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voluntary是什么意思 voluntary的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-13 10:28:11
  • 165

voluntary是什么意思 voluntary的中文翻译、读音、例句




1. It was a voluntary decision to donate money to the charity organization. (这是一项自愿的决定,向慈善机构捐款。)

2. The company offers voluntary redundancy to employees. (公司提供自愿离职给员工。)

3. The project was completed through the voluntary efforts of the local community. (这个项目是通过当地社群的自愿努力完成的。)




例句:International organizations, non-governmental organizations, private voluntary organizations, contractors. (有国际组织、非组织 私人志愿者组织、承包商)


例句:Trade certification for residential steep roofers is available, but voluntary, in British Columbia. (在不列颠哥伦比亚省,住宅陡峭屋顶工行业认证是可用的,但是自愿的。)


例句:The parade lasted 20 minutes before its voluntary dissolution. (20分钟后,人员自动散去。刘先生立刻被逮捕)


例句:Some traders and collectors aren't very particular about the voluntary aspect. (翻译:有些买家和收藏家不大清楚 有人自愿买卖的情况)


voluntary一般作为名词、形容词使用,如在voluntary abandonment([法] 自愿遗弃者, 自动遗弃行为)、voluntary absentee(任意矿工者)、voluntary accommodation([医]正随意调节,随意调节)等常见短语中出现较多。

voluntary abandonment[法] 自愿遗弃者, 自动遗弃行为
voluntary absentee任意矿工者
voluntary accommodation[医]正随意调节,随意调节
voluntary acknowledgement任意认领
voluntary acknowledgemnt[法] 任意认领
voluntary action[医] 随意动作
voluntary acts[网络] 有意动作;随意活动
voluntary adjustment自动调整
voluntary agency[法] 任意


1. The parade lasted 20 minutes before its voluntary dissolution. (翻译:20分钟后,人员自动散去。刘先生立刻被逮捕)

2. Some traders and collectors aren't very particular about the voluntary aspect. (翻译:有些买家和收藏家不大清楚 有人自愿买卖的情况)

3. By its own terms, the SPJ code is a voluntary guide to ethical behavior. (翻译:职业新闻工作者协会的职业道德守则阐明,它是一项自愿的道德操守指南。)

4. Apply for voluntary exit chills action 232 Chapter 16, according to the Police Force Ordinance (翻译:申请自愿退出寒战行动 根据条例232章第16节)

5. So is this involuntary laughter or more voluntary laughter? (翻译:它们究竟是不由自主的笑 还是故意发出的笑? )

6. But it is a voluntary exile, Dona Laura. (翻译:你知道吗 此刻我前来感觉像个闯入者...)

7. Most ensurance are voluntary and you can decide whether to take it or not. (翻译:大多数保险是自愿的,是否投保由你自己决定。)

8. An Implemental Mode of IT Adoption for Interregional Voluntary Chain Organizations Supported by the Headquarters as an ASP (翻译:基于总部ASP管理的跨区域自愿连锁组织信息化模式)

9. So, we tend to think of pretty much everything we do as entirely voluntary. (翻译:我们倾向于认为我们所做 的一切都是完全自主的。)

10. The shipping industry promulgated a voluntary code. (翻译:航运业对自律守则进行了宣传。)

11. It's voluntary, off the clock. (翻译:这是自愿的,要占用你的下班时间,并且不会支付薪水,)

12. It's based on more voluntary deference, and even elements of love, at times. (翻译:而是以自愿的服从﹐ 有时候甚至是爱的元素)

13. International organizations, non-governmental organizations, private voluntary organizations, contractors. (翻译:有国际组织、非组织 私人志愿者组织、承包商 )

14. You're hereby voluntary privates in Company A of the Texas Rangers and you will faithfully discharge... (翻译:你在此宣示成为 德州骑警队A的自愿兵 永远效忠于...)

15. We can hire a lawyer and a psychiatrist, and make an immediate voluntary confession and an offer of restitution. (翻译:我们雇佣一位 律师和精神病医生 立刻自愿招供 做出赔偿)








a. 自愿服务

b. 计划生育

c. 心理辅导

d. 驾驶执照和器官捐赠等需要自愿申请和同意的事项。

4. 在社会生活和职场中的应用:



1. The organization relies on the generosity of volunteers to help provide care for the elderly.这个组织依靠志愿者的慷慨支持来为老年人提供护理服务。

2. The park cleanup was a huge success thanks to the voluntary efforts of many community members. 公园清理工作因为许多社区成员的自愿参与而取得了巨大的成功。

3. He made the voluntary decision to donate his kidney to his brother who was in urgent need of a transplant.他自愿决定捐献自己的肾脏给急需移植的兄弟。

4. The company offers voluntary retirement packages to employees who have been with the company for 20 years or more. 公司向服务满20年或以上的员工提供自愿退休福利。

5. The university requires all students to partite in a voluntary service program in order to graduate. 大学要求所有学生参加志愿服务项目才能毕业。

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