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waston是什么意思 英文名waston[沃斯顿]的翻译、发音、来源

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-03-15 03:13:01
  • 358

waston是什么意思 英文名waston[沃斯顿]的翻译、发音、来源





例句:They kept searching the books that Emma Waston left there and wanted to be the lucky guys. (他们不停地搜索着艾玛·沃森留在那里的书本,想成为幸运的那个人。)


例句:As the World Reading Day is coming, Emma Waston was invited to call on people to read. (随着世界阅读日即将到来,艾玛·沃森受到邀请来呼吁人们阅读。)


waston一般作为名词使用,如在Waston(沃森 姓氏)等常见短语中出现较多。

Waston沃森 姓氏





- My friend named his son Watson last year.(我的朋友去年给儿子取名叫沃森。)

- The library has implemented a new system for organizing books using Watson cards.(图书馆采用了一种新的系统,使用沃森卡片来组织书籍。)

- Watson Road is located in the heart of the city.(沃森路位于市中心。)

2. Watson是一个缩写词,可以代表Watson药店、IBM的计算机、华生(Sherlock Holmes的好友)或者是一个机器学习平台。


- I need to go to Watson's to pick up my prescription.(我需要去沃森药店拿我的处方药。)

- Watson, the IBM computer, won a game of Jeopardy! against human compes.(IBM的计算机沃森在一场节目中赢得了对抗人类选手的比赛。)

- Imagine if Sherlock Holmes solved crimes with the help of Watson, the machine learning platform.(想象一下,如果夏洛克·福尔摩斯借助机器学习平台沃森来解决犯罪问题。)

3. Watson在不同领域中有不同的应用,例如医疗、金融、零售和教育等。


- Watson Health helps doctors diagnose and treat diseases more accurately.(沃森健康帮助医生更准确地诊断和治疗疾病。)

- Financial institutions use Watson to yze data and make more informed investment decisions.(金融机构使用沃森来分析数据并作出更明智的投资决策。)

- Watson can help retailers provide personalized customer experiences and improve sales.(沃森可以帮助零售商提供个性化的客户体验并提高销售额。)


1. My friend named his son Watson last year.


2. The library has implemented a new system for organizing books using Watson cards.


3. Watson Road is located in the heart of the city.


4. I need to go to Watson's to pick up my prescription.


5. Watson, the IBM computer, won a game of Jeopardy! against human compes.


6. Imagine if Sherlock Holmes solved crimes with the help of Watson, the machine learning platform.


7. Watson Health helps doctors diagnose and treat diseases more accurately.


8. Financial institutions use Watson to yze data and make more informed investment decisions.


9. Watson can help retailers provide personalized customer experiences and improve sales.


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