mountains and desert.

- The alumni of Deep Springs College often speak fondly of their time there, citing the close-knit community and unique educational opportunities.

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