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snare是什么意思 snare的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-13 10:15:57
  • 262

snare是什么意思 snare的中文翻译、读音、例句



1. The hunter set a snare for the rabbit.


2. He fell into the snare of temptation.


3. We must be careful not to fall into the snare of complacency.





例句:Two nights ago we snare these 13 fresh stolens waiting for export. (二天前... ... 我们查到十三辆待运的贼车)


例句:They was so pretty, if I snare me one for a pet, even Ma would love it. (那么可爱如果当宠物的话 连妈妈也会喜欢的)


例句:I felt like an animal caught in a snare. (我感到自己像是一头陷入网罗的野兽。)


例句:Typical setup when miking the top and bottom of a snare drum. (翻译:在用顶麦和底麦录制军鼓时的标准设置。)


snare一般作为名词、动词使用,如在ear snare(耳用勒除器)、endoscopic snare(内窥镜用绞断器)、galvanocaustic snare([医] 电烙勒除器, 电烙绞勒器)等常见短语中出现较多。

ear snare耳用勒除器
endoscopic snare内窥镜用绞断器
galvanocaustic snare[医] 电烙勒除器, 电烙绞勒器
hot snare[医] 热勒除器, 电烙勒除吕
Jarvis' snare[医] 贾维斯氏勒除器
nasal snare鼻息肉勒除器
nasopharyngeal snare鼻咽腔息肉绞断器
snare cautery圈套烧灼术
snare drumn. 小军鼓
snare drummer(有响弦的)小军鼓[亦作 snares, side drum]


1. I felt like an animal caught in a snare. (翻译:我感到自己像是一头陷入网罗的野兽。)

2. Typical setup when miking the top and bottom of a snare drum. (翻译:在用顶麦和底麦录制军鼓时的标准设置。)

3. And they may return to soberness out of the snare of the devil, having been caught alive by him, unto His will. (翻译:他们这些已被魔鬼活捉了去的,也可以醒悟过来,脱离它的网罗,归于神的旨意。)

4. Yeah, until Beth took down the snare drum, woodwinds... the tubas tried to avoid her but she was in formation. (翻译:我以为是术后并发症 注血液稀释剂 直到他呕出黑血 注视著我)

5. The animal that escapes a snare (翻译:一个逃脱陷阱的动物 The animal that escapes a snare)

6. And in certain very high-security areas, perhaps civic drones would snare them and drag them off to a bomb disposal facility. (翻译:在某些非常高安全等级的地区, 或许民用无人机可以将他们拖到 一个设有设施处理掉。)

7. Deliver this from the snare of the fowler, from the pestilence from the darkness. (翻译:必救你脱离捕捉者之网罗和瘟疫之毒害... 脱离黑暗)

8. till an arrow pierces his liver, like a bird darting into a snare, little knowing it will cost him his life . (翻译:直等箭穿他的肝,如同雀鸟急入网罗,却不知是自丧己命。)

9. Surely He shall deliver thee from the snare of the fowler and from the noisome pestilence." (翻译:他必救你脱离 捕鸟人的网罗 与瘟疫的毒害)

10. Because it's awesome stuff, the feel that you came out with the snare, totally cool and you never done it before. (翻译:因为它是真棒的东西, 你想出了圈套的感觉, 很酷,你从来没有这么做过。)

11. We are also likely to split Desecration into two abilities: a PvP-oriented snare and a PvE-oriented self damage buff. (翻译:我们也会将亵渎分为两个天赋:针对PVP的诱捕效果以及针对PVE的自身伤害增益。)

12. outset only snare drum solo slowly start adding viola cello flute clarinet (翻译:一开始只有小鼓独奏 慢慢开始加入中提琴 大提琴 长笛 单簧管)

13. I was thinkin' that instead of promoting... a P-2 to replace Devon... we might just keep the snare line at 9. (翻译:我在想我们应该... 把德文招回为P -2级...)

14. John they have designed the snare, sets at the deathtrap, but the young man punishes by death the chief criminal. (翻译:约翰他们设计了圈套,置死地而后生地将罪魁祸首处以死刑。)

15. I'm not quite sure whether I really want to see a snare drum at nine o'clock or so in the morning. (翻译:我一点也不确定是否我自己愿意看到 小军鼓,在晚上九点以后或是早晨)




1. 词性,作为动词可以表示“捕捉”或“引诱”。

2. 同义词:trap, lure, entice, capture, ensnare

3. 反义词:release, free, liberate, loose, let go

4. 词源:'snare'这个单词源于古法语的“esnare”,意思是“捕捉”。

5. 用法:'snare'这个词在口语和书面语中都可以使用。作为名词,它通常用于描述某个陷阱或捕捉设备。作为动词,它可以用于形容人类或动物被陷阱或陷阱所捕捉。


1. 他使用陷阱捕捉了一只小兔子。

He caught a small rabbit using a snare.

2. 他们使用了一个肉类诱饵和一个简单的陷阱来捕获那只老虎。

They used a piece of meat bait and a simple snare to capture the tiger.

3. 企图诱捕动物是的。

It is illegal to try and snare animals.

4. 地雷阵保护军营,以防遭到袭击。

A minefield protects the military camp to prevent the army from being snared.

5. 他们希望利用低价售卖的项目来诱发消费者的兴趣。

They hope to entice consumers with discounted items.


1. The rabbit was caught in a snare.

2. The tiger was captured using a simple snare.

3. It is illegal to snare wild animals.

4. The minefield protects the military camp from being snared.

5. They hope to ensnare consumers with discounted items.

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