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manna是什么意思 manna的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-13 10:28:58
  • 155

manna是什么意思 manna的中文翻译、读音、例句

manna的中文翻译为“天降粮食”,读音为mǎn nà,例句如下:

1. In the desert, the Israelites relied on manna from heaven to survive. (在沙漠中,以色列人依靠天降粮食来生存。)

2. The manna tasted sweet and was considered a miraculous provision from God.(天降粮食的味道甜美,被视为上帝的奇迹供应。)

3. According to the Bible, when the people of Israel collected the manna, they were only allowed to gather enough for one day at a time.(根据圣经,以色列人收集天降粮食时,只能一天一天地收集足够的粮食。)

4. For many people in poor countries, finding food is still a daily struggle, unlike the manna provided for the Israelites.(对于许多贫困国家的人们来说,找到食物仍然是日常的奋斗,不像以色列人得到的天降粮食那样轻松。)




例句:Even if we make it to Dual Grund, if there's no manna there, we're finished. (即使我们到达Grund, 如果那里没有甘露,我们就完蛋了。)


例句:You've got Michele "Feech" La Manna, released just this week, a man greatly feared (这边有米凯利费奇拉曼纳 这礼拜刚刚出狱... 他在七零年代 是备受黑道敬畏的人物)


例句:This really is-is the key diagram of the manna machine, as we built it up from the text. (这就是吗哪制造机的示意图 是我们根据文献记载制作的)


例句:For a town stuck eating sardines, this is totally manna from heaven. (翻译:对于一个以沙丁鱼度日的小镇来说 这无异于天赐美食)


manna一般作为名词使用,如在manna ash([植物](欧洲)花白腊树)、manna ashes(manna ash\n【植物】(欧洲)花白腊树)、manna croup(na. 粗小麦粉\n[网络] 人为染源)等常见短语中出现较多。

manna ash[植物](欧洲)花白腊树
manna ashesmanna ash\n【植物】(欧洲)花白腊树
manna croupna. 粗小麦粉\n[网络] 人为染源
manna grass[植物] 甜茅(草) (Glyceria)
manna grmanna grass\n【植物】 甜茅(草) (Glyceria)
manna gum多枝桉
manna gums[网络] 甘露胶
manna hill曼纳希尔
manna insect美味昆虫;美味蚧虫
manna lichen甘露地衣


1. This really is-is the key diagram of the manna machine, as we built it up from the text. (翻译:这就是吗哪制造机的示意图 是我们根据文献记载制作的)

2. For a town stuck eating sardines, this is totally manna from heaven. (翻译:对于一个以沙丁鱼度日的小镇来说 这无异于天赐美食)

3. Downloading music from the Internet has been manna from heaven for some consumers. (翻译:对一些消费者来说,从网上下载音乐简直是上天的恩赐。)

4. A press agent eats a columnist's dirt and is expected to call it manna. (翻译:一个新闻人跟在专栏作家 后面吃灰还要被称为精神食粮呢)

5. I don't need as much manna as you. (翻译:再说,如果有什么麻烦,我还有我的 朋友在这里)

6. So Moses said to Aaron, "Take a jar and put an omer of manna in it. Then place it before the Lord to be kept for the generations to come. " (翻译:摩西对亚伦说:“你拿一个罐子,盛一满俄梅吗哪,存在面前,要留到世世代代。”)

7. If the ancient world contained manna machines, giant mega-saws, and sophisticated aircraft, what was the energy source for all of this technology? (翻译:如果远古时代就有这些吗哪制造机、 巨型圆锯和先进飞行器的存在... 那么它们的能量来源是什么?)

8. While the Hebrew Bible fails to give a clear description of manna, another ancient Jewish text provides an alternative clue. (翻译:来圣经并没有详细描述吗哪 但另一本来文献提供了一些线索)

9. The manna machine is believed to have supplied a highly nutritious form of green algae, or chlorella, as its food source. (翻译:吗哪制造机为他们提供了 高营养的藻类作为食物来源)

10. Oh, so it was okay when we were gettin' you out of your Feech La Manna problem, huh? (翻译:噢 这么快就忘记 是谁帮你解决FEECH LA MANNA问题了 恩?)

11. The bingeing US consumer was Asia's manna from heaven. (翻译:美国消费者的大手大脚,对于亚洲而言犹如天降甘露。)

12. Your fathers did eat manna in the wilderness, and are dead. (翻译:你们的祖宗在旷野吃过吗哪,还是死了。)

13. Southern Mediterranean ash having fragrant white flowers in dense panicles and yielding manna. (翻译:产于地中海南部,开芳香的浓密圆锥花序的白色花朵,出产甘露。)

14. The longer Israel was in the desert, the better Egypt looked: good food, at no cost! In the desert they had nothing but tasteless manna! (翻译:以色列民留在旷野的日子越长,便越认为昔日在埃及的日子好,他们可以享受美好的食物,而且是免费的,在旷野他们却一无所有,只有淡而无味的吗哪!)

15. For them, this is manna from heaven. (翻译:this is manna from heaven.)



1. 词汇含义:


2. 历史:


3. 现代用法:



1. The refugees were grateful for the manna that was dropped by relief planes. (难民非常感谢救援飞机投下的救助物品。)

2. The sudden inheritance was a manna from heaven for the struggling young couple. (意外的遗产对于正在挣扎的年轻夫妇来说是来自天堂的馈赠。)

3. The company's recent success was described as manna from heaven. (公司最近的成功被形容为天上掉下来的礼物。)

4. The manna that the Israelites ate in the desert is described in the Bible. (圣经里描述了以色列人在沙漠中吃的神赐食物。)

5. The new restaurant called Manna offers a variety of healthy and organic food. (名为Manna的新餐厅提供各种健康有机的食品。)

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