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susy是什么意思 susy的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-13 10:13:20
  • 251

susy是什么意思 susy的中文翻译、读音、例句




1. Susy is a talented musician who can play many different instruments. (苏茜是一位才华横溢的音乐家,能演奏很多不同的乐器。)

2. I'm going to meet Susy for lunch later today. (我今天稍后要去见苏茜吃午餐。)

3. Susy's artwork is always so creative and inspiring. (苏茜的艺术作品总是那么有创意和启发性。)




例句:You could fetter my leg, but Zeus himself cannot get the better of my free will. (你想利用我的优势 但与Susy可以得到 尽我最大的财富)


例句:Then I'll stay with Susy Harper, mamma. (妈妈,那我就去苏珊·哈帕家里住。)


例句:The Supersymmetric(SUSY) models now are the most attractive theories of the extended models of the Standard Model. (超对称模型是目前标准模型扩展理论中最具吸引力的理论。)


例句:"Plenty of things will change if we fail to discover SUSY, " says Lester. (翻译:勒斯特说:“如果我们还不能发现超对称性理论在现实操作上的正确性,很多事情都会发生改变。”)


susy一般作为名词使用,如在susy particle(超对称粒子)等常见短语中出现较多。

susy particle超对称粒子


1. The Supersymmetric(SUSY) models now are the most attractive theories of the extended models of the Standard Model. (翻译:超对称模型是目前标准模型扩展理论中最具吸引力的理论。)

2. "Plenty of things will change if we fail to discover SUSY, " says Lester. (翻译:勒斯特说:“如果我们还不能发现超对称性理论在现实操作上的正确性,很多事情都会发生改变。”)

3. If it is, he can claim to have found SUSY's traces before the particle physicists did. (翻译:如果可行,他就能够对外界宣布他在粒子物理学家之前就找到了SUSY的踪迹。)

4. He says that he will wait until the end of 2012--once more runs at high energy have been completed--before abandoning SUSY. (翻译:艾利斯称,他将一直坚守到2012年年底,也就是彻底放弃超对称性理论研究前,对撞机能够以更高能量规模完成运作。)

5. Supersymmetry, or SUSY, is extremely important for the theoretical community because it solves many mathematical problems with the Standard model. (翻译:超对称,超对称或, 是非常重要的 为理论界 因为它解决了 许多数学问题)

6. If we found evidence for SUSY, we could go from understanding 5% of our universe, the things we can actually see, to around a third. (翻译:如果能证明SUSY, 我们就能从理解宇宙的5%, 也就是我们能看见的东西, 到理解大约三分之一。)

7. Theorists have also discovered that SUSY can solve other problems. (翻译:理论学家还发现超对称性理论在解决其他问题方面也颇有一手。)




1. 它可以是某个人的名字,尤其在英语国家中,'Susy'是一个常见的女孩名字;

2. 它也可以是一种缩写,通常是指“超对称性”(supersymmetry),是现代物理学中的一个重要概念,指描述粒子质量和自旋的对称性;

3. 此外,在一些专业或者行业中,'Susy'也可能是一种简称或者缩写,比如“系统升级支持员工”(System Upgrade Support Staff),或者“监督员”(Supervisor)等。


1. Susy is a lovely girl who always brings a smile to everyone's face. (Susy是一个可爱的女孩子,总是能让人开心。)

2. Many physicists are fascinated by the idea of supersymmetry, or Susy, which postulates a new kind of particle. (许多物理学家都对超对称性(又称Susy)这个概念深感着迷,这个概念提出了一种新的粒子模型。)

3. The company is currently recruiting Susies to join its System Upgrade Support Staff. (该公司目前正在招聘“系统升级支持员工”(简称Susies)加入其团队。)

4. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact your Susy. (如果您有任何问题或者顾虑,请随时联系您的“监督员”(Susy)。)

5. Susy, our team's supervisor, has been nominated for the Employee of the Year award. (我们团队的“监督员”(Susy)被提名为年度员工奖的候选人。)

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