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huayu是什么意思 huayu的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-13 10:18:28
  • 226

huayu是什么意思 huayu的中文翻译、读音、例句


读音:huá yǔ


1. 我正在学习华语,希望能够流利地说。

I am learning Mandarin and I hope to be able to speak fluently.

2. 她的母语是华语,但她也能说流利的英语。

Her mother tongue is Mandarin, but she can also speak fluent English.




例句:Objective To study the mechanism of traditional Chinese medicine compound of Qudu Huayu Formula on Chronic Myelocytic Leukemia (CML). (目的了解祛毒化瘀中药复方治疗慢性粒细胞白血病的作用机制。)


例句:Huayu Tongluo Decoction "was used to treat 239 cases of oviductal obstruction." (运用化瘀通络汤治疗输管阻塞239例。)


例句:Objective To study the mechanism of traditional chinese medicine compound of Qudu Huayu Formula on Chronic Myelocytic Leukemia(CML). (目的了解祛毒化瘀中药复方治疗慢性粒细胞白血病的作用机制。)


1. Objective To study the mechanism of traditional chinese medicine compound of Qudu Huayu Formula on Chronic Myelocytic Leukemia(CML). (翻译:目的了解祛毒化瘀中药复方治疗慢性粒细胞白血病的作用机制。)

2. Objective: To observe the effect of Bushen Huayu Decoction (BHD) on degenerative osteoarthropathy (DO). (翻译:目的:观察补肾化瘀方治疗老年退行性骨关节病的临床疗效。)

3. The application of Huayu silicone sealant in traction gear boxes of locomotives is presented. (翻译:介绍了华宇硅橡胶密封剂在机车牵引齿轮箱上的应用情况。)

4. The ideal state is critical fine for a few days, and one or two days of Gu Huayu, the Fu fine. (翻译:最理想的状态是暴晴几天,然后下上一两天的谷花雨,后儿转晴。)

5. Conclusion Qutan Huayu decoction has a good curative effect in preventing and improving insulin resistance and serum hypercoagulation state in old diabetes patients with coronary heart disease. (翻译:结论祛痰化瘀饮在改善老年糖尿病冠心病患者的胰岛素抵抗及血液高凝状态方面具有较好的疗效。)

6. In fact, tea Valley and Gu Hua did not contact and ran, but is grown in this season, Gu Huayu moist. (翻译:其实谷花茶和谷花并没有并然联系,不过是生长在这个季节,受谷花雨的滋润罢了。)

7. Objective it is to observe the effect of Qutan Huayu decoction (QHD) on insulin resistance and blood hypercoagulation in old diabetes patients with coronary heart disease. (翻译:目的观察中药祛痰化瘀饮对老年糖尿病合并冠心病患者胰岛素抵抗及血液高凝状态的影响。)

8. Sunny weather, high temperatures, with Gu Huayu for a variety of crop growth. (翻译:晴朗的天气、较高的气温、绵绵的谷花雨适合多种作物生长。)

9. Now, the rapid developing career is waiting for you! Join us and experience the culture of Huayu and realize the value of your life! (翻译:现在,快速发展的事业期待着优秀的您——来吧,感受华誉的家园文化,实现您的人生价值!)

10. Description Yin Huayu Tongluo protection in the treatment of osteoarthritis and aging joints have a certain effect. (翻译:说明滋阴化瘀通络法在治疗骨关节炎及保护衰老关节有一定的疗效。)

1. 含义:Huayu是指华语或汉语,在中文词汇中常用来指代中文。它是一个汉字和一个拼音组成的词语缩写,汉字“华”代表华夏文化,拼音“yu”代表语言。

例句:在华人社区中,学习华语非常重要。 In Chinese communities, it is very important to learn huayu.

汉字是学习华语的基础。 Chinese characters are the foundation of learning huayu.

2. 使用范围:Huayu可以用于中文学习、中文教学以及汉语文化传播等方面。它是汉语的一个概念,因此在全球广泛使用。

例句:这个学校提供丰富的华语课程,让学生们更好地学习中文。 This school offers a rich variety of huayu courses to help students learn Chinese better.

华语是东南亚许多国家的官方语言。 Huayu is the official language of many Southeast Asian countries.

3. 与其他语言的比较:Huayu与其他语言有不同之处,如语音、语法、词汇和文化背景等。因此,学习者需要有全面的学习计划。

例句:她曾经学了日语,但是现在她更加想学习华语。 She used to study Japanese, but now she wants to learn huayu more.

学习华语需要一定的心理准备和耐心。 Learning huayu requires certain mental preparation and patience.

4. 文化内涵:华语不仅是语言,更是中国文化的一部分。学习华语有助于更好地理解中国文化、习俗和历史。

例句:学习华语是了解中国民间艺术的好方法。 Learning huayu is a great way to understand Chinese folk art.

华语电影和音乐在全球范围内都很受欢迎。 Huayu movies and music are popular worldwide.

5. 教育意义:学习华语不仅有助于拓宽眼界和交流,而且对个人职业发展和国家发展都有积极的影响。因此,应该积极推广华语教育。

例句:学习华语对于在中国工作的外籍人士来说非常重要。 Learning huayu is very important for foreign workers who work in China.

推广华语教育有利于加强中国与世界各国的交流。 Promoting huayu education is beneficial for strengthening China's communication with other countries.

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