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periodic是什么意思 periodic的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-06-10 12:59:50
  • 204

periodic是什么意思 periodic的中文翻译、读音、例句




1. The company conducts periodic evaluations of employee performance to ensure productivity and efficiency. (公司进行定期评估员工绩效,以确保生产力和效率。)

2. The rise and fall of the tides is a periodic event that occurs twice a day. (潮汐的涨落是一个每天发生两次的周期件。)

3. Our bodies go through periodic cycles, such as the menstrual cycle in women. (我们的身体会经历周期性的循环,如女性的月经周期。)

4. The periodic table is a chart that organizes the elements according to their atomic structure. (元素周期表是一张根据原子结构组织元素的图表。)

5. The musician performed periodic solos throughout the concert. (音乐家在整个音乐会上进行了定期的独奏表演。)

periodic在中文中有"周期的 、间歇"的意思,其次还有"元素周期表的"的意思,在线发音:[.piәri'ɒdik],periodic来源于英语,在《英语汉语大辞典》中,共找到98个与periodic相关的句子。



例句:And there's just about every element of the periodic table in seawater. (几乎化学周期表上的所有元素 都能从海水里获得 )


例句:What I found especially interesting was the elegance and predictive power of the periodic table. (我发现特别有趣的是元素周期表的精确设计和它的能力。)


例句:The bordereaux are periodic reports or settlement statements. (业务报表是定期报告或和解声明。)


例句:You can't patent products of nature -- the air, the water, minerals, elements of the periodic table. (翻译:你不能为自然界的产物申请专利—— 空气、水、矿产、周期表里的元素。)


periodic一般作为形容词使用,如在log periodic([网络] 对数周期的)、multiple periodic([数] 多周期的)、multiply periodic(多周期的)等常见短语中出现较多。

log periodic[网络] 对数周期的
multiple periodic[数] 多周期的
multiply periodic多周期的
non periodic非周期的
periodic abdominalgia[医] 周期性腹痛
periodic accounting期间会计核算
periodic acid[化] 高碘酸\n[医] 过碘酸
periodic acids【化学】高碘酸
periodic alcoholism[医] 间发性酒狂, 间歇性酒精中毒


1. The bordereaux are periodic reports or settlement statements. (翻译:业务报表是定期报告或和解声明。)

2. You can't patent products of nature -- the air, the water, minerals, elements of the periodic table. (翻译:你不能为自然界的产物申请专利—— 空气、水、矿产、周期表里的元素。)

3. One way is by using the periodic table of the elements. The periodic table neatly tabulates information about atoms. (翻译:方法之一是使用元素周期表。元素周期表把原子的信息整齐地列表。)

4. In 1869, Dmitri Ivanovich Mendeleev, a Russianchemist, published his periodic table of the elements. (翻译:俄国化学家门捷列夫在1869年公布了他的元素周期表。)

5. Rhenium is a fairly dense, soft metal, which is next to osmium on the periodic table of chemical elements. (翻译:铼是一种高密度、低硬度的金属,它在元素周期表中刚好排在锇元素的后面。)

6. Then schedule periodic reviews therafter. (翻译:然后有计划的复习。)

7. Positive Periodic Solution of Predator-Prey Systern with Impulses and Infinite Delays (翻译:具有脉冲和无穷时滞的捕食-食饵系统的正周期解)

8. The RLI prepares and distributes a periodic Ebulletin and an electronic Newsletter. (翻译:会准备并分发一份定期电子新闻剪报以及一份电子通讯。)

9. The Gulag Archipelago, The Periodic Table. (翻译:“群岛”﹙索尔仁尼琴著﹚、 “周期表”﹙普利摩·李维著﹚)

10. Many Particle Systems: Atoms, Coupled Oscillators, Periodic Lattice. (翻译:多质点体系:原子,耦合振子,周期晶格。)

11. Periodic pressure undulation may be incited by fast valving control. (翻译:使用快关调节阀控制能激励周期蒸汽压力脉动。)

12. An LSA exchange is triggered by an event in the network instead of periodic updates. (翻译:LSA交换是由网路上的事件触发而不是周期性的更新。)

13. An atom is the smallest unit of any element in the periodic table. (翻译:一个原子是任何元素周期表中 元素的最小组成单元。)

14. This is in contrast with an overdraft which is subject to periodic review and is in principle recallable at any time. (翻译:这同透支不向,透支要接受定期检查,且在原则上可随时要求还款。)

15. It's not easy, because life uses only a subset of the elements in the periodic table. (翻译:这不容易, 因为生命只使用元素周期表上一小部份的元素。)



词组搭配:periodic table(元素周期表),periodic function(周期函数),periodic law(元素周期律)

短语:at periodic intervals(定期间隔)



1. The periodic table of elements is arranged in order of atomic number. (元素周期表是按原子序数排列的。)

2. The company requires that all employees undergo periodic drug testing. (公司要求所有员工定期接受检测。)

3. The medicine must be taken at periodic intervals to be effective. (这种药物必须定期服用才能起到作用。)

4. The periodic changes in weather patterns are difficult to predict. (天气模式的周期性变化难以。)

5. The periodic table is an essential tool for understanding the properties of elements. (元素周期表是理解元素性质的重要工具。)

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