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docs是什么意思 docs的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2024-04-15 14:05:39
  • 239

docs是什么意思 docs的中文翻译、读音、例句




1. I need to review some important docs before the meeting.(我需要在会议前复习一些重要的文档。)

2. Can you send me the docs by email?(你能通过电子邮件发送文件给我吗?)

3. The company requires all employees to keep their work docs organized.(公司要求所有员工保持他们的工作文件有序。)




例句:Create a form in a Google Docs spreadsheet and send it out to anyone with an email address. (用一种全新的方式在google文件中创建征询信息的表格并且通过电子邮件发送到任何一个电子邮件地址。)


例句:Highway Patrol just faxed these docs for you to sign, boss, if you don't mind. (打扰了 头儿 公路巡警刚传来文件 要你签署)


docs一般作为名词使用,如在docs.(abbr. documents)、Google Docs(n. Google文件)、papa docs([网络] 杜爸爸;弗朗索瓦·杜瓦利埃;医生爸爸\n(papa doc 的复数))等常见短语中出现较多。

docs.abbr. documents
Google Docsn. Google文件
papa docs[网络] 杜爸爸;弗朗索瓦·杜瓦利埃;医生爸爸\n(papa doc 的复数)
post docsadj. 博士后(等于postdoctoral)


1. Click the link and, after a few moments of conversion, you'll be transported to a Google Docs version of the email you were just reading. (翻译:猛击一下那个链接,再等一下下,你就会发现你刚才看的邮件已经出现在Google文档里了。)

2. The docs may not have been clear in earlier versions of PIL, but in Pillow it's spelled out pretty well. (翻译:该文档可能没有在早期版本的PIL是明确的,但它的拼写很好的枕头。)

3. Already the service is letting users use Google Docs as a Web drive, and now the company is bringing Docs and Gmail even closer. (翻译:之前谷歌的服务就允许你使用GoogleDocs作为网页文档处理工具,而现在,谷歌让Docs和Gmail走的更近。)

4. And data started to come in, and come in, and come in and soon there was 760 GB of PACER docs, about 20 million pages. (翻译:他们的计划好像变得不太对劲儿 {\fnTahoma\fs14\1cH3CF1F3}something is not going quite according to plan. and come in)

5. One of the docs around here gave him the antiviral acyclovir, which, uh, deadened the nerves in his arm... altogether. (翻译:医生给他用了抗病毒的阿昔洛韦 麻木他手臂里的神经... 这是他的地址)

6. What I need is the following: Suppose the following paragraph is one among many in a . docs file. (翻译:我需要的是这样的:假设以下段落是许多中的一个docx文件…)

7. We both joined the Army together as docs, but our careers quickly diverged, and one of us was deployed three times, was highly decorated, was promoted to Major below the zone. (翻译:我们都去当了军医 们的发展方向很快大相径庭 其中之一被派遣了三次)

8. And I always say to the students and post-docs I lecture to, don't be arrogant, because arrogance kills curiosity. (翻译:我总是对我的学生和博士后说, 不能骄傲,骄傲与好奇为敌。)

9. You can learn more in the Context docs. (翻译:你可以从Context文档中了解更多信息。)

10. Gil, we're getting some odd reports from docs prescribing Reduxid in South Bend, Indiana. (翻译:Gil 我们收到一些奇怪的报告 印第安纳州南本德市 开Reduxid的医生)

11. Oh, same as yours. Just going over the Landers depo docs for Sheffrin. (翻译:和你一样 在处理Sheffrin公司的案子)

12. And you know what it feels like: all of that uncertainty while you’re left out in the hallway while the docs are dealing with some more urgent case in one of the emergency rooms, wondering what the heck’s going on. (翻译:而知道那种感觉,那种不确定感 当你被留置在走廊 而医师们忙着其他更急的事 去了另一间急诊病房,你不解到底是怎么了。)

13. How many human lives might have been saved if this veterinary knowledge had been put into the hands of E.R. docs and cardiologists? (翻译:会有多少人的生命获得拯救, 如果这一兽医知识能传授给 急救室大夫和心脏病学家? )

14. All of their internal wiki docs related to ERMA have been copied over to the new ERMA wiki site. (翻译:他们内部所有与ERMA相关的wiki文档已经被复制到新的ERMA wiki站点上了。)

15. And you know what it feels like: all of that uncertainty while you’re left out in the hallway while the docs are dealing with some more urgent case in one of the emergency rooms, wondering what the heck’s going on. (翻译:而知道那种感觉,那种不确定感 当你被留置在走廊 而医师们忙着其他更急的事 去了另一间急诊病房,你不解到底是怎么了。)






- confidential docs:

- legal docs:法律文件

- medical docs:医疗文献

- business docs:商务文件

- government docs:文件

- official docs:官方文件

- historical docs:历史文献


发音拼写:[dɒks] (UK), [dɑks] (US)


1. I need to review some important docs before the meeting.


2. The company stores all official docs in a secure server.


3. The doctor asked me to bring my medical docs for the appointment.


4. The government docs reveal the details of the new policy.


5. The company's legal team is reviewing all legal docs related to the case.


6. The historical docs provided valuable insights into the past events.


7. Please make sure all confidential docs are securely stored.


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