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songbird是什么意思 songbird的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-13 10:20:22
  • 179

songbird是什么意思 songbird的中文翻译、读音、例句




1. The songbird's sweet melody filled the air with joy.


2. She likes to wake up early and listen to the songbirds outside her window.





例句:2008: The songbird wore her curls in a side ponytail topped with a double headband for the CMT Music Awards. (这位女歌星在CMT音乐颁奖礼上将卷发用两条发带扎成一个侧马尾。)


例句:"Mumbai is a golden songbird," he said. (“孟买是一只金丝雀”,他说。)


例句:The songbird watched from the branch. The snake watched from the tree . The mouse did not move. (小鸟在树枝上看着它,蛇从树上看着他,老鼠们一动不动。)


例句:Most predators of waterfowl nests prey opportunistically on songbird nests, and removing these predators could directly increase songbird nesting success. (翻译:大多数水鸟的捕食者都有机会捕食鸣禽的巢穴,而消灭这些捕食者可以直接提高鸣禽筑巢的成功率。)


1. The songbird watched from the branch. The snake watched from the tree . The mouse did not move. (翻译:小鸟在树枝上看着它,蛇从树上看着他,老鼠们一动不动。)

2. Most predators of waterfowl nests prey opportunistically on songbird nests, and removing these predators could directly increase songbird nesting success. (翻译:大多数水鸟的捕食者都有机会捕食鸣禽的巢穴,而消灭这些捕食者可以直接提高鸣禽筑巢的成功率。)

3. mostly tropical songbird; the male is usually bright orange and black. (翻译:多是热带的歌鸟;其雄鸟通常是鲜艳的橙色或黑色。)

4. What do you think about Songbird and other desktop applications that interact with online information? (翻译:你是怎样认为Songbird以及其他和在线信息相交互的桌面应用程序的?)

5. Of all the songbird hunters to gather here, perhaps the most graceful is one that might be seen on the Scottish moors - a hen harrier. (翻译:夜莺的所有猎杀者都聚集在此 或许最优雅的捕食镜头应该 到在苏格兰的沼泽地观赏)

6. But in addition, Songbird displays a pane on the bottom that lists all tracks found on the current page. (翻译:但此外,Songbird在底端显示一个面板,列出了所有在当前页发现的音乐。)

7. The linnet is a small brown songbird. (翻译:红雀是一种棕色会叫的小鸟。)

8. I'd like to introduce our lovely songbird, Miss Angelina, formerly with the Blue Belles. (翻译:很荣幸为各位介绍 我们的黄莺... 安吉莉娜 为您带来风信子)

9. Removing waterfowl-nest predators could affect songbird nesting success through subsequent increases in small-mammal populations. (翻译:清除水禽巢捕食者可能会通过随后小哺乳动物数量的增加影响鸣禽筑巢的成功。)

10. They observed no significant effect on songbird nesting success. (翻译:他们观察到对鸣禽筑巢成功没有显著影响。)

11. Coming back to Songbird, it seems that it has the potential to become popular. (翻译:回到Songbird,看起来它有火的可能。)

12. Every songbird can be identified by the unique song it sings , but a baby bird has to be taught by its parents to sing the family song . (翻译:每鸣禽可确定的独特歌它唱,但是一个婴儿鸟已被父母亲教导要唱家歌。)



1. 词性与定义



- The nightingale is a famous songbird that is known for its beautiful singing voice.


- My favorite songbird is the goldfinch because of its cheerful chirping sound.


2. 文化与象征



- In the novel "To Kill a Mockingbird", the mockingbird symbolizes innocence and purity, as it is a harmless songbird that only brings joy through its singing.


- The song "Freebird" by Lynyrd Skynyrd has become an anthem for and individualism, as the songbird represents a metaphor for the human desire to break free from social constraints and live life on one's own terms.

(Lynyrd Skynyrd乐队的歌曲“自由鸟”已经成为自由和个人主义的国歌,因为鸣禽代表了人类摆脱社会限制,按照自己的意愿生活的欲望的隐喻。)

3. 商业应用



- The British rock band Florence and the Machine incorporates the image of the songbird in their logo, as a symbol of lead singer Florence Welch's soaring and powerful vocals.

(英国摇滚乐队Florence and the Machine在其标志中融入了鸣禽的形象,作为主唱Florence Welch高昂而有力的歌声的象征。)

- The music streaming service Songbird offers users a platform to discover and listen to new and emerging artists, using the metaphor of the songbird as a symbol of the creative spirit and expression in music.



1. People often keep songbirds as pets because they enjoy their beautiful singing.


2. The robin is a popular songbird in North America and is often used as a symbol of the arrival of spring.


3. The songbird's beautiful singing voice inspired the poet to write a love poem.


4. The songbird's image was incorporated into the company's logo to emphasize their focus on music and creativity.


5. The songbird's melody filled the garden and brought a sense of peace and tranquility to all who listened.


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