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scales是什么意思 scales的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-13 10:20:07
  • 208

scales是什么意思 scales的中文翻译、读音、例句





1. The dragon's scales were shining in the sunlight.(龙的鳞片在阳光下闪闪发光。)

2. She stepped onto the scales and weighed herself.(她踏上了天平并称了体重。)

3. He practiced his scales on the piano every day.(他每天练习钢琴的音阶。)




例句:The prevailing wisdom was that on the largest of scales the universe was static. (普遍的观点是在最大的尺度下 宇宙是静态的。)


例句:You confront her with a wall of evidence, and she scales that wall. (即便是以满墙的证据对质 You confront her with a wall of evidence, 也能淡然处之 and she scales that wall.)


例句:I am the scales of justice! (我是正义的尺度! I am the scales of justice!)


例句:This fish was 49kg on both the scales and the formula. (翻译:这种鱼是四十九公斤同时在规模和公式。)


scales一般作为名词使用,如在in scales(成鳞片状地)、the scales([网络] 天秤座;天平;秤量善恶正义的天秤)、different scales([网络] 不同规模;不同音阶;不同比例尺)等常见短语中出现较多。

in scales成鳞片状地
the scales[网络] 天秤座;天平;秤量善恶正义的天秤
different scales[网络] 不同规模;不同音阶;不同比例尺
differential scales(带有)差动(控制系统的)天平
dry scales洋葱头鳞片干
dual scales双比例尺(同一视图上)
economies of scales规模经济
dormant scalesun. 自重天平
dispensing scales[医] 调剂天平


1. I am the scales of justice! (翻译:我是正义的尺度! I am the scales of justice!)

2. This fish was 49kg on both the scales and the formula. (翻译:这种鱼是四十九公斤同时在规模和公式。)

3. Is that balancing the scales? (翻译:这是平衡差距吗 还是虚伪 Is that balancing the scales?)

4. There is no obvious effect of income level to the MMPI scales. (翻译:经济收入水平对MMPI任何量表没有直接的影响和作用。)

5. Some lipsticks contain fish scales. (翻译:有些唇膏中含有鱼鳞。)

6. lizard with black and yellowish beadlike scales; of western Mexico. (翻译:长有珠子状的黑色和微鳞片的蜥蜴;产于墨西哥西部。)

7. Still tight as... scales on a snake. (翻译:还是很合身... {\fs14\3cH000000\4cH000000}Still tight as... 像蛇蜕的皮一样 {\fs14\3cH000000\4cH000000}scales on a snake.)

8. They are usually identified based on the patterning and shape of the head, and the arrangement of scales. (翻译:通常分类变色龙依据的是它们头部的形状、图案以及鳞片的排列方式。)

9. On the back there is scales and measurements for terrestrial navigation. (翻译:星盘的背后是刻度和测量仪器, 他们具有定位的功能。)

10. I came across a kid in the practice room working on his scales (翻译:我在练琴室碰到了一个正在调音阶的孩子 I came across a kid in the practice room working on his scales)

11. And so I put my mind to it and developed three scales. (翻译:所以我付诸行动, 并研究出了三个度量方法。)

12. lateral line scales The pored scales of the lateral line between the upper end of the gill opening and the base of the caudal fin. (翻译:侧线鳞片在鳃裂的上端与尾鳍基底之间的侧线的有细孔鳞片。)

13. They dry up from malnutrition or their scales fall off. (翻译:它会绝食,营养不良,鱼鳞脱落 别让它们死掉 每天喂它们一次)

14. Expansion of enterprise scales to realize polynary management; (翻译:规模扩张,实现多元化经营; )

15. Using magic and illusion to even the scales of justice. (翻译:使用魔术和错觉来保证天平的平衡 {\1cHF0F0F0}{\3cH202020}Using magic and illusion to even the scales of justice.)



Possible explanation:

As an English teacher, I would approach the word "scales" or its abbreviation from various angles, including:

1. Noun meaning: the thin, flat, overlapping plates that cover the skin of fish, reptiles, or some mammals; the name of a weighing instrument that measures weight or mass; a series of musical notes arranged in ascending or descending order of pitch, used for training and evaluating a singer or instrumentalist's abilities.

- "The scales on a snake's back are often a sign of its species and health." (这条蛇背上的鳞片往往是其品种和健康状况的标志。)

- "The doctor asked me to step on the scales and check my weight." (医生让我上秤称量体重。)

- "Practicing scales can help a pianist develop dexterity, accuracy, and expression." (练习音阶可以帮助钢琴家培养灵巧、准确和表现力。)

2. Verb meaning: to remove the scales from a fish, reptile, or some mammals before cooking or eating; to vary or adjust something in proportion to a standard or requirement.

- "She scaled and gutted the fish before frying it." (她清洗了鱼鳞和内脏,在煎炸之前。)

- "The company decided to scale down its operations in response to the declining sales." (该公司决定根据营销下降的情况缩减运营规模。)

3. Adjective meaning: describing a measurement that uses a graduated scale or series of steps; relating to the proportion or size of something in relation to a standard or average.

- "The thermometer showed a temperature scale of 0 to 100 degrees Celsius." (温度计显示了一个 0 到 100 摄氏度的刻度。)

- "The map had a scale of 1:50,000, meaning that 1 cm on the map represented 50,000 cm or 500 meters in reality." (这张地图的比例尺是 1:50,000,意味着地图上的 1 厘米相当于现实中的 50,000 厘米或 500 米。)

4. Acronym meaning: depending on the context, "SCALES" could stand for different phrases or concepts, such as:

- S (seating), C (communication), A (access), L (lighting), E (environment), S (sound): a checklist for designing or evaluating the accessibility and usability of a built environment for people with disabilities. (如:The architect followed the SCALES standard when designing the new library entrance.)

- Smoking, Cholesterol, Alcohol, Lifestyle, Exercise, Stress: a mnemonic for remembering the risk factors that contribute to heart disease or stroke. (如:My doctor said I should be aware of my SCALES and try to improve my health.)

- Skin, Color, Anisometropia, Lenticular, Eccentricity, Size: a set of criteria used for grading the severity of cataracts or describing their features. (如:The ophthalmologist used the SCALES system to s the patient's vision impairment.)

5. Idiomatic expressions: there are several idioms or phrases that use "scales" in a metaphorical or symbolic way, such as:

- tip the scales: to have a decisive or final impact on something, especially in favor of one side or outcome. (如:The candidate's impressive speech may tip the scales in her favor.)

- fall off the scales: to fail to meet a required or expected standard or level. (如:The quality of the product fell off the scales after the company changed its supplier.)

- balance the scales: to achieve or maintain a fair or equal distribution or comparison of something. (如:The judge tried to balance the scales of justice when sentencing the defendant.)

Example sentences for these meanings or uses of "scales" could be:

- Noun: "The scientist examined the scales of a freshly caught tuna under a microscope." (科学家在显微镜下检查了一条新鲜捕获的金枪鱼的鳞片。)

- Verb: "The butcher scaled and filleted the salmon with skill and speed." (这位肉贩妙手生鲜地清洗和切片了三文鱼。)

- Adjective: "The teacher asked the students to draw a graph with a logarithmic scale on the X-axis." (老师要求学生用对数刻度在 X 轴绘制一个图表。)

- Acronym: "The occupational the recommended that the office building follow the SCALES criteria to provide better accessibility for clients with disabilities." (职业治疗师建议这座办公楼遵循 SCALES 标准来提供更好的残疾客户无障碍环境。)

- Idiom: "The sudden defection of the star athlete may tip the scales against the home team in the upcoming match." (这位明星运动员的突然叛变可能在即将到来的比赛中对主队不利。)

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