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hip pop是什么意思 hip pop的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-13 10:30:22
  • 151

hip pop是什么意思 hip pop的中文翻译、读音、例句


读音:xī hā


1. 这位歌手的音乐风格就是嬉哈音乐。

Translation: This singer's music style is hip hop.

2. 嬉哈音乐在年轻人中非常流行。

Translation: Hip hop music is very popular among young people.

词义:hip pop是指嘻哈流行音乐,一种混合了嘻哈和流行音乐元素的音乐流派。

词性:hip pop是一个名词短语。

词组搭配:hip pop music(嘻哈流行音乐)、hip pop culture(嘻哈文化)等。

短语:keep up with the hip pop trends(跟上嘻哈流行趋势)

发音拼写:hip pop的发音为 /hɪp ˈpɑp/


1. He is a big fan of hip pop music and always listens to it on his way to work.(他是嘻哈流行音乐的忠实粉丝,总是在上班的路上听音乐。)

2. The hip pop culture has a profound impact on the fashion industry.(嘻哈文化对时尚产业产生了深刻的影响。)

3. The rapper's latest al combines hip pop and jazz elements, creating a unique style of music.(这位说唱歌手的最新专辑融合了嘻哈和爵士元素,创造出独特的音乐风格。)

4. The dance crew's performance at the hip pop contest was amazing and won them the first prize.(舞团参加的嘻哈比赛表演令人惊叹,赢得了一等奖。)

5. She is always wearing the latest hip pop fashion, her stand out from the crowd.(她总是穿着最新的嘻哈时尚,使她在人群中脱颖而出。)

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