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locusts是什么意思 locusts的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2024-02-18 03:39:59
  • 229

locusts是什么意思 locusts的中文翻译、读音、例句

英 [ˈləʊkʌsts] 美 [ˈloʊkəsts]

n. 蝗虫;蚂蚱


1. A swarm of locusts can devastate a field of crops in a matter of hours.(一群蝗虫几个小时内就可以毁掉一块庄稼地。)

2. Daniel ate locusts and honey in the desert.(但以理在沙漠里吃蝗虫和蜂蜜。)




例句:They swarmed like locusts, burning everything in their path, driven by one purpose... (它们象蝗虫一样密集 所到之处,留下的是一条燃烧的路 目的只有一个)


例句:The FAO are on a mission to eradicate the plagues decimating crops across Madagascar, and if anyone knows where the locusts are, it's the local expert, Hasibelo. (粮农组织此行的目的是 根除在马达加斯加肆虐的蝗灾 如果有人知道蝗虫的去处)


例句:But once across, the team discovers that, yet again, the locusts are nowhere to be seen. (但是渡河之后摄制组才发现 蝗群再次销声匿迹)


例句:And here you see me enjoying a meal with caterpillars, locusts, bee pupae -- delicacies. (翻译:所以你看到的是,我在享用一顿, 有毛毛虫和蚱蜢, 蜜蜂等的美味佳肴。)


locusts一般作为名词使用,如在honey locusts(皂荚树(北美产的))、locusts.(n. [植保] 蝗虫;[林] 洋槐(locust的复数))、migratory locusts([植保] 飞蝗)等常见短语中出现较多。

honey locusts皂荚树(北美产的)
locusts.n. [植保] 蝗虫;[林] 洋槐(locust的复数)
migratory locusts[植保] 飞蝗
moss locusts[网络] 苔藓蝗虫\n(moss locust 的复数)
plague of locusts蝗灾
swamp locustsswamp locust\n【植物】水生皂荚(=water locust)
yellow locusts[网络] 黄蝗虫


1. But once across, the team discovers that, yet again, the locusts are nowhere to be seen. (翻译:但是渡河之后摄制组才发现 蝗群再次销声匿迹)

2. And here you see me enjoying a meal with caterpillars, locusts, bee pupae -- delicacies. (翻译:所以你看到的是,我在享用一顿, 有毛毛虫和蚱蜢, 蜜蜂等的美味佳肴。)

3. Like locusts, crawling around, mindlessly bent on feeding and mating,... ..destroying everything in sight in their relentless, pointless desire to exist. (翻译:... pointless desire to exist.)

4. I was traveling around studying the reproductive and migratory patterns of locusts when Maggie met me. (翻译:美姬认识我时 我到处遨游研究蝗虫的栖移习惯)

5. So what did the trendy locusts want? (翻译:那些吸血中想干啥 So what did the trendy locusts want?)

6. Locusts will tear at your flesh and chew on your bones. (翻译:蝗虫会撕裂你们的 Locusts will tear at your flesh 啃碎你们的骨头 and chew on your bones.)

7. "They just eat so much, " says David Ullrich, executive director of the Great Lakes and St. Lawrence Cities Initiative. "They're like the locusts of the river." (翻译:“五大湖及圣劳伦斯河城市倡议”的执行主管大卫.乌尔里希说。)

8. Then I, neither Cleopatra, the rain the hail nor the locusts would be Egypt's worst nightmare. (翻译:到时,我既不是女王,雨水... ...冰雹,也不是蝗虫... ...我会变成埃及的恶梦.)

9. ... foughtIndians,foughtdrought, fought locusts, fought Dix! (翻译:跟印第安人斗,跟干旱斗, 跟蝗虫斗,跟土匪斗!)

10. According to entomologists, single locusts are quiet creatures, but when locusts are placed with others of their species, they become excited, change color, vibrate, and even hum. (翻译:根据昆虫学家的说法,单个的蝗虫是安静的生物,但是当它们和同类的其他蝗虫放在一起时,它们会变得兴奋,变色,振动,甚至嗡嗡叫。)

11. You're like a plague of locusts. (翻译:或者狗号也行! 你们就跟蝗虫一样冲到我家里来 你们也太没自信了)

12. And there came out of the smoke locusts upon the earth: and unto them was given power, as the scorpions of the earth have power. (翻译:有蝗虫从烟中出来飞到地上。有能力赐给他们,好像地上蝎子的能力一样。)

13. Then the yankees came... like blue locusts they had to eat away at the trees... the land and everything on it. (翻译:后来北方佬来了 就像一群蓝色的蝗虫,啃噬了树木... 土地...)

14. Gentlemen... they came into our country like locusts... leaving nothing behind... (翻译:先生们 他们像蝗虫一般来到我们国家 把我们的东西一扫而光)

15. Locusts are normally solitary creatures, but when food becomes suddenly plentiful they come together into an unstoppable force that devours everything in its path. (翻译:蝗虫通常独居 但当食物突然充足之时 它们便聚集成群 以势不可挡的气势)



词义:'locusts' 是一个复数形式,表示"蝗虫"。蝗虫是一种有着强烈繁殖能力、食量大,能够农作物的害虫。

词性:'locusts' 是一个名词,常用复数形式。


1. swarm of locusts 一群蝗虫

2. plague of locusts 蝗虫灾害

3. to swarm like locusts 蝗虫般的蜂拥而至


1. eat up 吃光, 示例:The locusts ate up all the crops.(蝗虫把所有庄稼都吃光了。)

2. move on 迁徙, 示例: Every year, the locusts move on to new fields.(每年,蝗虫迁徙到新的田地。)



1. The locusts have destroyed all the crops.(蝗虫毁坏了所有庄稼。)

2. The government is trying to control the locust infestation.(正在努力控制蝗虫侵袭。)

3. The farmers are using pesticides to kill the locusts.(农民正在使用杀虫剂灭蝗虫。)

4. The swarm of locusts darkened the sky.(蝗虫群使天空变黑了。)

5. The village wa hard by the plague of locusts.(整个村庄遭受了蝗虫灾害的重创。)

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