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more than one是什么意思 more than one的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-13 10:27:41
  • 227

more than one是什么意思 more than one的中文翻译、读音、例句


读音:mòr thǎn wàn


1. There is more than one way to solve this problem. (有不止一种方法来解决这个问题。)

2. I have more than one friend who lives in this area. (我在这个地区有多个朋友。)

3. The company has more than one office in different countries. (这家公司在不同的国家有多个办事处。)

more than one的中文解释是"网络、作主语时",还经常被翻译为不止一个,在线读音是[morethanone],在英语中以名词出现较多,在《实用英语词典》中,共找到57个与more than one相关的句子。

More than one的释义


例句:But she is as much a girl as I am, and for the record, can make any girl as happy as she'd ever wanna be, in more ways than one. What's that supposed to mean? (好 Fine. in more ways than one.)


例句:They were brothers, but bound by more than blood. (but bound by more than blood.)


例句:Love you more More than ever (*Love you more more than ever*)


例句:Yeah, he's thinking about it, but not more than that. (翻译:but not more than that.)


more than one一般作为名词使用,如在more than(比...多, 超出预料, 很, 绰绰)、more than that(更有甚者)、no more than(至多)等常见短语中出现较多。

more than比...多, 超出预料, 很, 绰绰
more than that更有甚者
no more than至多
not more than至多, 不超过, 不比...更
one more还有一个,再来一个
one or more[网络] 一个或多个;一个还是几个;一个或多个子元素
far more than许多,多得多的; 何啻; 何止
hardly more than[网络] 不足;不足,不到;仅仅
little more than和…无差别[一样]


1. Love you more More than ever (翻译:*Love you more more than ever*)

2. Yeah, he's thinking about it, but not more than that. (翻译:but not more than that.)

3. It was so much more than that. (翻译:It was so much more than that.)

4. I mean, no one respects him more than me, but at some point... (翻译:我比谁都要敬重他 但是在这点上... I mean, no one respects him more than me, but at some point --)

5. - She was a mistake in more ways than one. (翻译:- 从很多方面来说她都是个错误 - 艾米? - She was a mistake in more ways than one.)

6. There is more than one sort of prison, Captain. (翻译:有很多种形式 上尉 There is more than one sort of prison, Captain.)

7. Oh, we changed a little more than that. (翻译:we changed a little more than that.)

8. You must never have more than one sip of this a day. (翻译:你一天最多只能呷一口 You must never have more than one sip of this a day.)

9. What matters more than family? (翻译:What matters more than family?)

10. - More than anything in the world. (翻译:- More than anything in the world.)

11. ♪ No one needs you more than I need you ♪ (翻译:♪ No one needs you more than I need you ♪)

12. A hundred dollars, I pay more than that for one prescription. (翻译:一百元,我拿处方签花的还更多 A hundred dollars, I pay more than that for one prescription.)

13. Lilly, I'm really sure of anything right now. (翻译:for more than a couple of days.)

14. No one deserves it more than you. (翻译:你是最值得获得这个位置的人 No one deserves it more than you.)

15. That was more fun than a barrel of monkeys. (翻译:That was more fun than a barrel of monkeys.)


'more than one'可以表示“不止一个”、“多个”、“许多”等意思。从以下五个方面来说明:

1. 语法用法:

'more than one'通常作为形容词短语来修饰名词,表示数量上的增加。比如:“There are more than one ways to solve this problem.” (解决这个问题有不止一种方法。)

2. 同义替换:

'more than one'可以替换成其他的表达方式,如“several”、“numerous”、“a number of”等等。比如:“More than one student was absent from class today.”可以表达为: Several students were absent from class today."

3. 比较级的用法:

'more than one'也可以用于比较级的句子中,表示一个数量上的增加。比如:“This book is more than one hundred pages long.” (这本书有一百多页长。)

4. 反义词:

“more than one”可以和“only one”形成对比,表示数量上的差异。比如:“There is only one seat left, we need more than one.” (只有一个座位了,我们需要不止一个。)

5. 疑问句:

'more than one'也可以用于疑问句中,表示对数量的询问。比如:“Are there more than one person in the room?” (这个房间里有不止一个人吗?)


1. More than one person have reached out to me about this issue. (有不止一个人联系我解决这个问题。)

2. She has more than one talent. (她有不止一种才华。)

3. More than one company has expressed interest in our product. (不止一家公司对我们的产品表示了兴趣。)

4. He has more than one reason for being upset. (他不止一个原因生气。)

5. Are there more than one way to access this information? (查看这个信息有不止一种方法吗?)

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