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colloquial是什么意思 colloquial的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-13 10:25:09
  • 218

colloquial是什么意思 colloquial的中文翻译、读音、例句




1. His writing style is very colloquial and easy to understand.(他的写作风格很通俗易懂。)

2. In some areas, the colloquial language is very different from standard Chinese.(在某些地区,口语和标准汉语有很大的差别。)

3. I think it's important to learn colloquial expressions when studying a foreign language.(我认为在学习外语时学习口语表达很重要。)




例句:Niubi is a term of approbation, perhaps the greatest such term in colloquial Chinese. (牛 逼是一种溢美之词,可能是汉语口语中夸人的最好说法了。)


例句:Teenage skaz is a writing style which employs first-person narration from the perspectives of children to narrate the stories in colloquial speech. (它一般采用第一人称的儿童叙事手法,以口语化的语言来叙述故事。)


例句:Ken, compadre, I admire the colloquial style. (肯,老伙计,说实在的我真佩服你这口语化的腔调。)


例句:As a patois , or colloquial language, slang is permeated with rich local color and flavor. (翻译:俚语是通俗的口头语,带有浓郁的地方色彩和民间韵味。)


1. Ken, compadre, I admire the colloquial style. (翻译:肯,老伙计,说实在的我真佩服你这口语化的腔调。)

2. As a patois , or colloquial language, slang is permeated with rich local color and flavor. (翻译:俚语是通俗的口头语,带有浓郁的地方色彩和民间韵味。)

3. In the 70 letters written by Celie, both the black and the white speak colloquial English in American southern counties; (翻译:茜莉所写的七十封信中,无论黑人和白人都说美国南方黑人乡村口语; )

4. But he also doesn't wanna be addressed with disparaging colloquial expressions... that imply some sort of genetic or cultural inferiority... or that are simply used out of some form of inappropriate ethnocentrism. (翻译:他只是不喜欢被人家那样叫 觉得受到了地域性歧视 或觉得你自以为高人一等)

5. Only a tiny number of the speakers of any language will be aware that they are using colloquial or slang expression_rs. (翻译:该语言的使用者中仅仅有一小部分人会意识到他们在使用口头或者俚语。)

6. The ancient colloquial novels of our nation didn't thrive greatly until the Jiajing and Wanli age of Ming Dynasty. (翻译:我国古代长篇白话小说到了明代嘉靖、万历年间才大繁荣,大发展。)

7. The subjects of the content in teleplay are mainly folk, colloquial and histrionic . (翻译:电视剧的题材内容倾向于民间性、通俗性、戏剧性;)

8. English translation of trouble to help me look good as far as colloquial, since the beginning of the song to put to use when the monologue. (翻译:麻烦英文好的帮我翻译一下,尽量口语化一点,因为是要放在歌曲的开头当独白用。)

9. There are many colloquial English expressions used to tell someone to keep quiet or to go away. Most of them are on the strong side. (翻译:英语中有很多俗语来让别人闭嘴或滚开,而且大多数用语的语气都很重。)

10. Almost all idiomatic expressions are colloquial language. (翻译:几乎所有的习惯用语都是口头语言。)

11. Notice that final colloquial phrase, "to go." (翻译:注意最后口语化的表达,“去吧。” )

12. Subjective-Object Structure is one of the most common phrases in Chinese used in a high frequency both in colloquial and written language. (翻译:兼语结构是汉语中较为常见的结构之一,在口语及书面语中出现的频率都很高。)

13. The term was coined in 1976 by economist Fred Hirsch to replace the more colloquial, but less precise "neener-neener." (翻译:因为它不属于其他人 这一术语是经济学家Fred Hirsch 1976年杜撰出来以取代 更为通俗易懂但也不够精确的 neener)

14. The only regret is that the book is all about the "old Beijing" , so some colloquial expressions in the story are beyond my apprehension. (翻译:唯一遗憾的就是书中讲的是“旧事”,因此提到的家乡话我没能看懂。)

1. 定义:Colloquial是指口语化的,通俗的,非正式的。在英语中,它主要指非正式的当地口语或方言,而不是规范化的书面英语。


- Colloquial English sounds very different from formal English.

- In colloquial language, people often use contractions like "I'm" instead of "I am".

- She writes in a very formal style, but when she speaks, she's quite colloquial.

- The use of slang is common in colloquial speech.

- It's important to understand colloquial expressions in order to communicate with native speakers.

2. 整体特点:Colloquial是一种非正式的、口语化的英语形式,它反映了这个语言的真实口音和语言习惯。它通常比正式的书面英语更直接、更简洁,但也可能更粗俗或不恰当。


- Colloquial language can vary greatly from region to region.

- The use of contractions is a common feature of colloquial English.

- Colloquial expressions can be difficult for non-native speakers to understand.

- Colloquial language often includes slang words and phrases.

- Colloquial language can be used in informal settings like casual conversations or text messages.

3. 语法:Colloquial语言通常不遵循严格的语法规则,通常包含非正式的用法、省略和口头禅等。


- In colloquial English, people often omit the subject of the sentence.

- The use of double negatives is a common feature of colloquial language.

- Colloquial language often includes sentence fragments and run-on sentences.

- In colloquial speech, people often use contractions and informal contractions like "gonna" or "wanna".

- Colloquial language can include expletives and other informal expressions.

4. 发音:Colloquial语言通常反映了当地口音和语音习惯,包括重音、音调和语速等。


- In colloquial speech, people often drop the final consonant sound of words.

- Colloquial language can include regional dialects and unciations.

- Colloquial language often includes slang terms that have unique unciations.

- Colloquial language is often spoken at a faster pace than formal language.

- The use of contractions in colloquial speech can change the unciation of certain words.

5. 用途:Colloquial语言常常用在非正式的情境中,例如日常交流、社交场合、娱乐节目或者网络交流中。


- Colloquial language is commonly used in casual conversations with friends and family.

- Colloquial expressions are often used in humor and entertainment.

- Colloquial language can be used in social media posts and text messages.

- In some cultures, colloquial language is considered more authentic and intimate than formal language.

- Colloquial language can be used for comedic effect in stand-up comedy and on TV shows.

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