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puke是什么意思 puke的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-13 10:19:50
  • 212

puke是什么意思 puke的中文翻译、读音、例句



1. The smell of alcohol made me want to puke.


2. She felt so sick that she couldn't stop puking.


3. He drank too much and ended up puking all over the place.





例句:It smells of urine, there's puke all over the hardwood floors-- (闻起来都是尿味 木材地板上都是呕吐物)


例句:And your clothes make me want to puke. I'll tell you that right now. (你们的衣服让我恶心 我会马上让你们明白明白)


例句:Dude, the purple puke was an accident. Somebody switched the coolers. (那些紫色的呕吐物是意外 有人掉换了饮料桶)


例句:- Hey, if you hurry, you can get your marketing-puke job back in time to work on the Titan campaign. (翻译:- 如果我冲... 您可以捕捉功能 官方营销活动在土卫六。)


puke一般作为名词、动词使用,如在puke up([网络] 呕吐)、short puke([网络] 短脉冲)、stack puke([网络] 堆叠吐出)等常见短语中出现较多。

puke up[网络] 呕吐
short puke[网络] 短脉冲
stack puke[网络] 堆叠吐出
Te Puke[地名] 蒂普基 ( 新西 )


1. Dude, the purple puke was an accident. Somebody switched the coolers. (翻译:那些紫色的呕吐物是意外 有人掉换了饮料桶)

2. - Hey, if you hurry, you can get your marketing-puke job back in time to work on the Titan campaign. (翻译:- 如果我冲... 您可以捕捉功能 官方营销活动在土卫六。)

3. It's a good thing I have an empty stomach or else I'd puke right now. (翻译:我是空着肚子的, 这样真好, 要不我现在一定在呕吐.)

4. It's going to be like a lawn sprinkler but with puke just everywhere. (翻译:这将是像草坪洒水 但随着呕吐物只是无处不在。)

5. - They're harmless. They eat mosquitoes. - I'm going to wash my hair and puke. (翻译:他们事没有伤害的,他们吃蚊子 我都要吐了,我要去洗我的头发了)

6. I'm taking that pill that makes you puke when you drink and went back to AA for a little refresher course. (翻译:我吃了一片能使你 在喝酒时呕吐的药 然后回到戒酒所 上了一个小的进修课程)

7. Yeah, they pay money so they can almost puke. (翻译:是啊 他们花钱来坐的 所以理所当然要抱怨和指责)

8. Oh, and if you're wondering, no, the puke stains will not void this contract. (翻译:如果你在动歪脑筋的话 不行 呕吐迹不会使这合同失效)

9. This place is about to become a sea of sweat, ear-shattering music and puke. (翻译:这地方一会将人山人海,充满震耳欲聋的音乐)

10. There's people getting drunk building Lego, and you've got to finish the thing before you puke. (翻译:有的人边做边喝, 你可得在吐得一塌糊涂前做完才行。)

11. to ignore pain, ignore weather, to live off the land, to eat things that would make a billy goat puke. (翻译:视痛苦 天气为无物 在绝境中生存 去吃山羊都不吃的东西)

12. There's people getting drunk building LEGO, and you've got to finish the thing before you puke. (翻译:有的人边做边喝, 你可得在吐得一塌糊涂前做完才行。)

13. Chances are you end up with a mouthful of puke. Junkie puke. (翻译:你往往会沾一上嘴呕吐物 而且还是人的呕吐物)

14. You wanna go to the bathroom, clean some of the blood and the puke off you? (翻译:你想去洗手间 把这些血和呕吐物清理一下吗)

15. Behave at the party. Don't drink until you puke or get pregnant. Okay? (翻译:派对上悠著点,别喝吐了 也别让人占了便宜,懂不?)




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