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cramer是什么意思 cramer的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-13 10:12:19
  • 230

cramer是什么意思 cramer的中文翻译、读音、例句


Mr. Cramer is the CEO of a large investment firm. (克莱默先生是一家大型投资公司的CEO。)




例句:Centerville Family Court is now in session, the Honorable Harriet Cramer presiding. (森特维尔家事法庭 现在开庭, 哈丽特克莱默主持的尊敬。)


例句:Nurse Cramer had a cute nose and a radiant, blooming complexion dotted with fetching sprays of adorable freckles. (克拉默护士生了一个逗人喜欢的鼻子,红光满面,生气勃勃的脸庞上布满了一片片迷人的,俊俏可笑的雀斑。)


例句:Mr. Cramer said the violence by anti-government protestors was reprehensible. (克拉默先生说者们的暴力行为应受到谴责。)


例句:'I do not do anything but manage the portfolio, ' Mr. Cramer replied in an email response to questions from The Wall Street Journal. (翻译:克雷默在一封回复《华尔街日报》问题的电子邮件中说,除了管理这个投资组合之外,其余事情他一概不管。)


cramer一般作为名词使用,如在Cramer(克莱默 人名)等常见短语中出现较多。

Cramer克莱默 人名


1. Mr. Cramer said the violence by anti-government protestors was reprehensible. (翻译:克拉默先生说者们的暴力行为应受到谴责。)

2. 'I do not do anything but manage the portfolio, ' Mr. Cramer replied in an email response to questions from The Wall Street Journal. (翻译:克雷默在一封回复《华尔街日报》问题的电子邮件中说,除了管理这个投资组合之外,其余事情他一概不管。)

3. Mr. Cramer, do you consider Bitcoin a currency? (翻译:Cramer先生, 你认为 Bitcoin是一种货币吗?)

4. We've put together a little montage to celebrate our last two wonderful months here at Cramer Mountain. (翻译:我们制作了一段小影片 来庆祝过去2个月 我们在克拉玛山的美好日子)

5. We're goin' to Agent Cramer's office. (翻译:我可以把你们所需要的 关于这些人的信息都告诉你们)

6. But as I would quickly learn, my role at Cramer Berkowitz would be far from quiet and anything but normal. (翻译:很快就认识到,我在CramerBerkowitz的时光绝不会是那种太平无事、普普通通的工作。)

7. Yet no news about the health ... of Bob Cramer and Michel Vaillant a dreadful accident... (翻译:迄今为止还没有 Bob Cramer和Michel Vaillant的伤势报告 一次可怕的碰撞)

8. To approximate Mr. Cramer's return, you would have had to make an average of 774 trades annually over the past three years, Mr. Barton said. (翻译:巴顿说,要大致达到克雷默的回报率,你在过去三年中平均每年要进行774笔交易。)

9. I also watched Jon Stewart's interview with Jim Cramer last night and am still a bit buzzed by that. (翻译:我昨晚又观看了乔恩·斯图尔特对吉姆·克拉默的采访节目,仍然还能感觉到他们的说话声。)

10. How much money do they think the Chernuses have? Agent cramer,I'm gonna have to ask you to wait outside while we talk to lysowsky. (翻译:Cramer探员 我们和Lysowsky谈话的时候 你恐怕得在外面等)

11. 'You won't resign,' he said boldly, 'You want to be the next Jim Cramer!' (翻译:“你不会辞职的,”他咄咄逼人地说,“你想成为下一个吉姆·克莱默!” )


1. Cramer's Rule: 也称为克莱姆公式,是解线性方程组的一种方法,主要适用于矩阵行列式计算的场合。


- Cramer's rule can be used to solve a system of linear equations.


- We can use Cramer's rule to find the value of a variable in a linear equation.


2. Cramer's V: 是一种统计量,用于评估两个分类变量之间的相关性。


- Cramer's V can help us to understand the relationship between gender and job satisfaction.

(Cramer's V可以帮助我们了解性别和工作满意度之间的关系)

- The study found a significant correlation between income and education level using Cramer's V.

(该研究使用Cramer's V发现收入和教育水平之间存在显著相关性)

3. Cramer's Rule for Matrices: 是一种推导矩阵的行列式的公式。


- Cramer's Rule for Matrices is a useful tool for calculating the determinant of a matrix.


- Using Cramer's Rule for Matrices, we can easily calculate the determinant of a 3x3 matrix.


4. Cramer's paradox: 是指在某些概率模型下,两个事件的概率比相同,但是它们的条件概率大小不同的现象。


- Cramer's paradox shows us that conditional probabilities can be counterintuitive.


- The concept of Cramer's paradox is important in understanding the limitations of probability theory.


5. Cramer's theory of functional equations: 是一种数学理论,主要研究函数方程。


- Cramer's theory of functional equations has applications in many fields of mathematics, including calculus and number theory.


- By using Cramer's theory of functional equations, we can prove the existence of certain types of functions.


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